

Sunny and Nephis shared the desserts and enjoyed the tea. Their conversation flowed easily. Time passed slowly, but eventually, she rose and went to check on Jet and Cassie. Soon, the sound of her light steps faded away, and Sunny was left alone. 

He leaned on the trunk of the sacred tree, looking into the fog. 

His heart felt warm and at peace.

But at the same time…

Sunny could not throw what Neph had said out of his head.

'Do something that I never dared to do before…'

There were a few things he could think of. 

He sighed and stared into the distance. 

Sunny… had complicated relationships with his closest companions, to say the least. Nephis, Cassie, and he — there was a mess of emotions trapped between the three of them. Most of the things they wanted to say to each other had been left unspoken for a long time. 

Especially between Sunny and Nephis. 

He hesitated.