
Shameless Ghost King Is My Husband!

“Ah! My… My husband…” "You, my dear wife, is the sweet I craved the most." “You know how to talk,” Ying Yue flushed and felt the bite to his lips. “Ah Yue,” a breathless deep chuckle made his body shivered, “The times I spent with you, touch you, and taste you will never satisfy me.” *** Ying Yue was Heaven’s Chosen, a person gifted to bring peace, balance, and rid the world of evil. He was full of pureness and hope! Only problem? He fell deeply for the shameless Ghost King, Wang Li. Wang Li, a person gifted to bring chaos and death, had waited centuries for Ying Yue. Now that he had Heaven’s Chosen, he would never let Ying Yue go. A beauty like Ying Yue was meant only for him. With their marriage, the truth of their love brought a curse and a prophecy for the Ghost King’s death. The worst part? Ying Yue was the one fated to kill his husband. What should he do to keep this love with Wang Li? What had to be sacrificed to preserve it? Was he willing to? That aside, He had also married a horny shameless king! And he… He dared to declare that he regretted nothing. “I want to take your innocence, your body, your heart, your lips. Everything, my beloved wife. I am not whole without you.” Yep, he regretted nothing. == *WPC 159- Gold Tier Winner* *SMUT starts chapter 16 and throughout future chapters.* Other TAGS: Fate, Death, Childhood Love

MichelleLeeee · LGBT+
Sin suficientes valoraciones
228 Chs

Never Had My Fill

He focused on his lover's voice as his breathing calmed and his eyes blinked softly.

"I… I'm…"

"Shh," Wang Li shushed softly and wiped tears out of his green eyes, "Stay still."

Ying Yue did. He felt the tug against his rim and he shut his eyes. It felt weird and it hurt, but once the head of his king's thick dick pulled out, he felt like he could breath again. Yet, he felt empty as his hole clenched the air. Wang Li's hands massaged his bare ass cheeks and kissed his lips apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Ah Li. I just… I don't know why-"

Wang Li kissed him once more and turned them to the side. Grabbing both of their manhood, Ying Yue gasped and pressed his face on his husband. He just couldn't help wanting to be closer to his lover, his world.

"Ah! I, I-"

"Come for me, baby."

Ying Yue saw flashes of him coming to just his lover saying those exact words, making him see stars at the back of his eyes. He was bucking, riding his incredible orgasm, before he came back to the ground. His green eyes were glassy and still feeling the afterglow of such an orgasm as he relived those moment. He felt thumbs rubbing his cheek and he grinned goofily.

"Don't ever leave me."

Ying Yue mumbled and Wang Li pulled him closer and the blonde let out a pleased sigh, when he heard his husband say, "Never."

"Let us sleep, my husband," Ying Yue pulled his head back to feel a kiss upon his forehead.

Before long, his lover was already snoring softly above his ears. He moved a hand to press against bare chest, listening to the beating of the king's heart. Closing his green eyes, he let out a deep breath and hoped Sheng Shui left him alone to his own dreams, his own fantasy of the man in his heart.

But he didn't.

Ying Yue saw blood. He heard screams. He tasted death. Things were fuzzy from quick movements and rush of people around him. It was dizzying and he felt like bile will come up out of his throat. Then he felt himself losing his balance and a pain blossomed from his chest. A breathless scream escaped his lips as his eyes cleared to see his lover before him with widened eyes.

'Tears… he had tears on his face.'

"I am sorry Ah Li," he heard him say reaching his hand to wipe tears and blood from the king's shocked face, "Won't you forgive me?"

"Ah… Ah Yue," voice so soft, he could barely hear it through the ringing in his ears, "I am sorry. Let me heal you! I don't know why… WHY!"

"Shh," he whispered and pulled the Ghost King closer to his face, "I love you always."

View darkening and sound deafening, all he could see was the panic on that beautiful face and thin lips moving. The words that kept repeating in his mind was so deep and ingrained in love that Ying Yue felt sick.

'No matter where I go, I will return to you, my dearest husband.'

Green eyes woke up with a start, as he breathed heavily. Sweat built up across his forehead from fighting to wake up. Why won't that despicable, shameless, terrible ghost leave him alone! Covering his eyes with a palm, he took deep breaths and clenched his teeth.

