

"Who else knows about this?"

"N-no one, miss."

"So you're not working with anybody?"

"Yes, ma'am. I mean no. No, I'm not."

"And how long have you been stealing from me?" Three years, 2 months and 6 days.

"O-one year, boss." Fucking liar.

She nodded, standing up and fixing her blazer. "You're fired," she said coldly, walking away and onto her next victim, tuning out the cries of this one. He was an obsolete part of the team and they'd do better off without him. She just found out two managers have been stealing from her company right under her nose the entire time. If she hadn't decided to get the transactions ahead of schedule, this would have gone longer because their books were always clean.

"Kaden Mascot," she said strutting into his office, taking in his dishevelled figure. She smmirked, knowning that he knew his fate and what blow she might hit him with. "I see you're already packing up your little belongings, so I'll be brief. You, just like Philip, are fired and blacklisted from any company I can get my hands on. I want all my money, plus 50% interest in as much as ten working days. If not, I will see to it that you get to celebrate your daughter's 2nd birthday form a jail cell." She watched him shrink. "Do I make myself clear?!"

"Madam, please, she's all I have."

"Sad," she shrugged, turning around swiftly her long straightened hair hit his face. She strutted out of the managers room, adjusting her dark grey business suit paired with 5 inch stilettos, and fixed her cuff links.

She was flipping her hair back when a subordinate ran up to her to read what was next on her agenda for the day. She dearly missed her secretary who was out on some important family matter. She paused, slowly turning to her left and spoke sternly. "Lunch with whom?"

"O-our new Chief Operations O-officer. He said he'd l-like to discuss the year p-plan over lunch," the sub said, feeling intimidated. The hair on her nape stood and she had goosebumps as a result of the stare she was receiving.

Just what she needed. Another man to feel like he's running things around here. Well, doesn't she have some news for him. River has been ruling the company single-handedly for quite a few years now, and she was in no position to step down and let a man take over. She hated men. All the way from her deadbeat father. She even made sure her office staff were women because men were just men.

And she'd be dammed if she ever depended on one.

The Human Resources team wanted to hire someone that had experience in striking deals with people that were highly ranked. People who, like her, went by a first-name basis only. Who were far more influential than her. So it was no surprise she was hesitant to be sharing some responsibilities with a new person because she was the only one she trusted to do a good job. But she had to appreciate a remarkable resume when she sees one.

"Great," she snarled, stepping into the elevator and hitting the buttons in frustration. She never had her lunches in company. But just this once would she join him and make her boundaries clear. He clearly didn't know who his new boss was going to. And easy was not a word in her vocabulary.

The sub thought 'great' was a compliment to her for doing a good job and so she smiled widely, fixing her round glasses and having a new wave of confidence. However, the glare she got made her shiver in her pumps.

When they stepped out of the elevators and through the large glass doors and into the public, three gentlemen were already standing outside waiting for her. She recognised Charles, the Finance Director and Ludwig, the Managing Director but not the third man. This must be him. She took a good look at his face and saw that he was clean shaven and looked good in a tailored suit. He was laughing at what was said and his head was thrown back as if he didn't give a care in the world. She watched as he and the other two leaned in and whispered something before erupting in fits of laughter again.

"Hello. I hear you're the new partner?" She asked when she stood right in front of them, or him, to be specific. When he nodded, she looked at him from head to toe, wondering why he hadn't come to see her first, as she's his boss.

"Yes. I'm Daniel Kleen. Nice to meet you," he smiled charmingly, extending his hand which she took in a firm grip. Soft skin, she quickly took note of before releasing his hand and clearing her throat.

"Why didn't you come see your boss?" She couldn't help but ask, baffled. Everyone came to her; She never needed to go to anyone. So the fact that he didn't kind of irked her a lot more than it was supposed to.

He smirked, looking past her shoulder before turning to her again. "Who's the man in charge?"

She visibly cringed and tilted her head back slightly, lost for words. She chocked out a chuckle and looked at the other two before narrowing her eyes into slits as she grinded her molars against each other and gave this Daniel her hardest, coldest glare.

"How did you get the job if you don't know who his boss is?"

"I believe my experience spoke for itself in HR," he smiled deviously.

"I should fire you," she said, as she chuckled dryly.

"I look forward to working with you, too," he smirked. "If only I had a sense of who you were."

"I am the man in charge."