
She Calls Me Eyebrows

173J is a demon, soul collector from the Underworld who falls in love with a woman named Hannah. She also happens to be a direct descendant of Wolf- one of the highest-ranked demons from his realm. J, as he is called, tells us his story as it unfolds- of love and friendships and all the truths he has known that turned out to be lies.

passmemycoffee · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Destroy Me

Six months go by and much has changed.

I am constantly worried about the rebel even though she has been a bit more passive. Hannah's attitude has altered a lot since she knows the truth about me. But I am glad she is better now and has accepted her father's death a bit better.

Darcus also forbade me from advancing to Hannah. He said if I broke her heart Wolf would break me. Aka, destroy my existence probably. "Any other human but not her," he had cautioned me some weeks ago just as he forewarned when I had now been placed here but that second warning only made me want to touch her more. I even found myself looking at her pink lips a little too often these days and I had to mentally shake myself out of that temptation.

Bedding Hannah, minus the sleeping part is constantly in my thoughts.

Dusting the remaining snow off my desk top, I rest my head against the backrest of my chair behind my large desk, lighting up a smoke when I hear a light knock and the liar enters. I know it's her by her scent plus it can only be her as V is wrapped on my finger. I do not lift my head but I raise my hand to look at my watch although there is a huge clock in front of me. I like using my watches- have I mentioned this to you? I am in my study as I have just overlooked 'El Diablo in The Sky' balancing sheets for the past two days. It is a club I have opened three days ago, three stories above my restaurant, El Diablo, but only to VIP clients. I want no riff-rats. The official opening will be next week Friday and Jace is running it for the time being.

Remember Jace? The handsome face of my bar in the restaurant, well I see potential in him, so this is his test run. If he can't make it then – no I won't fire him, guys like him are hard to find, he would go back to bartending and I would have to continue this process until I trust someone enough to run my business for me.

Anyway, 3 am.

She stops in front of my desk, dressed in an extra-large baby-pink t-shirt and long cotton matching pants-bottom, watching me. I feel her stare so I sit upright looking into her face. Her cheeks are pink and she seems to be lacking sleep herself.

"What do you want Hannah? Don't you have school in the morning?" I say to her as her presence is unwanted at the moment. I am knackered and my head hurts. I need sleep but I am riding the snow-high. Today I had almost fifteen souls to gather plus this.

"School?" she squeaks.

"Whatever you kids call where you study."

"I'm not a child."

Whatever sh*t she wants to say I really am not in the mood. I put out my West Whit* in an ashtray and light up another fag. Sorry- cigarette you sensitive…whatever.

"What do you want?" I repeat.

"Um, nothing I saw your light on and – "

"Yes, it's what adults do. We work," I cut her off and look back down to my hand that is holding my cigarette as the smoke rises up and towards Hannah.

Hannah likes to look at my hand, I'd noticed and so I have taken up the habit of folding my sleeves, exposing my veiny forearms for her to admire. I admit I like when she ogles me. Plus, I also skimmed through one of the electronic pages she's always reading and yeah…apparently, it's an attractive thing to females.

She bites her bottom lip and hesitates to talk which pisses me off. I dislike distractions- especially stupid childish ones like this. Even with the joy of seeing her, Hannah manages to annoy me still…it's a gift she has.

Taking another deep drag, I release the heavy line of smoke in a straight fast line. She seems fascinated with the smoke and stares at it. I moisten my lip with my tongue as the heat from the cigarette has dried them. I should start wearing balm or something.

One thing I appreciate about her, not once has she ever coughed and waved at the air in front of her nose when I smoke. It's very unpleasant to do. Yes, I know many people say it stinks but it's impolite to do so. The same way a non-smoker says, "Well don't smoke when I am around you," I feel that they can also leave the same way. If I light up in front of someone and they don't like it- please feel free to leave. Why make a display of holding your fingers over your nose? Why wave in front of us smokers? Just leave. Please. Chances are that you were boring us and we felt the need to relax.

That was just a rant- sorry. But if you are one of those- please take advice, yeah?

