
Shinobi in the Shadow of Fairies

So our favourite ninja is too strong to die having furthered himself in his training. All his friends are dead and the age of shinobi is over. It is now the age of magic. Due to some past involvements, Naruto sees himself coming in contact with the mages of Fairy Tail... How does this affect the events that are to occur and what surprises are in store for them.

LOTS_Fiction · Cómic
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5 Chs


He had been quiet for the past hour, warm azure blue eyes surveying the entire island as he watched Fairy Tail, or at least this current generation's Fairy Tail. They were having a trial of some sorts when they were attacked by a dark guild, Grimoire Heart was their name. He could still remember the bare essentials he thought to himself with a small laugh. He could hear a deeper chuckle within him. He smiled. It had been many years since he'd seen this much excitement.

"So, what do you think?" a voice called right next to him. It belonged to a small petite girl with blond hair and shoeless feet. He raised his eyebrow and then shrugged.

"I've seen-"

"I know," she said with a small smile. He however didn't share the same enthusiasm as her.

"You know they've destroyed my island right" It wasn't a question but she made a nod nonetheless, bowing her head as if to apologise.

During their battle they had destroyed the giant Tree that was on the island, a tree that was pretty much close to him and practically radiating energy.

"I apologise on their behalf, but I believe the battle's not yet over."

He nodded as he heard a familiar shriek and then a roar.


"I knew they existed!" Natsu cried as he took in the sight of the dragon that was approaching them. It certainly didn't look like Igneel if his memory served him right. It was pitch black with blue markings.

"It's coming right at us," Lucy said as the dragon landed shaking the entire area where they stood.

It roared at them as it stood tall and mighty as it glared at them. Fairy Tail stood tall awaiting the mighty beast as it charged towards them. Makarov was having none of it as he grew in size, matching the dragon height. "Leave here you brats!" he yelled as he matched the dragon in battle for dominance, however he was no match, but still he was able to hold his own before slowly being pushed back.

"Don't you dare say that Gramps," Natsu yelled. "I'm a dragon Slayer and that's a dragon. Even I can do the math." He charged forward as if to attack the dragon and he was backed up by the other members of fairy tail.

Makarov was pissed, but deep down he was kind of proud. His children had grown.


A young man looked on at the carnage that unfolded before him. His face was devoid of emotions as he watched the dragon attack the members of Fairy Tail.

"Even I couldn't foresee this, the appearance of the Dragon of the Apocalypse, Acnologia the Dragon King." Zeref was silent for some time before he opened his eyes to speak.

"Goodbye Natsu…"


At that moment, the dragon now recognized as Acnologia was done playing. He took to the skies as he took in a deep breath.

"Is he…" Gray started.

"Preparing a breath attack?" Erza was the one who completed it.

"He intends to wipe us out."

"And the whole island too."

"Quick put on defensive spells."

"It takes too long to draw the seals and I don't think I have enough magic to draw a strong enough seal."

"Everyone direct your magic to Freed."

As this was said, each and every one of them held hands as they poured all their magic and emotion, their soul, their hearts and will.

"We'll all go home together." There was a moment's pause as they resolved their hearts into one.

"TO FAIRY TAIL!" they all shouted.

The dragon breath was fired.


Naruto watched as the attack unfolded. Close to him, Mavis' hand was clasped as if in prayer. A prayer that she herself wasn't sure would work. He mentally slapped himself as he launched himself toward the attack and she opened her eyes for a moment, surprised at the blond's actions.

Fairy Tail were prepared for the blast, but were surprised when it never came but instead they heard a shriek followed by a crash.

They looked up to see a young boy about their age covered in a golden aura.

"Who's he?"

The blond didn't bother answering as he raised his hand and formed a sphere of pure chakra. The sphere grew until it matched the dragon's breath attack in size.

"That should do it," he said as he launched it at the incoming attack.

Just before the attacks collided, he heard Mavis' voice. "There's a slight problem Naruto."


