
SHE IS MINE ( trapped in my heart)

in that brief encounter. He couldn't shake the image of her from his mind - her mesmerizing eyes, her silky voice, and the way her touch sent electric shocks through his body. It was as if a dormant part of him had been abruptly awakened, stirring emotions and desires he thought were long buried. Despite the haze of the drugs, he couldn't deny the intensity of the connection he had with this mysterious woman. It was inexplicable and utterly captivating. As the days passed, he found himself haunted by thoughts of her, replaying the fleeting moments they shared in his mind. He questioned whether it was merely the result of the drugs, amplifying his senses and distorting reality. But deep down, he knew there was something more to it. It was a rare and profound encounter that transcended the physical realm. Curiosity consumed him, and he embarked on a quest to uncover her identity. He retraced his steps, searching for any clues that could lead him to this woman who had ignited a dormant passion within him. He spoke to acquaintances, hoping someone would have a hint of information. Then, one fateful day, his determination paid off. His employees find the so-called strange woman. Armed with this newfound information, he delved deeper into his investigation, uncovering fragments of her life and piecing them together like a jigsaw puzzle. As he learned more about Rhida, he discovered she was a free-spirited actress, a D-list actress who lived on the edges of society. Her captivating presence and mysterious aura drew people to her like moths to a flame. And yet, she remained elusive, drifting through life with an air of secrecy. Finally, after weeks of searching, their paths crossed again. He found himself standing before Rhida, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. The moment their eyes locked, he felt an indescribable surge of familiarity. It was as though he had known her in another lifetime

