
Meeting Her

Amaranth's POV

I slowly regained my consciousness. Everything was darkness at first and I could not open my eyes. My body was heavy even though I know that I am lying.

I tried opening my eyes again and this time, I succeeded. I could also feel pain all over my body, especially on my left shoulder.

I looked arround me and noticed that there was no one else beside me in this room. The walls were slabs of woods, and there were tiny gaps in between. There was a wooden table table beside my bed, which contained a lone cup.

I kept on observing the strange place where I was lying but then I gasped and became alert.

"What happened? I am alive?!" I asked myself in disbelief.


The last thing I could remember was we were treking on Binocong Mountains. We just finished our first phase of training so we will move to the second phase. On our way to camp Bila for our training, we were ambushed.

We were not ready for the ambush and it was so sudden. I could see the fear in the eyes of my fellow trainees but held our swords as we prepare to fight or die. We fought even though we knew would be easily defeated. There were 50 trainees and 7 soldiers against a hundred of the Malum army.

I remembered fighting then I was shot by an arrow. I thought I was going to die then as three Malum soldiers came rushing towards me while laughing menacingly.

I hold my sword at my right hand while bracing myself for the attack, barely feeling the pain on my left shoulder. I fought with all my might dodging and attacking when I can. Then I noticed a sword coming for my neck, I closed my eyes.

I heard a clang of swords, so I quickly opened my eyes and saw Captain Siloh blocked the sword aimed at my neck. We fought side by side but we were still outnumbered.

"I need you to run as fast as you can when you have a chance!" Captain Siloh said.

"No sir, I want to fight with you! We are outnumbered as it is." I answered

"I command you to run, soldier! Do not disobey me!" He commanded.


"Go now!" He shouted "Aaahh" he grunted as an arrow hit his foot.

"Run.." Captain said while looking at me the to the enemies running toward us.

I sprinted forward with all my might. I looked back and saw our captain with a smile and hope on his face. I ran and ran like a mad woman, ignoring the pain all over my body.

I saw a thick bush and hid in it. I crawled towards its center then tried to put some leaves to where I crawled hoping to cover my tracks. I knew that some soldiers would come in persuit as they saw me running away.

I stayed under the bush for hours trying not to make a sound. I was devastated leaving them behind but I could not do anything. I was ordered to run away.

" I could not do anything right?" I asked in my mind

"I was orederd to run," I told myself yet guilt gripped my heart for leaving everyone behind.

"No I am not a coward!" I told myself As I started to crawl out of the bush when I heard heavy footsteps. I stilled.

"Find her!" Someone shouted.

"All of you will bear the consequence if you will not find her!" He shouted again.

I quietly laid on my stomach as I tried not make a sound. I knew then that I had to stay alive. I should not show them myself or I would be good as dead.

I heard the footsteps getting louder then I saw some feet pass by me. I held my breath. Then I hoped and prayed that I would not be discovered.

It seemed eternity for the Malum Army to pass where I was hiding. I was getting tired of my position. Seconds felt like hours at that moment.

"I think we saw some movement down the stream!" A soilder from a distance shouted.

" Lets go! Follow her." A voice beside the bush I was hiding roared. I think he was the commander.