
Shadows of the Soul

Within the labyrinthine depths of destiny, shadows intertwine, concealing the path ahead. Amidst the chaos of lost hopes and shattered dreams, a whisper emerges-a cryptic promise veiled in the darkness. It speaks of a dormant light within, awaiting the seeker's touch-a revelation bound in the enigmatic embrace of fate. As the threads of time unravel, will the seeker heed the subtle call and unveil the truth that lies within, or succumb to the abyss that lingers in the unknown?

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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - Entwined with solitude

"The world has grown dark and distant, its matters hold no sway over me anymore.""Why is it always the righteous that fail short in the advert of evil?""Is it a matter of cunningness, experience or faith?""Or rather it's the god's way of showing gratitude towards the kind?"Another day passes as this world engulfs more and more into the darkness's flames.Perhaps this world's faith has already been decided, as if it was locked. There has been a time were this would've been thought impossible.However everything is possible in the midst of faith, even the most atrocious thoughts."I should get back mother, it is getting rather pitiful, me being here, walking on the face of earth while you roam around tirelessly because of me."Jie Xin was indeed one of the few kind people left in the world. Her death not only shattered those around her but also took away Qiao Xin's last emotion of love, leaving him with nothing but emptiness."It would've been better if you were to live instead of me, why was I chosen? I'm just a shadow cast by your luminous kindness, striving to match the brilliance you left behind but failing earnestly"Little Qiao Xin falls to his knees, screaming in denial. His cries echo through the desolate corridors of his shattered heart.Now that he has lost his only reason to live, he considers leaving it all behind.Only anger and vengeance fill his heart. But how could an ant stand up against the storm of fate?"I'm nothing special, I don't have a place in this world now that you are gone.""I really want to be with you, but at the same time, I feel that you are going to scold me again."Yet amidst the turmoil, a quiet resolve begins to stir within him. Despite his despair, a faint glimmer of determination emerges."I don't want to fail you, but even so, I just can't bring myself to forgive this world as you always did.""I tried again and again but failed to meet your expectations every time. I can't help but feel that my path lies in a different direction.""You can only hope in this world, but every time that hope is shattered—quite the vote of confidence if you ask me," said Qiao in a bittersweet tone."I will see where my journey will next embark me—even if I won't have your guidance, I feel like this is a must.""Today is my 15th anniversary, the old timer said starting from today I will learn Quabuta Arts with him then we will travel to the Tiao City.""I don't know when we will talk again, so until then—take care, Mother."