
Shifter Sans

Undertale fanfiction that I wanted to try to do for fun, this is my first time writing anything so don't be too harsh. It's the usual route, MC meets god, gets 3 wishes and goes on his adventure, BUT he doesn't remember anything other than fictions (Games, Animes, etc.). WebOfSpidey, if you wish for me to take off the cover tell me so.

BreathOfSin · Derivados de juegos
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16 Chs

Undertale - Pacifist

Shifter's POV

"Hey kid, you alright?" I asked Frisk awkwardly because I didn't have such experience, nor did any Sanses who I transformed into

Frisk continued crying so I kneeled down and patted her head with an awkward expression until she calmed down

All of a sudden jumped towards me so I teleported away and looked in her way to see her pouting

"...I just wanted a hug" Frisk almost whispered

"Huh? I'm a skeleton you know? Hugging a skeleton is not the best feeling I tell ya" I asked with raised eyebrows because this was sudden for me

"Then, transform into human! Didn't you transform into other forms? Then you can transform into a human too!" Frisk screamed that out and looked away pouting

She was clearly angry for me dodging so I succumbed to her desires and transformed into Overtale Sans

Image here^

"Make it quick" Saying that I opened my arms for a hug

Frisk jumped into his embrace and silently whispered "Thanks you.." before falling asleep

I looked at her with dumbfounded expression

'What part of "Make it quick" did she not understand, she even fell asleep!...'

I was all grumpy and shit but I still took her into my arms and teleported into Papyrus's room before laying her down into his bed

After all that I went to find Sans which was in Grillbyz as he said so

"Heya" I waved

Sans looked me over and asked

"So, what did you do to the human?"

"Nothing much, she's sleeping in your brother's bed currently" I shrugged

"Say what?! You laid down that dirty brother killer into my brother's bed?!" Sans looked as if he was ready to kill with his eye already being blue

"Chill, pal, I already got rid of "The one in control", there won't be any more genocide runs... I think." I averted my eyes

"...You- *sigh* Whatever, so, when's she going to wake up?" Sans asked looking as if it's the most tiresome day of his life

"How the hell would I know that, you can go and check her" As I said that I took a seat beside him and took ketchup bottle before drinking

It actually tasted pretty good, maybe because I am a Sans? Who knows

"Bloody hell, it tastes so good!" I voiced my thoughts loudly

Sans looked at me as If I was dumb

"Whatever, I'll go take a look" Sans teleported away

I continued drinking and drinking... I somehow even got drank, how they hell is that possible with ketchup?

I woke up the next morning? I don't know how to tell time in the underground on some flowers, Frisk was right beside me, she didn't notice that I was awake

"Hehe, so this is how Sans looks like as a human, cute~" Frisk said with alittle red on her cheecks

"Don't call me cute- No, don't call any man cute, that's an insult to any man" right after saying that Frisk turned around not looking at me

I used that moment to change back into Classic

"So, you did a reset? What are you planning to do from now on?" I asked without a care, after all this world was not mine but Classic's

Frisk turned around and seriously said "But of course I will do pacifist! I didn't like the genocide runs one bit, most importantly killing mom..." Saying that some tears appeared in her eyes

"Well, in that case, cya" I teleported away to Grillbyz

I didn't teleport right into the Grillbyz because that would be troublesome, I teleported near dumpster and then walked into Grillbyz

Grillbyz bar was pretty neat, it looked like 90s type of bar, it was lively with all kinds of monsters inside, the ones that caught his attention were, The dog type monsters that were playing poker, they noticed me and started saying their hello

"Hello sans, how are you?"

"Heya sans, how are you?"

"Hello sans! How you doin'?"

It was... not what I liked, I think... The first thing I thought was troublesome but I still answered

"I feel puntastic! How about you Dogamy and Dogaressa? Do you not plan on getting a pup for yourself yet?" I had Classic's usual smirk but they could somehow tell that I was actually smirking

"Actually... We already are awaiting several pups" Their tails wagging side to side

"Congrats" everyone else also congratulated them while I walked up to grillby

"The usual Grillbz" I said with one eye closed

Grillby as usual, atleast as it was in Sans's memories gave me some ketchup

"Thanks" I started drinking once again until I passed out, the next thing I remember is seeing paps taking the Drunk me out of Grillby's establishment

I woke up several hours later, Sans and Papyrus standing over me

"So you finally woke up huh? I thought you'd leave but I guess not.." Said Sans with a not so pleased voice

"Wowie another skeleton! But why do you look like my brother? Are we related?" Asked Paps with excitement and confusion

"Heheh, actually I don't have anywhere to go as of yet, can I stay here for a while?" I said while scratching my head

"No-" before sans could finish Papyrus screamed out

"Of course, brother's clone! I, the great papyrus welcome you with open arms!" Papyrus had a goofy smile on his face

"Thanks, pal" I shot a winner's grin towards Sans which Shrugged and walked away

"Paps, you're gonna be late for the meeting with Undyne, be quick"

"Oh right! I almost forgot. Sans's clone, I'll go meet with Undyne, you can stay here for as long as you want, If you want to eat, there's leftover spaghetti in the fridge!" Said papyrus before running away

I stood up and walked out of the room, nobody was there and I was pretty hungry so I went into the kitchen, straight towards the fridge, took out the leftover spaghetti and started eating

Although the game portrayed Papyrus's spaghetti as disgusting, It was pretty good, maybe because It's the first food I ever ate? Probably

After I finished eating I went out, I unlike certain someone, keeped "his" promise and looked over the human, using his blue magic when needed, at last Frisk made it to the end, finished the True pacifist run and went out into the human world


Everything was white, no matter where you looked, you would see nothing but white color, despite that, there was someone there sitting down crying, he had Black and white Royal guard cloak and armor, he had one red and one white eye, what most wouldn't notice is that he had a ghost above him that looked somewhat similar to Chara

"I-I killed them, I destroyed my world, I failed them..." He was drowning in self pity while the ghost was looking at him in disgust

After a while, someone approached the person which was in despair and said

"Hello my friend!" Appeared ink out of his ink portal with stars in his eyes, although, they turned to question marks soon as both ink and the Black/White duo looked at each other

"A-ah, hello my name's ink, let's be friends" Ink put out one of his hands out while holding a purple flusk in his other hand behind his back

The other two looked at each other and nodded

Holding Ink's hand for a handshake he said "Cross"

I know what you think, Frisk is still a kid and shouldn't be blushing for an older man but that's not unusual in my opinion after all I was a pervert since I was 12 years old. Now, we're going to start underverse arc which will mess up the plot quite much, I'll change some thing in there so It doesn't get boring for people who already watched Underverse war in youtube, it's neat, I totally recommend it.

BreathOfSincreators' thoughts