'Sheng Shui! I will not give up,' he wiped at his face, 'I won't give him up.'

With that determination, he was going to play a song that he would create just for his lover. He will perform in front of all the ghosts and people. He will not back down. He will win Wang Li's heart. He had too! Just thinking about it made his heart clenched and cry with pain.

He looked over at the sleeping figure beside him and bit his lip.

'I should… I should try more, right?' He swallowed the saliva built up in his mouth as his eyes roamed the bare chest, tattoo wrapped on the right side.

Hovering his hand over the bare skin, he licked his lips in anticipation. The Ghost King was a light sleeper and if he kept touching his chest, the man would surely wake up. He didn't want that… he wanted him to wake up after…

Face reddening to the tip of his ears, he slipped his hand under the covers, lightly running his fingers over the manhood. He felt it twitch and he glanced to see the man was waking, but there was no stir. Wrapping his hand around the shaft, he moved slowly up and down. A groan escaped the king's lips and silver eyes opened to stare at him.

"Ah Yue?" Wang Li pulled his face to him, "Did you have a good dream again?"

"I just," he looked away embarrassed, "I just want to make you happy."

Normally, the initiator was Wang Li, but Ying Yue… he wanted to show that he did want this very much. That it wasn't just him giving in to the demands of his king. At least, that was how he felt.

"My silly wife," Wang Li licked his plump lips, "You make me very happy."

Kissing, mouth parted and tongues rubbed. He rubbed the tip of his lover's cock and earned a deep moan from the king.

"One moment," Wang Li pulled away and sat against the wall. Ying Yue watched his husband get comfortable and went back to wrap his hand around the hardening member of his lover.

"Come," the Ghost King pulled his ankle to have him kneed facing the hardness, while his husband had a full view of his…

"A… Ah Li," his entire body flushed, "This feels…"

"Do you want to stop?" Wang Li questioned concerned, but his wife shook his head and continued to pump.

Silver eyes took in the view of his lover's round ass and hardening cock. Ying Yue's chest was pressed down to his abdomen, breath close to his hardness. His hands ran up the light skinned thighs, causing a tremble to run up the beautiful body. Hands landed on soft behind and he slowly kneaded them. Spreading the cheeks, he stared at the tight pucker and groaned deeply, as if seeing it was painfully arousing.

"So beautiful, my love," Wang Li puffed ghosted breath against the pucker to have it dilate, "I will never have my fill."

Long wet tongue licked at the hole before him, as he had entered long ago.

"Ah, Ah Li," his lover moaned and he did it again.

Licking, swiping, twisting his tongue teasingly against the pretty pink hole. Each puff against his hardness, told him the blonde was enjoying it. The movement of hips against his tongue told him to enter. He pulled his tongue away and heard an upset sound from his lover. His thumbs played against the rim as the other hand reached for oil. Making sure to soak his finger, he ran it against the twitching rim.

"I am going to put a finger in you, Ah Yue," he breathed out feeling the licks against his tip, "Okay?"

"O… okay," he heard his wife hesitated.

Finger pressed at the rim, before it slid in slowly. He could feel the clenching of those muscles and he ran his other hand up and down his lover's back.

"Ah Yue," he kissed and nibbled the butt cheeks, "You are so good to me."

Lips wrapped around his shaft and he tried not to thrust his own hips.

"How I thought of this, of you, of us," he moved his fingers around the edges of the tightness, "My beautiful wife."

A moan against his shaft vibrated and he clenched his stomach. Moving the finger more incessantly, he oiled up his other finger and pushed both in.

"Ah, hah," Ying Yue panted out as his hips pressed and pulled against those fingers.

He tried to focus on pleasing the king as he licked, mouthed and sucked the bulb. Wang Li tasted… he tasted… he liked how the king tasted. Enjoying himself, he suddenly felt his entire body lit up as his body shivered. It happened again and he shouted trying to pull away, but a strong hand held his ankle in place. Again and again, he felt his thighs trembling and he felt weak.

"Ah Li… Li Li," he said breathlessly, mouth hanging open, "Mmph, ah. Please."

"Feels good?" He heard Wang Li questioned and he moved his hips into those magical fingers.

"I, I'm gonna…" he panted out loudly wrapping his hand around his lover, "Come."

These two... :blush:

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