If war had a human form, it would be "Vandin." Betrayed, left for dead. Wife missing. Pissed off is an understatement. Cannibals, demons, commandos, and that's just for breakfast. Vandin will stop at nothing until he finds the one thing that made him worth living for, his pumpkin pie "Jin." Prepare to enter absolute madness as you follow the elite mercenary unit, call-sign; Shadow Walkers
"His presence oozes with violence, he has clearly lived a nightmarish life."
A thirty-year-old, rough around the edges caucasian human man, sits all in black, on a locomotive carriage.
He appears as someone in the deepest stages of depression, a deathwish even.
His clothes look military, yet he has overgrown stubble and bag under his eyes.
The lights flicker, and dust floats. Across from him is a humanoid alien pregnant woman. She looks nervous as she tries to avoid eye contact with Vandin.
Vandin looks at her for a second but instead, he sees a vision of a beautiful oriental female, smiling.
The train pulls up at a snow-filled station.
The woman watches Vandin in her peripheral, as she vacates the train. She looks back as she walks but Vandin has disappeared.
The station and streets are empty. It's silent except for her footsteps in the snow. The orange street lamps barely lighten up the street and alleyways.
She makes her way through a foggy alleyway.
Suddenly two humanoid alien gang bangers appear, pulling knives on her. They push her to the floor. She pulls herself back, her hand covering her belly.
The gang bangers close on her, one licks his lips as he looks at her.
Just then, from behind the right gang banger, a face slowly appears.
Vandins stands barely seen between both the attackers, with a blank expression. His arm slowly appears around the right gang banger's throat. He squeezes tightly, then the gang bangers body jerks for a second.
Vandins makes a sudden pull and rips the attacker's head off. The other gang banger is oblivious but then he hears dripping.
The gang banger turns, his eyes widen as he sees Vandin holding his friend's head. Blood sprays everywhere from the corpse.
The attacker suddenly makes a clumsy attempt to pull a gun from his jacket. His pistol raises, but Vandin rams the decapitated head straight onto the gun barrel.
In one sudden death strike, Vandin chops down upon the attacker's wrist, completely removing his hand.
Vandin stares blankly at the whimpering attacker. Vandin then stomps his commando boot onto the attacker's foot, then he open palms the attackers face, and thunderclaps him.
The attacker drops, and his face jaw is in shatters. Bone, teeth, and blood pour from his face, and blood gushes from his ears. A second later the scum bags throat receives Vandins boot.
Vandin looks at the woman. Again, the vision of a beautiful female appears.
The woman looks at him, her face mixed with emotion, but then she sees a transparent halo around Vandins head and a pair of Angel wings.