"You see… F-Fairy sphere w-worked."

"Yes, I knew that it would… why?"

"Well- What do you mean you knew that it would?"

"Oh please, they are Fairy Tail… I expected this much."

"Oh," she said with a raised eyebrow. "It seems to me like you don't know the implication of Fairy Sphere."


"Since Fairy sphere activated… they'll be sealed for as long as their bond can carry them and…"

"And what?"

"Well, you jumping in to help them is a kind of feeling, attachment or bond so…"

"Wait," he said as he finally realized what she was driving towards. "You mean to say that I'll be stuck with them for…"

He couldn't complete his statement as a golden orb enveloped him and the entire surrounding area. Before this though, the Fairy Tail mages had passed out, the effect of Mavis converting their feelings to magic.

"Damn you Mavis… How long will it last?"

"I don't know," she said with a pouty face. "Maybe months, weeks or years. Their bond so happens to be the strongest I've seen."

Naruto scoffed lightly as if to say otherwise. He had seen bonds that held greater emotions than theirs in his time. "Damn… I'm breaking out."

"Don't!" she yelled before he could do anything. "I'm not sure you can and even if you could then you'll most likely kill them. And besides the resulting collision of your attacks could also destroy the island." She held her hands out as she showed him the aftermath of the collision.

Naruto grit his teeth in frustration. She knew he was more than enough to take on Acnologia, but she still sought to use Fairy sphere. She of all people didn't even have faith in her disciples.

"Fine," he said as he reluctantly accepted his fate. "You owe me then…" a small smile played on his face as the entirety of Tenrou Island disappeared from the surface of Earthland. Mavis was able to catch a glimpse of it and couldn't help but wonder what exactly was playing on in Naruto's mindscape.

To everyone around the world, the news spread like wildfire… The core members of Fairy Tail were dead. Disappeared alongside the Island that they were on, killed by none other than the Dragon King of the Apocalypse, Acnologia.

Naruto disappeared into his mindscape, revealing a dark place filled with water that could reach somewhere close to a person's knee. The peculiar thing about this area was that it was home to a very unique guest. It was a rather large orange-red fox and it had nine tails as opposed to the standard one.

"Naruto," the Kyūbi said with his usual gruff voice. "What do you have in that mind of yours?"

"Me," Naruto said in a manner that suggested that he was feigning innocence.

"You know you can't fool me right?"

"I know…," he said trailing off a bit as if reminiscing. "It's just that I may just stick with these brats for the time being. Y'know, they kind of remind of me of the old days albeit just a little."

"I see. Well I won't stop you because you definitely need it. You're less of your old self now and if these kids will help you become you again, then I'm down for it."

"Thank you Kurama."


Roughly seven years had passed since the incident of Tenrou Island occurred. A lot of things had changed from that time till now, one of the major being that Fairy Tail had fallen in ranks to become the lowest guild in all of Fiore. This was because they had lost all their major members in the Tenrou Island incident.

They hardly received mission requests and even lost their guild building in the process to a new guild in Magnolia, Twilight Ogre. They were treated as trash but unbeknownst to them, things were about to change. Beneath the ocean floor, Tenrou Island remained unscathed and completely wrapped in a golden sphere of pure magic.

Inside the sphere, one boy remained unaffected by the magic. Naruto had decided to change his attire while he was inside the sphere, or more like add an extra attire to his orange tracksuit. He wore a white haori with red flame patterns on the edge. Next to him was the first master of Fairy Tail, Mavis Vermillion.

"How long as it been?" he asked her with a twig in his mouth.

"Seven minutes in here, seven years on the outside," she replied with a calm voice.

"Is that so? That's some amazing bond they've got there."

"It's almost time."


"Wake up Natsu," Jet said as he alongside Droy and Warren noticed the boy's signature pink hair sticking out from the ground. "Natsu!" he shouted this time with a slap.

