
Chapter 2

"Come forth Billy Bass, take hold of my staff and speak my name so that you can my power and fulfill your destiny." Billy, surprised to hear his name spoken momentarily approached him, upon getting closer he noticed cracks all along his skin. "Umm, are you sure this is fine, I mean taking your power isn't going to do that to me is it?" Seeing Billy hesitate he answered, "No. I am dying due to the exertion of suppressing the seven deadly sins and the three faces of evil. All my brothers and sisters have fallen as we sealed the evil that escaped. You must take up my mantle and fix the damage caused by them, or else the seal will once again release them across the multiverse." Hearing his explanation eased Billy's worries quite a bit, but then a thought came to mind. Multiverse? "Sooo like multiple of this universe or as in like entirely new universes cause that may not be fun, definitely don't want to deal with a zombie Hulk or any other zombie hero or super villain."

Angered by the boys hesitation SHAZAM slammed the staff on the ground again causing the whole realm of the Rock of Eternity to shake, startling Billy greatly. "You MUST do this, it is your destiny. If you don't, all will be lost. The Rock of Eternity connects to every universe and balances them together. The Evils sealed within were able to disrupt many connections causing an imbalance, which over time will weaken the seals placed on them allowing them to cause more chaos and destruction. Now, grab my staff and say my name."

Seeing the cracks spreading across the old mans skin, he no longer hesitated. Grabbing hold of the staff, he immediately felt a warm tingle from the staff that gradually was getting hotter. He looked right into the old mans eyes and said "SHAZAM". Instantly lightning begins raining down on the boy, the old man stands finally and with a power in his voice that wasn't there before he said, "Yes, carry my name and with it take all my powers and gain the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles and the speed of Mercury." Once the lightning faded, no longer was there a 10 year old boy, in his place was a full grown adult standing about 6'4" tall with a physique that balanced strength, speed and flexibility. He was wearing the classic red suit and white hooded cape with a yellow lightning bolt on his chest.

As Billy marveled at his now chiseled muscles and abs the old man continued. "You have been transformed to your full potential Billy Bass, with your heart, unlock your greatest power because only you can stop the return of Evil and sin. Finish what me and my brothers and sisters could not." Before Billy could respond, the old man crumpled into dust, leaving him alone amongst the thrones. Seeing him by himself now he began to observe the realm he was now in, then he noticed that the subway car he arrived in was no longer there. Not sure on what to do at this point except to find a way to leave first since that was most pressing. Not immediately seeing an exit after scanning his surroundings he mused 'At least you could've told me how to leave before you left.' Letting out an exasperated sigh, Billy sat on the throne that the previous SHAZAM sat to contemplate his next step. Soon as he was fully seated he immediately jumped back up causing him to leap much higher and farther than intending, due to the fact he just went from 10 year old regular human to now being a demigod, after recovering from his mishap he stared at the throne. 'What the hell was that? I felt something strange as soon as I sat down. It wasn't painful just very weird' thinking back to that feeling it didn't take long for him to realize what he felt. A smile crept up his face, 'So it was granting me the knowledge of the previous SHAZAM, kind of like an inheritance.' Approaching the throne once again he sits back down, again that feeling returned but due to knowing what was happening he wasn't startled.

As he continued to remain seated countless amounts of information was fed directly into his mind. He was surprised at how much information he was receiving, multiverse travel, spells, rituals, enchantment, runes, potions you name it and you'll find the knowledge. Not just mystical information either, there was knowledge of technology, herbology, metallurgy, engineering and all kinds of information spanning multiple universes. Kryptonian, Asgardian, Atlantian all kinds of alien tech. 'Hell, I could even build that watch Ben-10 uses if I wanted. This is insane, apparently all universes are all interconnected and everything I thought were movies, TV, comics or novels is exactly what connects us in a way. Not that the author or drawers created those universes, they were already there we are all connected thru imagination. Events within that universe inspire others into creating these universes. Now obviously things aren't always as they seem, when these artists create these stories as in everything the artists will change things to fit what they want to portray so not everything I think I know from what I've read and seen may not be entirely accurate.'

For example, if you've read a book then watched a movie based on the book or even vice versa, each time you can always pick up on differences, some small some large but still different. 'Well at least I don't have to worry about butterfly effect or anything unless I do something completely overboard like killing a protagonist or something, but my involvement shouldn't effect much since I only have a general idea of events and no way in knowing if it really plays out the way I know.' Thanks to the Wisdom of Solomon, Billy was able to quickly assimilate the knowledge gained by all previous SHAZAM wielders.

After an unknown amount of time Billy finally felt he had enough knowledge he got up and looked at his suit. 'Yeah definitely not digging the red and white, time to do a color scheme change as well as getting rid of the cape. I mean I know it was always the go to as a kid when playing superhero but it's just not practical unless you're Batman. I'll keep the hood and change to an all Black cause it doesn't stand out like Superman or Ironman, yeah good luck infiltrating somewhere, although Superman can just speed faster then the bad guys can see so I guess it can work for him. Even though SHAZAM was just a tad bit stronger than Black Adam just for the simple fact that he was a current chosen champion while Black Adam was a little weaker he made up for it in battle experience. But neither of them actually sat upon the Throne of SHAZAM and even if they did, without the full inheritance of SHAZAM the throne is just a chair. Now my battle experience should overshadow both due to the inheritance. Well I think its time to head back, I can feel my connection to the Rock of Eternity so I can come and go as I please.'

After looking around one last time Billy thought to himself, 'Well since I have taken his name and power, I may as well redecorate to suit my taste. This place is dark and depressing. Don't need visitors getting the wrong idea, not planning on having visitors any time soon but never hurts to be proactive. It will be some time before I can use the Rock of Eternity to go to other universes since it wasn't so long ago the Sins and the dragon, Three faces of Evil were sealed within. Not really interested in jumping universes yet but I know I'll need to get started on the task given to me so that I can do as I please once it's over.' Placing the Staff of SHAZAM into its holder on his throne so it can safeguard and feed the protection barriers for the realm, Billy vanished from the throne room after initializing the restructuring of the realm.