
Shield Hero: Hero or Condemnar??

[AU] [The Rising of The Shield Hero] ----------- The new world called upon the Four Heroes to save their world from their impending destruction. While three of them were newbies, the fourth, Naofumi Iwatani, is experienced, as if he's been a Shield Hero from a hundred years ago. Armed with new powers that can alter/cheat his entire combat style, the world will know if he is here as a hero, or a condemner. ------------- ------------- **I do not own anything everything goes to its respective owner** fanfic creator = IrateWritreviewer link = https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13309149/0

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19 Chs

[Chapter=17] Trial

"You... You're his daughter, aren't you?" Naofumi queried to Myne, who didn't really answer back.

Naofumi only clicked his teeth at her silence. "Of course you are. Why else would the King believe you over me?"

"What? She's his daughter?" Ren mumbled in disbelief. Itsuki was caught surprised as well. However, Motoyasu...

"Don't ignore me, Shield Hero!" Motoyasu warned, and was about to thrust... but Naofumi was not in the mood to play games.

Dodging the Spear, his fist glowed bright before he gave a straight up punch to Motoyasu. Usually the punch would be like a small slap to the face, but this one...


His own fist glowed with the energy required, enough to punch Motoyasu in the face, point blank, and release the energy.

The man, not expecting the raw power, was launched into one of the door of the homes just across the street.

Many gasped at the audacity of the man's brazenness to attack a Hero.

"LORD MOTOYASU!" Myne called out, running to the knocked out Motoyasu, slowly getting up.

But their blood froze as the sight of an angry Shield Hero leaking killer intent walked up to them.

"Protect the Princess!" The Captain tried to rally his troops, but Naofumi looked at them, and they froze as well.

The pressure of the feeling of dread began to rise, paralyzing them. Ren, Itsuki and even the King looked surprised and intimidated.

Prepping another powerful Repel, the man reared his fist... before Ake stepped in between them.

"L-Lord Naofumi! Please stop!" The young knight pleaded with Naofumi, who still had the angry look on his and projected it to Ake.

His knees buckled and his resolve was shaken, but he continued anyway. "I-I-I know that you feel wr-wronged b-b-by all th-this, b-but please, l-let our K-King help y-y-you! I s-swear my l-life into it!" Ake tried his best to convince Naofumi, while keeping eye contact with him.

He was expecting all of his convincing to fail... until Naofumi took a deep breath and lowered his arm. He couldn't hurt Ake, a young man who trusts him. He didn't deserve it.

"Tsh... fine." Naofumi grumbled, turning his head, not sparing a second glance at Ake, who smiled gratefully.

Ignoring what was going on around him, the man just marched to the castle silently, one thought prevailing in his mind.

'I take it back. This place... it's worse than what it was years ago.'



The Word is sacred. The law is absolute. That was how the world revolved, especially in our monarchy.

Kingdoms had kings, queens, lords and regents towering above the serf and peasant to deliver their hands of judgement upon the world below.

That was how the Gods formed their upbringings: with fire and stone, carved like clay and molded into the fates they were designed to become.

The royal families of queens and princesses were chosen by God Himself, their beliefs representing what they were to become, the moment before their birth.

A perfect will, along with the representation of their beliefs, as they can say, projected for the sheep like us to follow.

True divine beings, in other words, who becomes the law, who become order... who become absolute within their citadel.

And we as the dutiful followers of the Three Heroes Church must strive to perfect that practice, as children chosen by the three Gods themselves will stray without our help.

To forge a path to be like the Gods who have wielded the Spear, Sword and Bow.

To combat the evil that is the Shield Demon.

- First Passage of "The Word of the Three Heroes", Author unknown.

<><><><><>(flashback end)

(A/N: These types of flashbacks will come in some chapters remember these flashbacks are from the past)


"I still do not see the point of this."

Naofumi stated as a matter-of-fact, the man crossing his arms as he was standing in a portable witness's stand in the middle of the throne room.

The knights were on the side, standing to attention in their formation.

Ministers hung in front of the King, and the nobles gathered at the second floor gallery to watch the trial.

The three Cardinal Heroes, along with their respective parties, were standing on the side, closer to the King's throne, which was on opposite to the entrance.

Ake looked nervous, as the knights weren't looking at him with positive looks.

The Captain gave him quite an evil eye as well, which made him want to sink into his armour like a turtle in its shell.

The King, sitting on his own seat, had a glare upon the Shield Hero, but hiding it well enough for most of the public to not see.

Malty, on the other hand, had a smirk on her face as she stood nearby Motoyasu's side, clearly having a hard time hiding her glee.

"The accused shall not speak, for I, King Aultcray of Melromarc, shall decide your fate, Shield Hero." Aultcray announced, starting the trial.


"Now, this trial is now in session, for the Shield Hero, accused of violence and murder within the walls of Melromarc." The King began, announcing the crime Naofumi was accused of.

"The victims were the Juvenile knights of Melromarc, some of the townspeople and merchants, along with their stalls damaged beyond repair, and the murder of one noble and a valued friend, Lord Augustus."

"Murder too?" Itsuki interrupted in shock, before eyeing Naofumi. "How could you?! It was only one day, and you murder somebody?!"

"Shut your mouth, shrimp." Naofumi harshly deflected.

"The King is speaking." That made Itsuki fume, but King Aultcray raised his hand to quiet him.

"Hmph. I finished my piece, Shield." The King didn't even bother using Naofumi's proper title anymore. "Now, how do you plead?"

"Good question, your Old-liness." Naofumi rudely replied, making many of the nobles and ministers gasp.

"How dare you!" One of the ministers defended, snapping at the Shield Hero for his rudeness. "Your sharp tongue and disrespect towards the king will be added to the sentence we will give you!"

"Added to the sentence that you will give me?" Naofumi parroted back, looking at the minister. "Sounds like you already declare me guilty. You sure this is a fair trial?"

"Enough, criminal!" Aultcray raised his voice, silencing the minister. Naofumi, on the other hand, glared back. "I allow you into my courts and you dare spew these insults to me?!"

"I do dare. Why should I respect you, if you don't show respect yourself?!" Naofumi shot back.

The two of them glared, the gravity of the situation feeling a lot more heavier now.

"Wait!" Ren, raising a hand to stop their bickering, interjected.

He then turned to Naofumi and answered as a mediator. "This is a trial! At least let him tell us his side of the story."

"Hmm..." Aultcray closed his eyes, pondering about the request, while Naofumi actually was surprised at the Sword Hero.

'Huh... an actually decent proposal from one of the other Heroes. Colour me surprised.' He thought, giving a hint of a small smirk.

The Sword Hero was actually kind of smart from that, but it was far too early to trust him.

After all, the Spear Hero was wrapped around that bitch of a princess's finger, and the shrimp looked like he was fuming.

"For this situation, I shall grant your request once, Sword Hero." Aultcray approved, before looking at Naofumi. "Minister, if you please?"


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