
Shifter Sans

Undertale fanfiction that I wanted to try to do for fun, this is my first time writing anything so don't be too harsh. It's the usual route, MC meets god, gets 3 wishes and goes on his adventure, BUT he doesn't remember anything other than fictions (Games, Animes, etc.). WebOfSpidey, if you wish for me to take off the cover tell me so.

BreathOfSin · Derivados de juegos
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16 Chs

Undertale - Genocide

Kid slowly opened his eyes, he felt that something wasn't right and looked around.

He was in a cave, laying on yellow flowers, there was a light coming from the hole that was around 10 meters up from Kid's position.

The kid realized where he was and thought 'I woke up at the start of the frisk's journey... I don't see frisk anywhere, she (Yes, I think that frisk is a female) probably went ahead... or didn't fall at all'

The kid stood up but noticed that he had skeletal hand, after that he looked down and saw his clothes: an unzipped blue hoodie, a white shirt, black shorts with white lining, and a pair of slippers.

'Huh, I really am sans, but why do I not have his me-' he stopped thinking mid sentence because Classic sans'es memories assaulted his mind, Many routes, Genocide, pacifist, neutral, Although, it seems Classic didn't yet meet AUs yet.

'That was... weird, I gotta get used to it' after that he went inside the ruins


"You're a freaking weirdo! Not only do you not like the puzzles But the way you shamble about from place to place... The way your hands are always covered in dusty powder. It feels... Like your life is going down a dangerous path" Said the tall skeleton to the little human

'Why do I have to see my brother die again...' thought the small skeleton that was hiding behind trees.

"However! I, papyrus, see great potential in you! Everyone can be a great person if they try! And me, I hardly have to try at all! Nyehehe!" Continued Papyrus with a pride look.

'I don't want to see him die anymore...' Small skeleton thought almost tearing up

"Hey! Quit moving. This is exactly what I am talking about! Human! I think you're in need of guidance! Someone needs to keep you straight and narrow! But worry not! I, papyrus... Will gladly be your friend and tutor! I will turn your life right around!" Said Papyrus with uncertainity in his eyesockets

'Paps, you're just too kind, but the human, they WILL kill you' thought the small skeleton with certainity

"I see you're approaching! Are you offering a hug of acceptance? Wowie! My lessons are already working! I, Papyrus welcome you with open arms!" Said Papyrus and although he was scared, he opened his arms for a hug

Human ran fast towards Papyrus brandishing her knife and before she could cut off Papyrus's neck, small skeleton teleported away not wanting to see his brother die AGAIN.

*SLASH* Papyrus's head fell off, he still wasn't dead and still tried to help human change but human mercilessly crushed Papyrus's skull.

-Back to MC

While he walked through the ruins he saw many dust piles, not even one monster was in sight

'Genocide huh, I didn't like genocide runs in my past life... I think' thought the kid

After a while he saw a house in the middle of the ruins and went inside, the inside of the house was cozy and there was a faint smell of a pie, there was a sudden rumble

'I'm hungry' thought the kid while patting his ribs

'How did I even get hungry in the first place? I'm a skeleton now' The kid thought with interest although it dissapeared after awhile.

At last he reached the exit of the ruins, there was a huge pile of dust with purple gown with Deltarune symbol in the middle of it.

'Toriel... nice lady, but she's overprotective of the human' thought the kid while opening the ruin's gates

Infront of him was a forest covered in snow, he didn't feel cold, instead he felt warmth as if he came back home, he didn't have memories of his past and although he knew that his new memories weren't actually his, he still considered this place as his home, after all this is the first world he has memories of.

The kid went ahead, he saw many dust piles on his way to grillbyz, he could've just teleported there, but he wanted to walk there with his own two legs. after a while he came to grillbyz, it was deserted, there was nobody but... the small skeleton that was calling Papyrus his brother.

"Huh? Who's there?" Spoke the small skeleton, with a voice that screamed that he was drunk!

"...So she killed Papyrus huh" These were the kid's first words ever since being alive once again.

Now completely sober the small skeleton turned around and screamed "Who are you?!"

"You, but without a funny bone, heh."

Hello, once again, if anyone reads this, thank you! I hope you like it.

BreathOfSincreators' thoughts