
Shattered Sparks

In a frozen, post-apocalyptic world where power is everything, young Alex must navigate the dangerous streets of the Rust Quarter, a crumbling settlement where survival hinges on scavenging and trade. Alongside his adoptive sister Elara, he scrapes by in a world dominated by old-world technology and mysterious energy manipulation—an ability few can master, but one that holds immense potential. Unknown to everyone, Alex harbors a powerful secret: an AI embedded in his very soul. With the AI’s help, Alex begins to uncover fragments of lost knowledge, relics of a time long before the collapse. As he pieces together the mysteries of the past, he is drawn into a dangerous game—one where knowledge, energy, and survival are all tightly intertwined. With secrets hiding in every shadow and power held only by the elite, Alex must tread carefully. What he discovers could change everything, but it might also bring more danger than he ever imagined. #Post-apocalyptic#Survival#Sci-fi#Energy manipulation#Reincarnation#AI companion#Advanced technology#Dystopia#Scavenging#Self-sustaining technology#Power generation#Tech-enhanced protagonist#Sibling bond#Wasteland exploration#Old-world tech#Crafting and innovation#Underground economy#Secret abilities.

gogi8755 · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
74 Chs

49: Tapping Into the System

The sleek, gleaming interior of the Elite District quarters was far from the crumbling ruins and harsh cold of the Rust Quarter. Every inch of the space radiated precision and control—an almost clinical perfection that made Alex uneasy. The smooth lines of the walls, the soft hum of hidden machinery, and the central console glowing with holographic displays only reminded him how far removed they were from the life they'd left behind. But this was no sanctuary; it was a carefully constructed system designed to keep them in line.

Alex sat in front of the console, his fingers brushing lightly over the controls. The screen responded instantly, displaying a complex array of data, maps, and encrypted files. It was far more advanced than anything he had encountered before, but his instincts kicked in, and he felt the familiar buzz of the AI flickering at the edge of his consciousness.

Serena and Nia were in one of the adjoining rooms, exploring the space they had been given, while Elara stood silently near the door, her arms crossed as she watched Alex work. She hadn't said much since they arrived, but Alex knew her mind was racing with the same thoughts that plagued him: What was the Elite District really planning? And how much did they already know?

"We can't trust anything they show us," Elara said quietly, her eyes never leaving the door. "Everything here is too perfect, too controlled."

Alex nodded, keeping his focus on the console. "I know. That's why I'm going to dig a little deeper."

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, allowing the AI's presence to fully settle in his mind. It was always there, a quiet hum in the background, but now he needed it to work harder. The AI didn't just offer advice—it could tap into systems, analyze data, and find weaknesses in even the most advanced technologies. And right now, that's exactly what Alex needed.

AI, connect to the central console, Alex thought, his mental command sharp and clear. We need to access their hidden files. Find out what they aren't showing us.

The AI responded instantly, its voice mechanical but efficient. "Connecting to the system. Scanning for vulnerabilities."

Alex watched as the holographic display flickered slightly, the flow of data on the screen momentarily disrupted as the AI began probing the console. The system was sophisticated, far more secure than anything Alex had dealt with in the Rust Quarter. But he had faith in the AI's capabilities—it had never failed him before.

"Elara," Alex said softly, glancing at her, "keep an eye out. If they're monitoring this system closely, they might notice what I'm doing."

Elara nodded, her eyes narrowing as she moved closer to the door, her hand resting on the hilt of her blade. "Let me know if I need to buy you some time."

The minutes dragged on in tense silence as Alex waited for the AI to work its way through the security protocols. He could feel the pressure mounting, knowing that any misstep could alert the elites to what he was doing. But he couldn't afford to wait—he needed to know more about the true nature of this place, about the elites' plans.

"Connection established," the AI finally reported, its voice steady. "System access granted. Scanning for restricted files."

