
Shifter Sans

Undertale fanfiction that I wanted to try to do for fun, this is my first time writing anything so don't be too harsh. It's the usual route, MC meets god, gets 3 wishes and goes on his adventure, BUT he doesn't remember anything other than fictions (Games, Animes, etc.). WebOfSpidey, if you wish for me to take off the cover tell me so.

BreathOfSin · Derivados de juegos
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16 Chs

One sided fight

Shifter Pov

It was Sans's last moments, I am still wondering why does a skeleton have blood...

'I guess it's time' thinking that I transformed into Dust and although I was expecting ghost Papyrus to appear but it appears that Dust just had Schizophrenia.

Image here^

'Alright, it's time to beat the shit out of them' I teleported right behind Player and put on the craziest smile I found in dust's memories which he had at HIS Frisk's last moments

"Where are you going? Fun's just starting" What I said was my true thoughts after all, I'm in this world for FUN

General Pov

"S-sans?! B-but, I just killed you!" Player stuttered as if she saw Undead dead

"As you see, you didn't, now... LET'S HAVE A MAD TIME!" Screamed Shifter finally not holding himself back to pumell the Player

Shifter threw his bones towards players but the thing that player wasn't expecting was that along with bones there were undynes blue and yellow spears, although player was shocked she was used to those kind of attacks and dodged, not for long because the next moment Player dodged Asgore's trident pierced through her

"H-how do you have those attacks?! *Cough cough*" Player coughed up some blood, shock evident on her face

"Goodbye, partner" Shifter didn't answer and instead switched to Killer sans and stabbed his knife through Player's eye

Image here^

Player soon respawned at their checkpoint and Sans was once more alive

"H-huh? Judgement hall? Wasn't I supposed to appear in my bed once again?" Said sans with visible confusion on his face

"Sans, leave, the human is mine"

After he turned around Sans saw Shifter once again although he had hatred coming out of his eyes (Literally), Sans's one blue eye lit up and he jumped back summoning his blasters

"Who are you?!" Screamed Sans ready to blast him away

"It's rude pointing your blasters at me, don't you think so?" Said Shifter

"Answer or you I'll kill you" Sans looked like he was really going to do it that's why Shifter answered again

"Chill, pal, it's me Shifter, remember? It's just one of my abilities, relax" Shifter put his hands up in peacefull manner

"Shifter?" Sans visibly relaxed after hearing that and checked his stats, which were the same as before


HP: 300 AT: 1 DEF: 23

Currently the strongest monster in the underground.

Sans unsummoned his blasters and asked

"Why do you have hate coming out of your eyes?"

"It's one of my abilities, I just "Shifted" into another version of us" Said Shifter with Sans's ever present smile

"Alright, in that case cya, I'm going to grillbyz" Sans "Took a shortcut" and dissapeared

-meanwhile the Player

"Chara! You saw that too didn't you?! He had hate coming out of his eyes like you!" Screamed out player almost panicking

Chara was silently observing the direction that two Sanses were in but she didn't tell player anything and just turned around to ignore Player

"CHARA, you ugly ghost, answer me! Is it because of you that he got revived?!" but the Player continued talking to Chara

After awhile when Sans was already gone she just sighed and started walking towards Shifter

"Ready for round two? PARTNER" Shifter already turned into Killer sans and took on his role

"Guh, stop with the partner line, I'm already getting tired of it" Player spitted out her words

Suddenly the hall turned red, no, it wasn't blood but red knives made of magic

"Oh shi-" Player couldn't finish her words when she became pincushion

"That's two" Shifter said before she could reset

Then another reset happened but this time Shifter was already behind the Player shifted yet into another Sans which had gaping hole in his skull with bloodshot left eye

Image here^

"Another headdog coming out!" Shifter grabbed Player's arm turning her around and before she could react her head was chopped off

Sans switched between those three forms until Player lost all hope, she was just sitting there, not moving

"You gave up? HAH, who would've thought" Shifter started laughing at the player

Player didn't answer and after a few minutes Shifter stopped laughing

"Alright, now, time to get rid of you for once and for all" Said Shifter with a crazy smile and turned into Cross sans

Image here^

"Goodbye" that's when an unknown button appeared right beside Shifter, "OVERWRITE", he pressed it and although for the first few moments nothing happened then there was a change... Player... No, Frisk started crying!

Although I don't know if Cross Sans can do that but I'm the author, that's why I'm gonna decide that ;D

BreathOfSincreators' thoughts