
Sweet Dreams

Someplace else, Sunny slowly opened his eyes. 

Pure sunshine was pouring through the tall arched windows, and the air was suffused with warmth. The sweltering heat of Godgrave was dispelled by a pleasant breeze.

The storm was long over, and the world was at peace. 

His body felt refreshed and revitalized despite having been enveloped by a blissful fatigue not too long ago, and his mind was at ease. He had slept well… better than he had ever slept in his life.

Waking up in Neph's bed for the second time in a row felt quite amazing. 

Of course, this time, he had not just fallen asleep atop the covers. 

Feeling a tantalizing, warm softness pressing against his chest, Sunny raised his head and rested it on a hand, looking down.