
Mysterious Master

Nobody was sure who exactly the Ascended in charge of their new cohort was. Nevertheless, after briefly getting acquainted, the six Awakened couldn't help but wonder.

Quentin, the handsome warrior with a gallant demeanor, seemed thoughtful.

"Master Sunless… I don't think I have ever heard of him. There is no Ascended of that name among those who had been with the government for a long time, that I am sure of."

He lingered for a moment, and then added with slight reluctance:

"I did hear a few rumors, though."

Luster looked at him with a lively smile.

"Come on, then, don't leave us hanging!"

Quentin sighed, clearly uncomfortable to be participating in something that could be amounted to gossip. Eventually, however, his curiosity won over decorum:

"Well, it's not much. I just heard that Master Jet deliberately postponed the formation for the First Irregular Company to give this gentleman enough time to arrive. And that she personally recruited him."