
Shattered Cross: The Only Azur Lane Fic

Just a fic I do in my free time as an official NEET because of this virus outbreak. The fic will explore the side of Siren, and their struggle against the Azur lane. I don't care about the synopsis, just read the first and second chapter, zip and done.

Abbeysensei · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
5 Chs

Chapter 4

"Praetor, here this is the latest report for our mining efforts."

I didn't bother to take a glance as Observer placed the paper on top of another stack of documents piled on my table.

"Seriously, you are supposed to be an advanced alien life form right? At least digitalize these documents or something, it such a hassle and cluttered my table too."

Her face remained neutral then her eyes peered to me as decided something will be amusing to her or something.

"In the first place, this is Praetor's fault to squander all those points for base expansion and resources gathering. We are dirt poor. It's a lucky thing that I am an executor class that grants me a special privilege in the base, otherwise, I might rebel you know, Praetor?"

She smiled sweetly at me. I slumped my back to the squeaky chair after ensuring the last document to be without flaw or an error will happen once it reached the higher-up or whatever these sirens equal. Bureaucrats seem can't escape species be it human or sirens. I sighed again.

"Fine. Please list our daily and weekly commission. Filter the one that outside our reach at the moment."

Observer nodded and opened her terminal as she still snuggly sat in her floating rigging. Sometimes I envy her.

"Hmm, it looks like there's some request for a few crates of precious minerals and metal."

"I take it it's from a private contractor?"

She nodded. "We are not whole fully dictatorial as the human thought commander. Of course, the private sector also thrived amongst the siren society. In this time of need, they also need a few resources they can find."

"Then how about our stockpile, sent the excess from our mining project to them and if possible I want a channel to negotiate the price for future prospect."

"Acknowledged, we've received 2.000 Iota for this commander. Prophet will deliver and do the rest."

(AN: I will change the point's currency to Iota from now on onwards)

It will be good if I have a stable income. In the future, we will be busy running the stage, while it will be nice if we have additional manpower it never hurts to have a stable supply chain in the time of needs.

"Good. How about the condition of the others?"

She paused a bit, though she already knows what I referred to. Sadly, the other admin, or in this case the Arbiter decided to impose yet another handicap. Namely drawing every siren in the base except the four of them.

Observer α, Tester β, and Purifier. The prophet is not technically a combatant, and she refused any kind of mission that endangers her life. She can be quite paranoid about it. I heard it involves dying and be resurrected back in the rejuvenation chamber.

"Tester still recuperating in the chamber, looks like she won't budge unless we gave her another mission. Purifier…" She paused again, then with a little smirk she flipped the terminal to show its screen to me.

Was Zur Hölle?

I couldn't begin to comprehend what is happening behind the screen. I worried whether Observer placed a surveillance camera to my room or the fact that Purifier is in my room.

On top of my bed.

Half naked.

My precious pillow stained with her siren juice.

"Iyah… Praetor… don't-"

"In my power as the administrator of this base, I command unit observer to shut this recording now!"


I just want to enjoy my morning coffee after working overnight. Sigh. Just keep it cool. Observer by now just in her attempt to be polite or being smug as she was trying to hold her laugh. Surely it was the latter if her personality comes by.

"I will deal with Purifier later." By this time, I have stood up from my seat and went to the nearby desk to brew myself a coffee.

"Since everyone seems bored being holed up in this hellhole, I will assign you all to a new mission – no operation would be a good word perhaps."

"What do you mean Praetor?"

Sipping my coffee and place the cup to the desk, I went to procure a world map from a cabinet in the office.

Then I marked a few X on some locations; Germania coast, an island to the north, and few atolls formation in the Magellan Ocean.

"This is?"

"This is where I stockpiled my prototype, blueprints, and a few old military-grade manufactories."

"Huh, so you just wanted to take back your old toy Praetor? For reminiscence purpose I suspect?"

I ignored her sarcasm, as I drowned myself in the cup of coffee and continued my words afterward.

"Not really, I used to have a few secret laboratories below them with the main purpose of extracting the essence of the wisdom cube and studying them."

"I concurred there's a result of it."

At this, I grinned.

"A few weapons that capable to overturn this entire war if we so desired it."

Siren's goal maybe not the utter destruction of humanity. Still, as a researcher, it won't hurt to have a few more capable bodyguards. Studying a tiger is still a dangerous job to do after all. The girls were sleeping there for far too long, and it's time to wake them up.

"Hehe, I will relay this to the others, Praetor." It seems observer can't hide her excitement for the prospect of another henchman or simply she wanted to go outside and torment those poor Kansen.

Afterward, Observer leaves my office and left me alone in the room.

Sigh, making sure there's no camera active in the office, I sneakily open my terminal and accessing the surveillance camera to my room.

I will refrain to go outside the office for today. I fear my life should I go out and be pounced by purifier. But still watching a girl masturbate to herself is somehow a turn on. I switched the camera where the purifier still fingering herself atop my pillow.

I have still 15 minutes coffee break, it is still within my right to do anything within the timeframe. And now where did I place the tissue box I wonder.

Sorry for the long update, I hope I can update this far more frequently but online classes just makes my burden heavier.

Thank you for reading, don't forget to comment! I'll look forward to it!

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