Tife_7736 · Acción
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23 Chs


<p>SKY <br/><br/>Rhida eyes were still closed when Iver released her. She opened her eyes and their eyes met. She looked away, she was blushing hard. She wished Iver won't see this <br/>" Why are you blushing so hard? The kiss even isn't for you. It's for him" Iver said and pointed at her tummy. <br/>She looked at him immediately with mean eyes <br/><br/>" Let's go," Iver said and left with a smile <br/>" What was that? Did he just use me? Such a pervert! A bad bully!" She shouted and then cover her mouth. She touches her tummy. <br/>" I don't mean it that way, your dad isn't..." <br/>" Aren't you coming?" Iver shouted at a distance and Rhida looked back at him meanly <br/>" I'm coming," she said slowly and stood up <br/>" Did you want me to carry you?" Iver asked and Rhida shrugged <br/>" I don't mean to carry you, you know if you get tired so will him, so...." <br/>" I can walk by myself!" She snapped and Iver stopped and smile. Then rushed to her <br/><br/>They got home and Rhida went upstairs <br/>" Make sure you sleep well, that way he can sleep well too" Iver shouted and Rhida stopped <br/>" Iver! You are such a bad bully!" She shouted and Iver burst into laughter. She stopped, that was the first time she could see him laugh. She looked at him <br/>" By the way, why are you referring it to 'him'? I don't want it to be like you. I went in to be her"<br/>" So bad, I want it to be him"<br/>" Yeah!" <br/>" If you don't want me to call him or her, then come up with a unisex name," Iver said with a smile and went to his room. Rhida nodded as if getting one important thing, then she also went to her room <br/><br/><br/>Rhida woke up the next day and went downstairs, she saw Janette cleaning the chairs. She scanned the whole room, trying to find Iver or his belongings but she didn't <br/><br/>" Mmm, where is Iver?" She asked <br/>" He left for work" She replied still cleaning and Rhida nodded <br/>' How can he leave so early these days? ' She wondered, just then her phone rang and it was Elina. She quickly picks it up <br/><br/>" Whoa isn't this the busybody who was so busy even to pick up a call?" <br/>" Sorry, I'm just so busy. how have you been?" Elina asked and Rhida smiled <br/>" Well, I'm coping well here," Rhida said <br/>" How is my nephew or should I say my niece?" Elina said teasingly and she heard Rhida smile from the other end <br/>" Oh right, how is your husband? Is he treating you well or should I come there and pull out his hair for you?" <br/>" No, he is doing pretty great and he is taking good care of me and my child," Rhida said and Elina laughed from the other end. She did not argue or decline the fact that he was his husband again<br/>" When will you be around? I missed you like crazy" Rhida said <br/>" This weekend, I also missed you" She also said and they both smiled, missing each other. <br/><br/><br/>Elina arrived at the plot of the movie and walked up to her agent, Dan<br/>" Why did you call me all of a sudden?" <br/>" You need to at least come here sometimes to understand more about how to translate it," Dan said and Elina nodded <br/>" Right, I heard one of the sponsors is coming," Dan said and just then a car pull over <br/>" Talk of the evil, I guess they are here" Dan smiled, and then his smile disappeared <br/>" I wondered why he never comes himself, he always sends his assistance" Dan mumbled and walked up to the man that just got off the car <br/>Elina froze in her tracks, her heart beating loudly. She can't believe that person she has longed to see is now in front of her. <br/><br/>Elina's mind raced with a mix of emotions—excitement, nervousness, and a tinge of disbelief. She had spent countless hours daydreaming about this moment, the day she could meet the man that make her think of him all the time again. Now that the time had finally come, she found herself frozen, unable to find her voice or make a move.<br/><br/> <br/>As Elina stood there, her heart pounded in her chest. The room around her seemed to fade away, leaving only one person in her vision —Continuing to stand frozen, Elina looked into the eyes of the person she had been daydreaming about for so long. It was a pivotal moment, a chance for her to express her true feelings and take a leap of faith. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to take that leap. Doubt crept into her mind, overshadowing her excitement and filling her with fear. What if she said the wrong thing? What if she made a fool of herself? The weight of these thoughts paralyzed her, holding her prisoner in her mind.<br/><br/>Minutes passed like hours as Elina battled with her inner turmoil. She desperately wanted to break free from the chains of insecurity and seize the moment, but her feet remained planted firmly on the ground. She felt a sense of frustration welling up inside of her, knowing that this was her chance, her opportunity to put herself out there and potentially change the course of her life.<br/><br/>Suddenly, amidst the chaos in her mind, a small voice whispered to her, reminding her of her strength and resilience. It reminded her of the countless times she had overcome obstacles and faced her fears head-on. This was just another hurdle, and she had the power to conquer it.<br/><br/>Taking a deep breath, Elina summoned all her courage and stepped forward. With each hesitant step, the weight on her shoulders seemed to lighten, and the grip of fear loosened its hold on her. A glimmer of determination flickered in her eyes as she looked into the eyes of the person who had occupied her every thought.<br/><br/>" This is the translator for the movie, you meet each other last time, right?" Dan said with a grin and stopped grinning when he notice non of the two were smiling <br/>" I'm Elina Walker," Elina said and stretched her hand <br/>" Donald Dawns," He said and they shake their hands. <br/>" It's a pleasure working with you," Donald said and Elina smiled. Right! This way, she will make sure to get closer to him or perhaps seduce him if he is too stubborn. <br/><br/>The two of them went inside and Dan watched them as they both left. He can't believe they left like that; without him. <br/><br/> *********<br/>Ella sat on the chair in the school and watched as girls make jest of her. She knew things like this will happen, she messed things up too much, she knew almost every girl have a crush on him but she just burst out like that even revealing the fact that she loved him! She is so dumb. She picked up her bag and left the place feeling embarrassed. As she was rushing away, covering her face with her bag, she bumped her head on a hard chest <br/>" Ouch!" She rubbed her head and looked up at the person in front of her. Her eyes widened and she swallow hard, she wished there was a hole in her legs so she can disappear. It was Ray, that person she avoided the whole time. She bite down her lips then looked away. <br/>" I'm sorry" She said slowly and twist her hands together. Then two girls passed by, <br/><br/>" What the hell? Are they dating?" <br/>" Did she seduced him?" <br/>" She have no shame"<br/>" Tell me about it, such a gold digger" <br/>Ray sighed and looked at the woman in front of him, feeling embarrassed and awkward <br/>" Let's go" He said and hold her hand and left. Ella eyes widened as he dragged her away<br/><br/>" What was that?" <br/>" They must be really dating"<br/>" This is so hard to believe" <br/>A murmur of surprise arose among the students <br/><br/>Ray release her hand when they got to a corner <br/>" Thank you" She said and Ray looked at her. She was feeling awkward by his stare <br/>" I'm sorry" She bowed and rushed away. <br/>A smile crept at the corner of his lips <br/><br/><br/>Rhida was sitting on a couch when Iver entered. She stood up slowly and walked up to him <br/>" I'm home" He said and Rhida nodded <br/>" Hope 'he' did not trouble you too much today" Iver said, making the 'he' Sound clearer<br/>" I told you it is not he!" She shouted and Iver smiled <br/>" You come up with a name yet?" <br/>" No really" She said and Iver smiled <br/>" Okay then, did you want me to come up with an idea?" <br/>" Well, I did appreciate it" Rhida said slowly and he smiled <br/>" He was conceived when we don't know it will"<br/>" What? Are you planning on giving it a bad name?" Rhida eyes widened <br/>" Did you think I hate my child?" Iver asked and got no respond <br/>" How about sky? clear blue sky. What did you think?" Iver asked <br/>" Wow that's a great nickname " Rhida smiled<br/><br/>A sense of serenity washed over Rhida. She had been searching for the perfect name for their unborn baby, and Iver's suggestion had struck a chord with Rhida. "Sky," she said softly, testing the name on her lips. It resonated with her, evoking a sense of freedom and endlesspossibilities. Rhida's smile widened as she imagined their child, a little bundle of joy named Sky, exploring the world with innocence and curiosity.</p>