Alex's heart raced as lines of code flashed across the holographic display. The console's interface shifted slightly, revealing hidden layers of data that hadn't been visible before. Maps of the district, power grids, communication networks—everything the elites used to control their world was laid out in front of him.

He leaned forward, his eyes scanning the information, trying to make sense of it all. The Elite District was more than just a sanctuary for the privileged. It was a hub of activity, connected to distant outposts and hidden installations that stretched far beyond the city's borders.

"There's more here than I thought," Alex muttered under his breath. "They're not just living in isolation. They're expanding—building something bigger."

Elara stepped closer, her eyes narrowing as she looked at the display. "Expanding where?"

Alex scrolled through the data, pulling up a series of encrypted files that caught his attention. "I'm not sure yet. But they've got outposts far beyond what we've seen. Some of them are marked as energy extraction points, others as research facilities. Whatever they're doing, it's big."

As Alex worked, the AI continued to dig deeper, bypassing security measures and unlocking more restricted files. He could feel the tension in the room growing with every second, the sense that they were teetering on the edge of discovery.

"Warning," the AI suddenly announced, its voice cutting through the silence. "External monitoring detected. The system is being accessed remotely."

Alex cursed under his breath. Someone was watching. He had pushed the system too far.

"Shut it down," Elara said sharply, her hand tightening on her blade. "They'll know we're onto something if you keep going."

Alex hesitated for a split second, but he knew she was right. The last thing they needed was to be caught hacking into the Elite District's network. Reluctantly, he gave the command.

AI, disconnect from the system. Cover our tracks.

The holographic display flickered again as the AI withdrew from the console, leaving no trace of its intrusion. Alex leaned back, exhaling slowly as the tension in his chest eased slightly. They had managed to avoid detection—for now.

"What did you find?" Elara asked, her voice low but urgent.

Alex pulled up the files he had downloaded before shutting down the connection. "There's a lot of information here. Maps, communications, records of supply routes. But the most important thing is that the Elite District isn't as self-contained as they want us to believe. They've got outposts all over, some of them outside the walls, in places we didn't even know existed."

Elara frowned, her mind clearly working through the implications. "What are they doing out there? And why haven't they told anyone?"

Alex clicked on one of the encrypted files, trying to decrypt it with the limited access he had. "I'm not sure yet, but I've got a feeling it has something to do with their expansion plans. They're gathering resources, building something bigger than just this District. They might be preparing for something."

"Preparing for what?" Elara's voice was sharp, her patience wearing thin.

Alex shook his head, frustration creeping into his voice. "I don't know yet. But I'll keep looking."

Before Elara could respond, the door to their quarters slid open, and Serena stepped into the room, her expression a mixture of concern and confusion. "What's going on?" she asked, her eyes darting between Alex and Elara. "Is everything alright?"

Alex quickly closed the files on the display, hiding the data he had uncovered. "We're fine," he said, trying to sound calm. "Just… checking the systems."

Serena didn't look entirely convinced, but she didn't press the issue. "Nia's getting restless. I think we need to figure out what's next."

Alex nodded, his mind still racing with the information he had uncovered. "We will. But first, I need to go through the data we've found."

Serena gave him a worried look but didn't argue. She knew better than to ask too many questions when it came to the technology he was working with.

As she left the room, Elara turned back to Alex, her voice low and firm. "We need to be careful. If they catch you digging into their systems again, they won't just throw us out. They'll make sure we disappear."

"I know," Alex said, his voice heavy with the weight of responsibility. "But we need answers. We're in too deep now."

Elara's eyes softened, if only slightly. "Just don't lose sight of why we're here. We have to stay alive. For them."

Alex glanced toward the door where Serena and Nia were, his heart clenching. He wouldn't let the elites use them, manipulate them. But to survive here, to find out what the elites were really up to, they had to play the game—and play it well.

"I won't," Alex promised. "We'll get through this. And we'll find out what they're hiding."

As the console's glow faded into the background, Alex knew that the real challenge was only just beginning.