"You look tired," she states the obvious and plays with her hands.

"I am, extremely," I reply.

All this talk about school and her not being a child and her fidgeting – ah-ha. She wants me. I know that look. But I am not the slightest bit intrigued at the moment because I am too tired. Through hooded eyelids, I take another drag and look at the girl in front of me.

What did she want? For me to kiss her?

"I wanted to ask you something," she says so softly that had I not been this close to her or that even though this side of the world was asleep, I would not have heard her. My powerful hearing? I'm tired so I'm in no way wanting to hear much…

"Ask. You can ask me anything Hannah, I told you this."

"Are you using that- that thing on me?"

The thing? Oh, the switch? "No, I am not using it on you."

"Are you sure? Cuz the last time-"

"Hannah, I told you, it automatically comes off when I enter the house as a way of not having any entanglement between our house owner and us. Outside humans are fine but not you and me."

Darcus's words haunt me now.

She wrings her hands looking all sorts of nervous and I tell her, "Hannah, remember I told you that that night was an accident. I don't know how I flipped it back on-"

Seeing she does not believe what I am saying, I get up and walk over to her side and she lowers her eyes. My discarded jacket is on the back of the chair she is standing next to, directly in front of my desk. I take one of her hands as I sit on the edge of the table.

"Look at me," my voice coaxes her eyes up to meet mine. Deep brown eyes that glow in the overhead light, meet my silver ones. Hannah is short, maybe five-four or five, I say this because even as I sit on my desk, she has to stretch her neck up to reach my eyes. I focus on the freckle on the tip of her nose and another on her left cheek. Cute. "I was on a high. Remember I told you I can demolish souls?"

She nods.

"Well, what I did not say, is this. When I do this, I am- like when you get high-" I don't want her taking drugs so I add, "but mine is different because it's clean. I can't- not like when a person's metabolism cannot detoxify and they overdose- I can never be like this."

I stop talking to think and unconsciously my eyebrow went up. Dropping her hand gently, I sit back on my desk's edge and clasp my open palms together, fingertips touching in a pulsing like motion.

"Okay, so I only take away bad souls. And when they resist me, I destroy their soul, bad for humans if they roam around for, they're tempted to host a human body and well…that is a disaster, I'm sure you know what happens when a, er- ghost enters a person."

Seeing her nod slowly, I go on, "Only it affects me like-" I should not say drugs again. She still looking at me silently as if spellbound so I say, "-and V-"

Again, she nods and parts her lips slightly.

Not knowing what to say next, I just focus on her. The way she is looking at me. Her eyes drop to my lips and back up to my eyes. What?

Then she did it again. I mean I did know she had somewhat of a crush on me- she herself said she did since she first saw me and I know she still sort of does but- this? This is too far. I mean I did play with the thought once after she had jumped me but that was once.

It was a no-no between house owner and demon. Regular humans were fine- I chant this like a mantra in my mind as I look at her innocent eyes. She takes the half step it took and was in between my legs. I look down at her innocent face. I would not do this to her.

"Your eyes are beautiful," she whispers.

Well, I did know that they were. They were silver but glowed when I was in the dark or in my true form. I smirk. Is she really trying to seduce me? Poor innocent Hannah. I actually am enjoying this beautiful distraction now.

With my free hand, I pass my fingers down her long black hair and stop by her waist. My next hand which is holding her elbow now snakes its way to her waist and pulls her closer. I have never been like this with Hannah. I like how her tiny body feels against mine.

Honey-brown eyes meet my silver greys and the longing in them…

"If I do as you ask now, I would destroy you, baby," I chuckle as I gaze at her teeth sinking into her lower lip.

"Destroy me," she purrs.

Destroy- what? I think Hannah and I had the same thought as she pushes me back and takes a step back herself. We stare at each other in surprise – well her look was one of horror.

"You are doing it!" she accuses me.

"What Hannah?" I raise my eyebrow at her and fold my hands against my chest.

"You are enticing me- with that-" she points at my face down to my feet in a hysterical manner.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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