
Chapter 3

Appearing high enough to not be seen by any random person, Billy decided it was now time to see exactly what he could do, after all just because you know the characteristics of an ability doesn't narrow down strength. Just use Venom and Spiderman as an example, both have super human strength but Venom is much stronger than Spiderman, the only reason Spiderman wins is with his brains. So just knowing they both have super human strength and basing everything on that you'd think they were equal when in fact they aren't, 'unless you base the scale on yourself being a regular human then I guess it's the same.'

'I need to get a baseline before moving forward, I wonder if I were to inject myself with say Extremis would that strength gain be added to my current abilities or since my abilities come from magic will they just overpower the serum? Well if I'm going to inject a version of the Super Soldier series nothing but the best, The Golden Sentry Serum, created by The Professor from Weapon X. It was designed to be a hundred thousand times stronger than what Steve Rogers received, it literally allows you to move your molecules an instant ahead of the timeline giving you precognitive abilities. The only downside is the Void part. There is no getting around Void due to the nature of the serum and how it grants the abilities.'

'The serum actually changes the body making it capable of hosting limitless interdimensional energy force that's created from an alternate dimension where millions of Earths are destroyed and remade by a cosmic being known as Destroyer Darkmass. Therefore whoever hosts that energy force gains its power while creating a secondary timeline which alters the timestream of the host's universe thus creating a negative force such as Void to exist as a counterbalance for the host universe to function.'

'So there is no getting around it, but I'm not too worried about Void, first off he only came out and took over when Sentry is hurt too badly and host falls unconscious. Second, Robert Reynolds was a meth addict, he literally broke into the lab and consumed it thinking he would get high. So yea, if a meth head could get to the serum should be a piece of cake for me. Project Sentry started during the cold war so its definitely around but locating the lab is the issue since its still currently active since it wasn't shut down till they saw its potential and they destroyed the research and all samples out of fear. So I do have time since timeline wise since he showed up around Civil War so locating a meth addict and keeping track of his movements to steal it in his place, yeah fun times to look forward to but it'll be worth it in the end since even if its not a strength boost the other abilities such as resurrection and such would be a nice addition.'

Closing his eyes Billy tested his senses to their limits. He didn't have super senses like microscopic vision or x-ray vision but they were empowered by both the power of Zeus and the wisdom of Solomon so it was more like intuition, similar to Spiderman that kept him in the game against people like Superman and Wonder Woman. Even though they both beat him it's mainly due to the host's limitations on himself, SHAZAM could make planets if he wanted to just like Superman but Billy Batson limited himself, and he was pretty easy to be tricked into saying SHAZAM which is his only weakness for all SHAZAMs unless within the Rock of Eternity there you can say all you want.

'What really sucks now is that I can't leave the Rock of Eternity for longer than 24 hours before being forced to return. That's what never made sense with that movie, Ancient Shazam is shown dying but Batson still only became a Champion and wasn't forced back to the rock. Definitely going to have to get rid of this limitation, luckily it's not a cooldown thing having to match the time there to time outside. As long as I wait a few minutes I could leave again for another 24 hours but that's still a huge issue, maybe not myself but any allies it could lead to disaster if I don't pay attention to it. Disappearing in the middle of a battle even for a few seconds can lead to lots of death, whether allied fighters or civilians in the area. Well at least I don't have to worry about living arrangements or food as long as I maintain this form.'

Looking down at the city Billy released a sigh, 'Damn I can't believe I went from stressing about being poor and weak not long ago to now having power but nothing to use it on to test my limits due to stuff not getting crazy till the appearance of Ironman and Hulk then Thor which is all in the 2000s the closes event I can think of would be the return of the Marvel heroine who stole my original DC name Captain Marvel. God I hope it's the comic personality of Carol Danvers and not the movie version.'

Just as Billy decided to fly down to the city to try to start his search for Reynolds his intuition started to tingle a bit telling him not of a danger to himself but of something coming at high speed towards his direction. 'Way better than Peter Parker's spider sense, maybe it's closer to Miles Morales's spider sense altho maybe not as OP' looking into the direction his intuition was telling him he could see three dots coming from the south west. Seeing an F-18 and two A-10 Warthogs at its flanks Billy knew this was serious.

'How the hell did they find me? I shouldn't be big enough to show up on radar. Lets see if they are really here for me.' Flying higher into the air by another 15,000 ft while moving north west to see if they changed course to match him, after seeing them change headings to match him he knew that somehow the American Government or SHIELD has found him. 'Damn first time I come back with powers I get found out. Yea Wisdom of Solomon my ass.' Frustrated with his carelessness he started to fly off while pondering what to do. 'Should I engage? No that could really end badly and I don't want to be attacked and chased by the military like the Hulk every time I show up. Could use this to test myself maybe? But what would I test? Durability? Speed? I already know they can't hurt me or catch me. Should I let myself be caught? No way, I'll deal with this later, I don't need any misunderstanding so the introduction should be controlled by myself.'

Finally reaching a decision Billy flew quickly down to ground level into an abandoned warehouse in Queens. There Billy spoke aloud "SHAZAM" causing a bolt of lightning to appear and strike him turning him back into his 10 year old self. Looking up and seeing a hole in the roof where the lightning came thru he was stunned. 'Well thats new, I know that the lightning effected the surroundings but I don't remember it actually damaged anything in contact between myself and the lightning bolt. Guess I have to be careful when I call it forth the power unless it's an emergency.' Tightening the strap on his backpack he quickly made his way out of the warehouse, making sure to be discrete and to keep a look out for cameras stationed throughout the city.

Making his way through the crowd of people slowly so as not to draw attention to himself unlike how he did when he first awoke and let his uncertainty and fear overrule his rational mind. Making his way to the library he already had a plan to locate Robert Reynolds, 'Time to check the arrest bulletins, 'Meth addicts tend to be arrested quite often so locating him shouldn't be too hard.'