
Shattered: The Beta's Omega

Anastasia has not had the best life in New York City. So she and her sister made a break for it with her friends. They ran all the way to Colorado and started their lives over from scratch. The Blue Moon was their salvation. Home of their own. Even with things getting complicated they still had each other. But what happens when their past face them head-on and shatters their world completely? "Why look up when the more you look up the farther you fall down." Chicago- Lived her life happily with her parents as lone wolves. They were always helping wolves in need. She knew of her father's past and why they do what they do and felt pride when it came to her family. That was a long time ago. On the night of her sixteenth birthday, her family was attacked by rogues. Rogues took her as their prisoner. The first four years she was beaten into submission. Like her father and mother, she was strong and proud. She did not give in easily. After years of torture and abuse, she knew the only way to survive was to submit. They then gave her the role of a slave in their rogue pack. It was like being an omega but in this rogue pack worse. They then stopped her daily beings, and it confused her. When she was ordered to go to the torture cellar once a day with a meal, she knew they had another. She could not risk another being treated as she was. Her whole was dedicated to helping people and she knew her parents would not like it if she turned her back on anyone else. Braydon- Second Son to Anastasia and Kingston. Beta now to the pack. They grew up on the stories of how their parents saved the world from shattering. His brother Michael was the Alpha and had already found his mate the new Luna Brina. Braydon has given up on finding his mate. It has been five years since he was able to find his mate and nothing. He traveled far and wide but came up empty, but his brother was successful at least. Then she is kidnapped and now it is up to the Alpha and Beta to find her. When they finally do they find just more than a beaten Luna but a young girl who seems to be helping her. Braydon then realizes this young girl is his mate. She doesn't seem to be enthusiastic about finding each other but he is willing to try to change her mind. She is so broken inside he does not know how to get through to her. Then he figures out exactly who she is.

Ricci_Burchett · Fantasía
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3 Chs

The Blue Moon

"Anastasia, where are the new shot glasses?" That girl would lose her head if it was not attached. "Under the bar Lucy." "Thanks, what would I do without you." I rolled my eyes at her statement.

"Be lost in the woods somewhere probably." She laughed and I smiled as I continued helping prepare the bar before we opened. A lot of people would wonder why I would open a bar, but I love it. The Blue Moon, bar for all the supernatural.

The bar was in neutral territory, no Alpha had claim on my bar and everyone was to be peaceful while in here. I opened this place a few months ago. My sister Lucy is a bartender like me and help me run this place when I need it. I love that it is mine and for being open for only two months we have made a good amount of money.

The bar is quite spacious, and I designed it the way I saw it in my mind. Outside it is stone as I bought it before. I thought it was too beautiful to change. It used to be a nice family home. Very spacious. Downstairs I knocked out all the walls from the dining room, kitchen, bathroom, living room and pulled up the flooring. I wanted to completely restart it, fresh, exactly how I had imagined.

So, I started with the bathroom. After changing the plumbing and rerouting it we made it in the back of the place near the stairs. Women's bathroom had three stalls, two sinks, giant mirrors, you know women got to freshen up.

It is the way of life. The men's restroom had two stalls and two urinals along with two sinks. The women's bathroom is a sky blue, and the men's is a royal blue.

I had the floors redone with French oak hardwood flooring that was a dark washed out grey. It was beautiful. There was a small kitchen near the back, and besides having the bar towards the front, also had a few tables out for people to come and enjoy themselves.

There was a stage put in a small one. Decent size dance floor because let's be honest. Dancing leads to fun, fun leads to more drinks, more drinks lead to making more money.

Upstairs was our home. Originally it was four bedrooms, and each room had its own bathroom. So, we tore it all apart. The first room is a bit smaller, but we made that into the office for the bar. Then there is the living room, kitchen, and dining room. We made that all open of course. Then there is Lucy's room with her own bathroom. Of course, she went with all pink interiors.

She is the girly girl. A small guest room and then my room. I also had my own bathroom. My room was a dark grey with black accents. Large queen size bed with black silk sheets, and dark grey comforter. People may think I am a dark spirit, but I just love the colors.

"Hey Anastasia, do you think it is going to be a big crowd tonight?" I looked at Calvin as he walked through the door with his equipment. "Probably it is karaoke night, and you know how these women get when they are drunk." He belted out a laugh. "Yeah, so do you." I laughed right along with him. "Go get your ass set up on stage." "Ma'am, yes ma'am." He mocks saluted me and went to the stage with his equipment.

