
Shifting Lands

In a world ravaged by war and strife, the remnants of humanity survive among the ruins of ancient civilizations. Many secrets lie within these ruins, obtainable by forming contracts with beings of a higher order. Follow the protagonist as he completes his coming-of-age ceremony and becomes a Contractor.

floppj · Fantasía
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Looking over the breadth of a flowing river, a man stands at the shoreline.

The man's figure is by no means small in stature. He is well-proportioned, standing at a height much taller than the average man. His fair skin tone glistened from the slight spray of water splashing off the rocks at his feet.

"Carried along by the natural flow..." he remarks as he glances toward the leaves floating along the stream.

Many jagged tattoos lay outstretched along the man's body. The art shatters any concept of order—almost as if some madman chiseled his broken mind onto the man's skin.

He continues to walk along the riverbank and stops at an area with rocks impeding the flow of the water. The stone formations push back against the force of the water, but to no avail.

"Even with something in its way, the current continues on."

The mysterious person continues his steady walk along the waterside. As he approaches what seems to be a sheer drop in the path of the river, he begins to slow down. He looks at the river and revels in the beauty of the waterfall created by nature. His eyes trace the spray of water and the colorful reflection caused by the sun.

"The current overpowers all, but still..."

As his vision pans farther downward, it becomes clear that the sheer drop is more than a cliff face. The man is standing at the edge of an island floating high in the sky. The landscapes below him stretch out to the horizon, and similar floating islands paint the distant sky. Ruined buildings, overgrown by vegetation, dot the fields and valleys below.

The man stares into the distance and sighs. It is clear that whatever he remembered was better left in the depths of his mind.

Just a bit of magical and mysterious setup for my story! Hope you enjoy what is to come...

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