
SHE IS MINE ( trapped in my heart)

in that brief encounter. He couldn't shake the image of her from his mind - her mesmerizing eyes, her silky voice, and the way her touch sent electric shocks through his body. It was as if a dormant part of him had been abruptly awakened, stirring emotions and desires he thought were long buried. Despite the haze of the drugs, he couldn't deny the intensity of the connection he had with this mysterious woman. It was inexplicable and utterly captivating. As the days passed, he found himself haunted by thoughts of her, replaying the fleeting moments they shared in his mind. He questioned whether it was merely the result of the drugs, amplifying his senses and distorting reality. But deep down, he knew there was something more to it. It was a rare and profound encounter that transcended the physical realm. Curiosity consumed him, and he embarked on a quest to uncover her identity. He retraced his steps, searching for any clues that could lead him to this woman who had ignited a dormant passion within him. He spoke to acquaintances, hoping someone would have a hint of information. Then, one fateful day, his determination paid off. His employees find the so-called strange woman. Armed with this newfound information, he delved deeper into his investigation, uncovering fragments of her life and piecing them together like a jigsaw puzzle. As he learned more about Rhida, he discovered she was a free-spirited actress, a D-list actress who lived on the edges of society. Her captivating presence and mysterious aura drew people to her like moths to a flame. And yet, she remained elusive, drifting through life with an air of secrecy. Finally, after weeks of searching, their paths crossed again. He found himself standing before Rhida, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. The moment their eyes locked, he felt an indescribable surge of familiarity. It was as though he had known her in another lifetime

Tife_7736 · Acción
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23 Chs


<p>ONE NIGHT STAND<br/>" CAN YOU PLEASE STOP THIS!!!" Her friend shouted from the other end <br/>" Can't you let him go?" Her friend said again, anger clear in her voice. <br/>" Just today, and I will forget about him, I promise," she said, her face was pale and her lips were dry. <br/>" Ok, good girl, I will tell Anne what you said okay?" Her friend said again from the other end and she mumbled then she cuts and sighed. She stared at the familiar number again and tears filled her eyes. She never knew she will be this scared to call this number again. <br/> She looked at the time and it was almost night. <br/>' She is going to forget him tonight ' she thought and stood at the familiar big building with music popping out of it and a mixed smell of strong alcohol coming out of it, she remembers when they meet. It was this place and she is going to end that ill relationship here. Tears filled her eyes and the memory of when he caught her friend and that person she dated for two years together flashed through her brain and she closed her eyes, trying to forget about it and enter the bar. <br/>All she remembered was paying money, she couldn't remember anything again <br/> ****<br/> The following morning, she woke up with a pounding headache and a feeling of deep remorse. Her eyes narrowed as she glanced around the unfamiliar room, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. The last few memories of the previous night began to trickle back into her mind, reminding her of the choices she had made.<br/><br/>Regret washed over her like a wave, and her heart sank even deeper. All she wanted was to forget her ex, but instead, she had made a reckless decision that she couldn't undo. The weight of her actions settled heavily upon her conscience.<br/><br/>Slowly, she began to gather her scattered belongings, trying to piece together the events of the night. Panic started to creep in as she realized that she couldn't recall the man's face or even his name. All she had left was a sense of emptiness and a gnawing feeling of guilt that consumed her.<br/><br/>Her friend's voice echoed in her mind, the sound of concern and caution. She had ignored those warnings, blinded by her pain and desperation. Now, she had to face the consequences of her impulsive decision. <br/> As she changed into her cloth, she was about to head out when a man in a suit entered and bowed down <br/>" I see you have wake up ma'am" <br/>" Who... Who are you" Her voice came out in a whisper <br/>Then he smiled and another two men in coats came in with a box in their hand. <br/>" This is for you ma'am our boss would like to apologize for his reckless act." <br/>" Huh... Uh?" she blink her eyes twice and the men left the room. She bends down, curious, and opens the box. It was full of money and she closed or back and sighed sadly. <br/>" This is not right," she said but then she remember her friend's child in the hospital, she needs money. <br/>" Right, I will take it," she said and carry the box and she was about to leave when she saw a small box. She opened it and saw a pink handkerchief. <br/>" wow" She inhales the smell and the memory of last night came to her, it was hazy. <br/> She couldn't see the face of the man, she just remember his scent. She remembered when he had off his white inner coat and his watch. Then she finds it difficult to remember the rest. <br/>" Is this for me?" She asked and pick the small box up. <br/>" it's for me, men don't like pick colors but how did it have his scent?" she wondered and sighed, remembering the choice she made. Her friends will be highly disappointed in her. <br/> With a heavy heart, she left the unfamiliar room of the hotel bar and stepped out onto the street. The morning sun greeted her with its warm rays, a stark contrast to the turmoil within her. She couldn't escape the harsh reality and the mistakes she had made.<br/><br/>As she walked through the city, the memories of her ex resurfaced, intertwining with the shame she felt for her actions. It became clear that trying to drown her sorrows in a night of reckless abandon had only amplified her pain. She realized that moving on couldn't be achieved through impulsive actions but required genuine healing.<br/><br/>Finding a quiet park bench, she sat down and began to reflect. It was time to take responsibility for her choices and learn from them. She had to let go of her ex more healthily, rather than seeking temporary distractions in unfamiliar encounters.<br/><br/> With determination in her eyes, she reached for her phone and scrolled through her contacts. She dialed her friend's number, ready to open up and seek guidance. She knew it would be a long and challenging journey to heal from her past relationship, but she was finally willing to confront her emotions head-on. She stopped again. Telling her face-to-face will be great. She thought and sighed, scared of her friend's reaction, especially Anne's reaction. The bus arrived and she picks up her bag and enter the bus, sitting on the last seat with a sad expression on her face <br/> Fixing his glass, he knelt in front of his angry boss, and he was shaking, wiping his sweat away. As he knelt there, waiting for his boss to turn and address him, he couldn't help but reflect on the course of events that had led him to this moment. He had started with good intentions, believing that steering his boss away from his toxic relationship and rumors, would ultimately lead him toward a happier and healthier life. But now, in the face of his boss's seething anger and the certainty of impending punishment, he began to question the righteousness of his actions.<br/><br/>His boss finally turned around, his face red with fury. It was clear that he had been deeply hurt by the betrayal and deception. Words failed him as he silently studied the man before him, who had been nothing but a loyal employee until this moment.<br/><br/>Summoning all his courage, the employee spoke with a tremor in his voice. "Sir, I understand that what I have done is an egregious breach of trust. I am deeply sorry for my actions, and I accept whatever punishment you deem necessary." He said, shaking nervously and when he realized he didn't answer him, he hung his head, a mix of guilt and remorse washing over him. "I am truly sorry, sir. I understand if you never want to forgive me. My intention was never to harm you, but to help you find happiness. I realize now that my actions were misguided and inappropriate. I am ready to accept whatever punishment you have. I deserve to die" He said, almost crying <br/>After what felt like an eternity, his boss finally spoke, his voice laced with a mix of anger and sadness. "What you did was inexcusable. I trusted you, and you violated that trust. You did deserve to die" He said in a cold tone <br/>" Get lost," He said in an emotionless tone <br/>and he rushed out that knowing if he stay there longer, he might do something bad to him<br/>He sat on the chair with a cold expression on his face, he remembered that feeling he doesn't seem to forget and his face softened. Though he was drugged but he could still remember that feeling. It's been a very long time since he felt this way <br/>"Who is this girl?" he questioned himself</p>