
Bed Time

Soon, Nightmare landed on the deck of the Chain Breaker. Sunny had been a bit distracted, so he was surprised to see that Nephis was pointing her sword at him. After a short moment, she let out a sigh and sheathed it again.

'Right. They didn't see us approaching because of the mist, and then something fast jumped out of it and landed on the ship.'

After the lackluster explanation Sunny had given them, both Cassie and Nephis must have been tense and uneasy for the past half an hour. 

"You're back…"

Nephis started to talk, but then grew silent. She had finally noticed the bloodied figure sitting in front of Sunny.

Jet used that moment to gingerly jump down and stretch. 

"Horse riding... is just not for me. Ah, I miss my PTV."

Cassie seemed taken aback. 

"...Soul Reaper Jet?"

Jet nodded and smiled. 

"One and only."

Then, her expression darkened.

"Well… I suppose not anymore."