
Abandon All Hope

...Shellshocked by her words, the three of them stared at the young woman with pale faces. Sunny felt something brittle and precious shattering in his heart, piercing it with an almost physical feeling of pain.

'No. No, it can't be.'

It just couldn't be true. How could… how could all of this have been for nothing?

How could all of his hopes, dreams and desires just be destroyed with a couple of words?

How was it possible?!

Somewhere beside him, Cassie suddenly said in a tiny voice:

"What do you mean, there is no Gateway?"

Effie shrugged.

"It's very simple, really. I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, but deep down inside you must have known already. Didn't you? The Forgotten Shore… it's not really a place where humans are supposed to survive. That's why you have never heard of anything like it in the school or the Academy."