"What!" Natsu shouted as he got up from the ground with gusto, ready to fight. "What happened?" he asked, noticing the tears that were on the faces of Jet, Droy and Warren. They hugged him in return, further shocking him.

"Did you guys age?" he asked as he looked them. "And Droy got fat too." There was a tone of cheeriness in his voice.

"Yes," came their reply. "But you didn't. You're still the same Natsu." Their voice was laced with surprise and joy.

"Yeah. We were fighting this huge dragon and then… we… Where is everybody?" he asked with a face that almost displayed horror.

"They are here," a small voice said. They turned around to see Mavis.

"Who's she?" Natsu asked.

"She was the one that led us here. Who are you?" was Droy's follow up as he realized that they didn't actually know who she was.

She didn't bother answering as she led them to where the other members of Fairy Tail were. It wasn't until everyone was assembled that she proceeded to give them explanation.

"I am Mavis Vermillion, the first master of Fairy Tail." Now that piece of information surprised everyone.

At this time, the other members were been brought up by Jet, Droy and Warren and a very confused Natsu.

Makarov looked at the person in front of him and smiled. "Thank you for protecting us," he said with a smile.

"You're welcome but in this case I did more harm than good." She giggled slightly and pointed towards Naruto's direction.

It took a while before they were able to recognise him as the one that took on Acnologia seeing as then he was clad in Golden aura.

"Thank you," Makarov said as he walked up to the blond boy. Naruto just responded by waving his hand as if it didn't matter. "If it isn't too much, why not join us… You've been on…"

"I'll have to cut you short there… I don't think it'll be a good idea for me to join you guys."

"Why do you say that?" Lucy asked. At this point all of them had joined the conversation.

"It is quite unlike me to join a group. I don't…"

"Oh just tell them you'll do it," Mavis said, interrupting them. "After all, you are a member of Fairy Tail."

Now this was odd. None of them could attest to having seen him before in their lives.

"If he's a mage, how come we haven't seen him before." It was Levy who said this.

Naruto turned to her with a small smile. "You see I've basically been on this island all my life… and I think I need a change of pace." His voice was calm as he said this. "I'll join you guys."

Everyone's reaction wasn't anything much with the exception of Mavis who squealed.


The entirety of Fairy Tail boarded the boat that Jet, Droy and Warren had brought as they made their way back to Magnolia. It is at this point that Jet points out to the group that seven years had passed and that Magnolia had changed quite a bit. Like for instance, they were no longer the strongest guild in the Kingdom, oh and Alzack and Bisca had gotten married and had a daughter, Asuka. So with this it was no surprise to the guild when they walked in on the guild that had taken over from them, Twilight Ogre. Apparently one of them was about to attack Romeo Conbolt, Macao's son.

Before anyone could move, they found the mages outside of their guild, sent flying by someone or something that none could pick up.

Cheers and tears filled everyone's eyes as they welcomed the family that they thought they had lost for good. The story was recounted and tales cheered as Fairy Tail began to party to make up for the times that they had lost together.

Naruto found himself in a corner of the guild, seating down and enjoying his company. Before he could bother to relax further, the doors burst in and five figures walked in.

"It's Lamia Scale," Wendy said in a cheer.

"Nice to see you guys are back in one piece," Lyon said. Beside him were Jura, Sherry, Tobi and Yuka.

"Lyon," Gray called as he acknowledged the boy, a smirk playing on his face.

"It's a shame Blue Pegasus made it to you before us," he pointed out with a sigh.

"Yeah… Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale had been helping us with the search," Macao said nonchalantly before turning and begging Makarov to accept the title of Guild Master, to which the old man refuses.

"You know, Lamia Scale is currently the Number 2 Guild in all of Fiore," Tobi said with a thumbs up pointed at himself and the rest of his guild.

"Who's number one? let me guess Blue Pegasus…" Lucy asked but before they could respond, Jura cut them short.

