

Humans always were curious creatures. They always wanted to know how things worked around them. And something they always tried to understand better was death. It was quite exciting to wonder what will happen once your soul left your body.

Some would think that you will be judged and sent to heaven or hell. Others will say that you will just cease to exist. While the some others would just say that your soul will wander that void for eternity. And those last people were right....Maybe. Atleast it was the case for Koro. He had killed himself for what seemed to be years ago, but he actually didn't know how much time had passed. He didn't really have any way to actually know that, and he certainly didn't have any way to know where he was.

For now the only thing he could see was darkness, a cold and infinite darkness. He couldn't evrn see his body, but he could touch it. It was quite strange as he couldn't really sense any warmth from his coming out of his body. It kinda felt like he was underwater, except that he didn't even need to breath, something that greatly shocked him. He however found that to be interesting, so he tried to move around but couldn't.

He looked around for any source of light, but didn't find any. It was a new thing for him, and as such it excited him. Unfortunately that excitement died when he finally understood that he couldn't do anything. And like during all of his life, he was bored.

" Well you certainly look depressed. You have to be the first human that doesn't get scared by that. Most people don't take too kindly to being placed in the void." Said a voice. Koro stiffened when he heard the voice. It was the first time in his life that he was happy to hear someone else's voice.

"W-Who's there ?! Where are you ?!" Asked Koro, to which the being answered by appearing in front of the stunned man. The being's appearence was intriguing to say the least. It's body was composed of black flames that produced no light, yet Koro was still able to see the being.

" I know, I know. You are wondering how you can something black when you're surrounded by nothing but shadows, huh ?" Asked the being with it's somewhat robotic voice. Koro nodded and the being chuckled." That's because i'm a God!!! And no i'm not lying !" Said the being while adding the last part when he saw Koro frowning.

"Then if you are a God, let me ask you question." Said Koro.

" Okay, as long as it's not something like ' Why don't you help people?' Or 'Why do you let Evil do as it wants ?', i'm really tired of hearing those. I mean I know Humans are stupid, but I don't think it's difficult to understand that the universe works like that. Evil and Good, Light and Darkness, Creation and Destruction. Those things need to be battling for control all the time, but one side cannot win for too long, or the universe will do something to fix this problem. Something that is quite worse than having people starve because other members of their OWN race don't want to help them." Said the being, huffing in anger while Koro smiled.

" Quite a different answer than what I'm used to hear...Interesting. But that's not what I was going to ask. I wanted to know what will happen to me. I killed myself because i found life too boring, but you appeared right in front of me, and I feel like you're gonna tell me something interesting." Said Koro, smiling like he used to when he was a child and didn't know how boring life could be.

".....You still act like i'm not a God. If I proved that i'm indeed a God, you would most likely panic, but i don't think that's a good idea. So i'm gonna answer your question, because i was indeed going to tell you something interesting......How about I reincarnate you in the world of Naru-" The being didn't get to finish his answer that Koro interrupted him.

"Nope. I mean it's an interesting world, which is obvious since it's so different from my own world....But i just hate it. It had so much potential, but it was filled with some nonsense that i never really liked. I mean the whole story of Sasuke disgusted me, because of how stupid Sasuke was, but the mere fact that Tsunade abandoned her village made me hate Naruto. I mean it's quite ridiculous that a Shinobi, a soldier trained since she was child to obey the orders of her village, abandoned her village because two persons she liked died. I mean it's only two people, and Shinobi kills, shinobi obey orders, Shinobi are cold.....Shinobi don't abandon their home because of their emotions, and they most certainly don't stop being Shinobi because they have a fear of blood, especially when said Shinobi is a Medic-Nin. Plus i don't remember much from this manga." Said Koro, but he quickly regretted his words when he saw the being smiling widely.

" Well then, if you think this world is so stupid...If you despise it so much....WHY DON'T YOU GO THERE AND CHANGE IT?!!!" Yelled the being, while a light appeared in front of Koro, blinding him by how bright it was.

"W-WHA...I'M NOT GOING THERE!!!I ALREADY KILLED MYSELF ONE TIME, I'M NOT GOING TO A WORLD I DESPISE MORE THAN MY OWN !!!!" Shouted Koro when he saw the being appearing behind and pushing him towards the light. Koro tried to move out of the way, but just couldn't.

"HAHAHAH! Don't worry my friend, you're gonna like this world. It is a little bit different from the Naruto World you know. Plus i'm not gonna give you any special ability. And I guess it's going to be a little difficult for you , since you don't remember much about this world as you said...Meh! Not. My. Problem !" Said the being before he kicked Koro, sending him towards the light which disappeared a second after. Koro was nowhere to be seen.

" He should be quite surprised when he realize that i sent him into the body of a baby. Maybe he will be even more surprised when he realize his situation...." Said the being, adopting a thinking pose. The being's eyes then widened and his smile widened as much as it could.

" Hahaha! He will be even more surprised when he understand where he was sent!!!"

Hope you liked it!!!

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Sorry for any grammar errors, i'm writing on my phone and it's so goddamn hard.

Glasgowcreators' thoughts