
She tempted the devil

The throne of hell has been long contested by Lucifer and Satan .Both had their era that they ruled. Lucifer ruled at the beginning of human history and Satan ruled till the end of world war 1 and 2. The prestigious title of the Devil was only shared between these two brothers,who were actually twins and were sometimes mistaken as one entity. Lucifer was the demon of pride and Satan, the demon of wrath.Both were powerful so they had every right to rule the empire of demons. Well,everything was rosy until the demons make a declaration .Pride and wrath were no longer the sins that ruled the world,lust was.Yes, the demons wanted Asmodeus, the youngest prince of hell to take the throne. But wait,did they expect Lucifer to swallow his pride or Satan to act like he was not enraged by their demand. Asmodeus,the MC was definitely not into the whole becoming the Devil thing but Lucifer offers him the throne in return for a soul.The soul of the only one not corrupted by Asmodeus' lust which the dominated world at that moment.He is not interested in the throne but is moved by the challenge. Who is that mortal,who dared tempt the devil.She is Maria, an innocent young virgin lady who decided to live a celibate life .Oh that decision would never hold,hell no,not with the god of lust around.

MBU_Overlord_6594 · Fantasía
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141 Chs

New Year Celebrations

As the year came to a close, Asmo had finally achieved the unthinkable - he had convinced his brothers to stay on the island with him until the end of the year. He couldn't help but feel like he deserved an award for this remarkable feat. Who else could manage to keep the Devils at bay and docile for so long that they began to enjoy the peace and quiet? Even Satan himself became more compliant and less rebellious as the year progressed.

Now, it was time for the best part of the festive season - lighting up the night sky. However, there was a problem: Asmo had brought no fireworks to the island. How would they manage to celebrate without them?

Knowing how inventive Asmo could be, it was entirely possible for him to have an alternative for the absence of fireworks.

When night fell and the countdown to the new year began, Asmo gathered his brothers around a specific part of the island and briefed them on his next plan of action.

As Asmodeus began to reveal his crazy plan, he spoke with a sense of dramatic flair, "Hello, brothers! I hope you all enjoyed our time on the island, but as everything with a beginning has an end, we have sadly come to the conclusion of our great adventure and I..." Asmo seemed to be overwhelmed with emotions as he spoke. Just when Satan was about to call him a drama queen, Asmo cleared away the tear about to fall from his eye, then he smiled and continued, "In the next 5 minutes, we will enter the new year, but does the world need the Devil roaming free next year? I don't think so! I have therefore decided to end the year with a bang!"

Asmo's theatrical and suspenseful approach left his brothers intrigued and eagerly awaiting what he had in store for them.

Asmo then screamed,"Armageddon!!!" as Satan lunged at him futilely trying to prevent Asmo from letting that word slip out of his lips.

That word was the activating code for the missile buried beneath the island and Asmo just let the bomb clock run wild.

None of his brothers knew how long it would take before the bomb went off but Satan was determined to give Asmo a hell of a beating before they would all end up in flames.

Satan grabbed Asmo and smashed him on the unforgiving sandy ground.

Asmo coughed blood that instant signifying the sheer force of Satan's attack.

Satan then shouted,"Do you really think you can single handedly wipe out the Devil?

You are human now Asmo and if that bomb goes off we will have our host bodies destroyed but you!!!,

you idiot!!!,you gonna die and go to hell like any other pathetic mortal.

I would surely find you in those fiery pit and drag your mortal spirit through the very depths of the hell!!!.

Asmo was unfazed by the threats and he began to speak obviously irritating the Angel of wrath even more,

"I made my new year resolutions in advance and dying and ending up in hell is one of them but I must confess standing by your side and calling you brother, did nothing but take me to hell and back.

So Sa..tan!!!, I fear no Evil especially when I lived with one for millions of years.You Satan are all that's wrong with the world and I have nothing else to tell you but Happy....New..... Year."

The moment Asmo finished speaking, they heard the sound of the missile activating. The tension in the air was palpable. Was this really how it would all end? Were the Devil and all the princes of hell going to be wiped out like this? Only Asmo knew the answer, and right now, he was smiling ear to ear as he stared at his dumbfounded brothers. In that instant, Asmo had finally proven to them why he was made their king. The weight of his actions hung heavy in the air as the countdown to potential destruction continued.

Was Asmodeus, the former Angel of Lust, going to be the last crowned prince of the greatest kingdom of darkness?

As the doomsday clock of the missile ticked, only time would tell what would happen next. The fate of the Devil and his dominion lay in the balance, and the tension was almost unbearable but the gravity of it all weighed on Asmodeus more than anyone else.

Was he really ready to suffer an eternity of anguish and pain just to rid the world of his evil, vengeful,crazy, violent and malevolent brother, Satan for a limited time.

It would prove futile at some point because Satan would by all means find another host to return to the land of living with.

Did Asmo think about how Maria would feel about all this or was it better for her not know what was about to happen to the man who had fondly become the Devil in her life.