
Shinitai negai

This story is about a demon getting killed by a a newly hero and his party he ventures out to create his ow world where he wants to live in peace but multiple challenges keep getting in his way.

Knight_8915 · Fantasía
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92 Chs

A warrior In The Midst

Ryuga blitzed in for a strike, his fist connecting with Knight's face. Knight, however, stood there unfazed. Despite being shocked by Ryuga's evolution, he quickly shook it off and retorted that this would be fun. As Knight began to approach Ryuga, the latter started rushing in wildly. Knight effortlessly dodged the attacks while appraising Ryuga's stats. It turned out that Ryuga's race had changed to that of a dragon, and his stats were astounding, with a base stat of three hundred. His strikes were powerful; fortunately, he didn't possess any skills, or he would have been the strongest among all the reincarnations.

Knight knew he had to remain cautious because there was one skill in his arsenal: "Berserk." This skill lowered defense but significantly boosted strength. As Knight continued to dodge Ryuga's onslaught, memories of the story's beginning flooded his mind. He capitalized on an opening, delivering a powerful punch to Ryuga's stomach, causing him to collapse unconscious.

Meanwhile, in a distant land on the Dragon Continent, the Dragon Princess felt a strange interference. Sensing the urgency, she assembled her forces and set out towards the source of the disturbance. After a long journey, she finally arrived at a domain that belonged to Knight.