
She's His Moon

"Hey beautiful!" Chris said. I suddenly felt cold. He towered me with his height, I know Chris was taller than me but by only three inches, now he madame look like a dwarf. His skin was really pale, his eyes weren't their usual sky blue colour, they looked dilated in a cobalt blue colour. His hair was a dirty blonde and stood out in every side unlike his usual brown hair colour which fell back in a well mannered way. "Your ogling beautiful." He said with an amused look. "What do you want?!" I said in a defensive tone. "Whoa love, calm down, I'm not here to hurt you." He said with a smirk. I chuckled slightly trying to calm my nerves. "You really can't." "That must be what you try to tell yourself doll." He said sounding dangerous, a little too dangerous. "Chris your drunk, go home." I managed to choke out despite my nerves. This time he laughed dryly sounding like a sadistic maniac which made him seem even more dangerous, I unconsciously stepped back. "I am far from drunk hun, real far." He began to move forward, his eyes dilating even more leaving a very thin line as the iris. It scared the heck out of me but I tried to maintain my stance. "Chris" I tried to sound dreadful but my voice came out as a whisper. He continued moving forward covering any space left between us. His scent of wild roses filled my nostrils blocking out every other thing that was on my mind, I could only think of how good he smelt, he might be drunk but he definitely didn't smell like liquor. He held my chin and tipped my head sideways baring my neck to him. He bent his head touching my neck lightly with the tip of his tongue then kissed the spot, he growled against my neck making me shiver deep inside me down to my stomach. "Fu*k!" He cursed then jerked away quickly. "I'm so sorry." He said driving his hands through his hair. This is a thrilling story of a girl who never believed in the supernatural but guess what there's a plot twist. Want to know what it is?, want to join her as she enters deep into the supernatural world? Me too. Join in as we find out in this thrilling novel.

Hephzebal_Del · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Chapter 8

Today made it half a week gone from my verdict, verdict made it sound like a juvenile service but that was exactly what it was. One I wasn't allowed near any screen, two my movements were limited, three I could only eat whatever mom offered and trust me my mom was a great cook but she experimented on most of them and since no one liked to taste them she was making me do it which was so not cool. Then to top it all off I had to be dropped and picked up from school by dad, I was the only college student who had to undergo this humiliation.

"Now be good, I know you have classes till half past four today so your mom will pick you up at five today." dad said with a sweet smile like he was talking to a six year old kid who just began a new year at school.

I ignored his attempt to make me more miserable and walked into school, I heard him chuckle slightly before he drove off.

"Your dad seems cool." Talia said as she fell into step with me.

"You barely know him." I pointed out.

"I've known him for a week and trust me I'm a great judge of character." She boasted.

"Coming from the person who idolizes Chris." I murmured quietly.

"What did you say?" She asked.

"Nothing, are you through with your English essay?" I asked quickly changing the subject.

"Ugh." She groaned. "I totally forgot about it."

"Seriously, I kept talking about it all through yesterday. " I was enjoying MACBETH so much that I always wanted to share what I had read and since she was my only friend, I shared it with her.

"That was Shakespeare?, it sounded so interesting coming from you I thought it was a harlequin novel." she groaned again.

I face palmed myself. "Girl you must be the biggest fan of harlequin series, everything always falls back to their books." I said and it was true, we had been friends for only half a week but yet she had introduced over twenty harlequin novels to me and that's a whole friggin lot for just half a week.

"But you can't blame me, you've got to read the Italian rag to riches wife, then....." what did I just say, we were in the middle of an assignment crisis yet she had already found a way to make it a harlequin advertisment.

"Stop, like holdup." I pressed my fingers to her lips stopping her from going any further.

After I had gotten her attention I pulled her to the school library, I didn't have any morning classes and her first class for the day was by eleven so we had about three hours to round up her work. I took her to the area which had Shakespeare novels on the shelves and pulled out Romeo and Juliet, it was the most famous Shakespeare novels so we would only need to refer to the book a few times.

I turned to show Talia the book I picked but she had spaced out, she seemed to be sniffing the air around us.

"Is there anything wrong with the air?" I asked.

"No nothing, is that Romeo and Juliet?" she asked changing the subject quickly. I looked at her for a sec then decided not to dig into it.

"Yeah I was thinking since it's the most popular one you can do your essay on it." I explained to her.

"That sounds great, can you go get us some ice cream while I work on this?" she asked, she seemed quite uneasy and her attention was somewhere else so I just nodded and left.

I went to the cafeteria while wondering what could have suddenly began to bother her in the library, she was her usual chatty self until we got to the library. I got cotton candy flavor for her cause she seemed to like it more and got chocolate flavor for myself then went back to the library. Foods weren't usually allowed into the library so I had to sneak in when the attendant wasn't watching.

I was about to call Talia when I saw another person standing beside her, they were talking about something or rather arguing about something. They seemed so engrossed that they didn't notice me so I stayed put beside the shelf and listened. I didn't usually care about others conversations but she was worried about something and I had a feeling it was related to that person.

"Seriously what are you doing here?" Talia asked the guy.

"Like I said to check on you." he shrugged.

"Yeah right I totally believe." she sounded extremely sarcastic. This was a side of Talia I had never seen before. She usually seemed sweet and nice, she was like the breaks to my attitude just like Jenny but right now it seemed like it was meant to be the other way round.

"Come on, it's been years since we last saw each other, didn't you miss me at all?" He asked sounding heartbroken but it sounded like he was smiling.

"It was clearly not enough." she scoffed.

"You really are no fun, I'm here cause Nate's in town." I heard him say.

"Figures." she said. "You can come out now or the ice creams will melt away."

When did she notice me, I looked down my legs weren't out.

."Your breathing is loud." She said like she had read my mind.

"Oh, sorry I was eavesdropping." I said as I gave her the ice cream.

"It's okay." she shrugged and began to lick the ice cream like she hadn't just finished one when we met this morning.

I looked past her to see a godly creature standing there with his back rested on the shelf as he watched us. He was tall about six ft or more, his skin looked recently tanned, his muscles screamed touch me, this guy was ripped, his muscles weren't like those guys who lifted weights so much that their muscles become too much for their body, his were just the right proportion, I could stare at them all day and won't get tired, then his face, gosh I felt like this was a guy I created in my dreams, he had emerald eyes which were tinted with a light shade of cobalt blue, his nose were perfectly pointed, he had light brown hair which was styled into a flow haircut.

"Who's the hot chick?" The guy asked when Talia didn't introduce us. Gosh his voice was also as dreamy as he looked, this was the first time I was seeing someone as perfect as he was.

"This is my friend Bella." She said with ice cream in her mouth which made it sound funny but he didn't mind.

He waited for her to introduce him as well when she didn't he muttered something about her lack of noble manners.

"piacere mi chiamo Gaetano." He said in a foreign language which I definitely knew nothing about, I guessed that from the words he spoke his name should be Gaetano. 

"Big whoop your Italian, you might as well tattoo it on your forehead." Talia scoffed.

"Your Italian? that's cool, I only had a foreign friend once." I said ignoring Talia.

"Ah if only I could be your second foreign friend but I already have another role to fill." he said with one hand on his forehead and the other on his chest.

I chuckled. "And what role is that?"

"Your boyfriend of course mi amore." he replied like it was the most obvious thing to say.

"Your funny I like you, are you a student here?" I asked.

"No, but for you I can become one." he said still in character.

"That's enough Allen, I have an assignment I need to get done." Talia said pulling him towards the exit.