
She's An Ice Storm

First book in the element manipulators series Hi, my name is Danielle and I have ice powers. I don't remember when I got them but ever since that day my life has become more irritating, annoying and exciting . I've helped a lot of people with my powers but sometimes my temper gets the best of me and I kind of lose it. There are 5 elements, namely- Fire, water, earth, wind and snow. We are some of the most important people on the planet but we try not to take privilege in it or at least some of us try not to. "Aiden was running his mouth again and I was getting pissed. I was about to walk away but then he just pissed me off even more and I was not having a good day today. "Too much of a wuss to stand up for yourself? Guess girls really don't hold a candle to boys, Powers or not." He had the nerve to laugh right after that I was just about to hit him with a solid icicle but someone gripped my hand and shoulder to stop me from moving from moving. The ice was melted by now and I knew exactly who it was. "Back down, Danielle. There's no need to get into any trouble today." Follow Danielle on her story. Read to find out more.

Atika_Daniel · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Chapter 2

Since that day I've been avoiding Axel like the plague, and in order to avoid him, I needed to stay out of trouble. It was really hard to do that since certain people (namely the asshat Aiden) wouldn't leave me alone. After a while, Aiden stopped bothering me and I was fine, a bit surprised but fine. I had a feeling another someone with the name starting with A had something to do with it but I don't know, he still might be mad at me.

I've got to tell you though avoiding someone is hard work, I've hit my head too many freaking times! And you know why? Its cause I was avoiding Axel. I'm pretty sure I would have a nasty bruise forming on my head by the end of the week and I was going to break down one of the walls by then too. Axel was the cause for all my pain, and I wanted to confront him cause I was starting to think he was popping up everywhere I was on purpose just to see me hurt myself and look like a fool.

I was about to leave school and head home but Axel was standing just outside the school gate and if I walked out now I risked him seeing me. I wasn't about to take that risk right now so I waited for him to leave.

I was hiding behind a pillar and each time I thought he was gonna leave he just came back, which made me hit my head on that stupid pillar about 5 times. After the 6th time, I knew he was doing it on purpose and I decided to leave, I didn't care if he saw me or not. Now all I wanted to do was go home and take care of whatever the side of my forehead looks like now.

I picked my bag up off the floor, booked a tuk and made my way outside.


I should have thought this through but no! I decided to act on impulse and now I'm out here, standing next to this stupid tree and doing my best to act like I don't notice him. Now you see when I booked my ride I hadn't thought about the fact that I would have to wait for it to get it here so when I came outside and realised that I checked my phone and it said it would be here in 10 freaking minutes, another thing I realised is that I had to wait almost 40 minutes more than I should've at school because Axel decided to be an ass.

My tuk was almost here and I was ready to do my happy dance because every few seconds Axel would inch closer to me and I was ready to throw an ice brick at him. Did he think I wouldn't notice? Or that I would let him? I wasn't in the mood to get in a conversation with him so I walked away from where I was to the other side of the road. You might be wondering why I hadn't done this before and that's because of the group of about 4 guys on the other side of the road that were eyeballing me and I didn't want them to try anything so I stayed where I was but since Axel wanted to be a creeper I moved.

Just as I predicted the one who looked about a year older than me decided to try and make small talk.

"Hey, didn't school end like an hour ago?" Might as well talk to this guy so I won't die of boredom.

"Yeah it did but I had to stay back for a while" I said while shrugging


"Maybe, maybe not" he just laughed at that. He seemed like a pretty chill person.

"Do you know that guy? Cause he's looking at us like we ate the last slice of pizza."

I looked behind me and sure enough, Axel was trying to burn a hole through us with his eyes.

"You could say I do. He's cool just ignore him."

"What happened to your head?"

"Just hit it a couple of times walking into walls" he started reaching for it and was about to say something when I was pulled back by my waist and Axel was standing next to me.

"Hi, the names Axel. how are you?"

I looked at Axel like he was crazy. Was he on drugs or something?

"Hey man, I'm good. I didn't mean to cause any trouble here."

"Oh no don't worry you didn't. I just came to tell Elle that our tuk is here."

"Uhh yeah cool. Bye Elle. Axel."

He did that whole nod thing and walked away.

As soon as he was out of sight I ripped Axel's arm off me and walked away but he couldn't read the signs clearly and leave me alone.

"Your tuk is that way." Stupid idiot child! Always a know it all.

I turned around and went in the direction of my tuk but he was still following so I stopped and faced him.

"What do you want?"

"We need to talk and if you weren't avoiding me then we could have before."

"I need to get home, we'll talk tomorrow."

"Tomorrow isn't good enough."

"Well I need to go home"

He was really starting to annoy me again.

"Great! I'll come with!"

"Now I know you're high. What did you take? Weed?"

"I'm not high" he said while rolling his eyes!

"Uhuh, Sure you're not and I'm the queen of the Caribbean."

I got in and he was ready to leave when Axel thought it would be a good idea to get in.

"Get out."


"I'm not sure you heard me the first time. I said, get out!"

Nope. Not till we talk."

There was no getting rid of this parasite so I just gave in and leaned my head on the side of the tuk.

I realised I hadn't given or put my address in while booking the tuk so I was about to type it in but Axel snatched my phone.

"I gave him the address. There's no need."

I just rolled my eyes and went back to leaning on the side but I really shouldn't have trusted him.