
Search & Rescue

Kai looked a bit tired and dehydrated, but other than that, he seemed fine. His Transcendent armor had originated from a fire-breathing dragon, after all — out of all them, he was probably capable of dealing with the lethal heat of the Nightmare Desert best. 

Looking at his friend, Sunny felt profound relief. 

He knew, of course, that the government force had been caught between the three Gates as well. They had not participated in the battle, and were protected by a Saint — so, their chances of escaping into the Dream Realm unscathed had been high. 

However, knowing and seeing were two different things. Now that Sunny saw Kai, a huge burden had been lifted from his heart. 

It was a bit bizarre, of course, to be happy about a friend becoming trapped in a Death Zone with very little hope of ever returning to the waking world… but considering the situation, one had to count their blessings. 

Sunny exhaled slowly.