"I think for now it is necessary that we just be grateful for their safety. No need to spoil the atmosphere."

"Who's that?" Lyon asked as he pointed in the direction of Naruto.

Everyone grew silent as the inevitable had been asked. Makarov proceeded to narrate the brief story to Jura and the rest of Lamia Scale.

"You should have seen him," Natsu interjected. "He was like this and that and wham…"

"He's really strong," Gray said in acknowledgment of the blond.

The party continues for time before Lamia Scale ups and leaves as they had guild matters to attend to. The party continues and Naruto reminisces quite a bit on his old life.

He saw himself in Natsu and how he was always arguing and fighting with Gray, it kinda reminded him of his fights with Sasuke. A smile made its way to his face as he remembered his best friend. Then there was the Old Man, Makarov. He had the demeanor of Old Man Third, Sarutobi Hiruzen. They were a lively bunch, kind of how he and the rest of the gang were back in the day.

Juvia's advances towards Gray and Lucy's attraction for Natsu. Erza's love of sweets, specifically cakes reminded him of Anko's love of dango. They were alike in some ways and in others they weren't. Well for one Fairy Tail was happier than they were back in the day, mostly because they grew up around wars and the likes. He made the right decision to stick around.

Naruto opened his eyes to see Laxus taking a seat near him. He eyes the Lightning Dragon Slayer and he returns his stare. Naruto smiles at this and they continue for a while before Laxus breaks it off.

A silence loomed over both of them as they enjoyed their company rather than wanting to make contact with the other party. Naruto's mind was however blooming with creativity. He knew that Laxus wanted to fight him, but he would like to see how the Lightning Dragon Slayer would go about it.

Twenty minutes pass with neither side giving in and Laxus decided to cave. "I would like to battle you."

Naruto raised an eyebrow at that. "What for?"

"You drove Acnologia away with your power. I would like to see where I stood against that level of power and improve upon myself."

Naruto was about to answer when Natsu charged in. Apparently the entire guild had been watching them.

"I would like to battle Naruto!" Natsu shouted as he held a flaming fist high in the air, however Naruto merely ignored him.

"Okay Laxus… I accept your bout."

This shocked Laxus a bit because he was sure the Naruto had never heard his name before. "How did y-"

"I know things," Naruto replied, cutting him short with a shrug.

"I also have another reason of battling you."

"Oh… and what's that?"

"To know the thoughts you have and your intent towards this guild."

"Fair enough," Naruto replied and turned to Erza. "Would you like to referee the match?"

She accepts the offer and moves everyone to the back. That was where the fight would be taking place. Everyone was so keen on watching this fight. On one hand, you had the grandson of the former Master and one of the strongest mages in Fairy Tail. An S-class wizard with a well developed muscular physique that would intimidate most.

And on the other hand we had what appeared to be a ninja with unknown strength and power. Unknown magic and seemed to lack any special origins with a body that was developed but less than that of his opponent. Anyone who saw the fight would give the win to Laxus but that was not the case here.

"How would you like the match?" Naruto asked.

"Go all out."

"Hmm… I have a better idea. Simple fist fight. What better way for two fighters to understand each other than over a simple brawl."

Laxus nods his head in understanding as he faced Naruto. Both fighters were silent and calculating. The atmosphere became so heavy around them that people began to sweat uncontrollably.

"Begin!" Erza called.

And that's a wrap. I really had fun writing this chapter. Shinobi in the Shadow of Fairies Chapter 1. Anyone who has link to YagamiNguyen should please contact me because I need to thank him… and please I didn't copy his work. There are definitely similarities but trust me it isn't copied. Please I hope you guys didn't see it like that.

Okay this chapter ended on a cliffhanger. Next chapter concludes the fight between Naruto and Laxus and I think it's kind of obvious who the Victor is but I'm going to leave it to your imagination. Any suggestions would be gladly appreciated.

LOTS_Fictioncreators' thoughts