"Hey girl!" I heard a scream, "Layla, how are you?" she hugged me "Just fine, besides Calvin is especially excited for the gig. You know how he loves this shit." I nodded as I wiped down the bar. "Tips are good, you know that." She grabbed some napkins and helped set up the tables.

Calvin and Layla have been our friends for years. A lot of people are against them being mated to one another. The goddess chose them for a reason who are they to complain about that.

Calvin is a werewolf and Layla is a vampire. Calvin was kicked out of his pack because he would not reject Layla. I am super proud of him. Layla was kicked out of her clan for not rejecting him and neither cared for they just wanted their mates.

We all came from New York City. Colorado was an adjustment at first, but we love it. Lucy and I did not have the best life growing up but once Calvin was banished, he and Layla helped us escape that retched pack and we found our way here. Colorado is more accepting of interspecies mating. Not everybody but most.

Since they are mates Calvin and Layla built a home behind the bar. We are not an official pack, but we basically are. "Okay guys fifteen minutes before we open, everything ready?" "Oh yeah let the crazies in." I swear Calvin is the crazy one. My wolf was very anxious today and it is giving me a migraine. I just hope everything goes well.

"What can I get you this evening ladies?" They both looked at the small drink menu in front of them trying to debate. "Have you been here before?" they shook their heads no. "Do you like your drinks sweet or strong?" The one with black hair said, "She likes them sweet I like them strong." I chuckled they reminded me of Lucy and I. "How about a Lucy Lou, and for you're the Stasi kicker?" They nodded in agreement wanting to see what I would whip them up.

The Lucy Lou was a mixture of a shot of strawberry vodka, shot of tequila, shot of gin, shot of strawberry sweet revenge, and shot of strawberry schnapps. Once mixed top it with strawberries and cream dr. pepper. The garnish with a strawberry. The Stasi kicker is a shot of bourbon, a shot of Jameson, two shots of fireball whiskey, and a mixed with two ounces of apple cider.

I handed them their glasses, bottoms up girls, that will be eleven dollars. "Hell yeah, that is cheap, but this drink is delicious. Keep the change girl." She handed me a twenty, nine-dollar tip nice. I looked down the bar and noticed my sister was tossing out drinks as quick as I was.

"Lucy, does it seem really busy tonight." She nodded trying not to lose focus. "Hey there cutie, can I get two shots of crown apple." I looked up to see a tall, paler man flashing his fangs at me in a hope of flirtation. I ignored and got him his request. "That will be two dollars." He raised an eyebrow at me and handed me a five. "Keep the change cutie."

I can tell there are a lot of newcomers here, they have realized it is a shot for a dollar night here and we have barely had a minute to break. Calvin finally started the music, so the ladies were moving to the dance floor giving us a chance to breath since the men followed.

Layla was in the kitchen and slinging out food, so I knew she was happy for a break. She walked up to the bar, "Stas, my bestest friend can you get me a Pepsi, pretty please?" I rolled my eyes at her exaggeration.

"Damn, I wish I had a man." Lucy said looking at the couples on the dance floor. "One day you will lil sis." I could tell her mood was feeling a bit down watching them. "I know I will not get the mate pull or tingles, but I just want love." I didn't respond because I did not want her going back down that rabbit hole. It took months for us to break down that wall and get her back I do not want to lose her again.

The night went on with a bang. Some people sound like dying cats in an alley but at least they all were having fun and that is what matters. I then saw Lucy was being super flirtatious with a man at the end of the bar. He was cute and she really seemed into him.

Then I caught a glimpse of a woman with a death glare on my sister and barging straight to her. Oh, hell no this was not going to be good. I tried to beat her to my sister but failed. She grabbed lucy by the shoulder and slung her to the ground. "Keep your hands off my mate bitch or I will tear you, limb from limb." Lucy brushed herself off and stood up, "How the hell was I supposed to know he was your mate he did not have a mark, my apologies." That girl was not going to let it go and grabbed ahold of my sister again and I was fuming.

I growled and grabbed the girl's wrist and twisted it until she fell on one knee. "My sister apologized, he had no mark, and you were not with him. You should be mad at him because he flirted back with her, and he knew he had a mate."