
Chapter 15 The Human Academy

Three teenager were stranding in front of the gates of the academy, two of them were wearing tracksuits and the other is wearing a black shirt, black pant and a long hood, they all looked at the large red gate. 

The First one was the tall, slender girl, with clear grey and detached look on her face. she had strange, silver white hair that was cut short and neatly parted to the side. She was wearing the police issued tracksuits.


The second was one was the short, boy, with dark black eyes and black hair a pale face. He was looking at the tall red gates with expectations in his eyes, and just like the sliver haired girl he too was also wearing police issued tracksuits.


The last one was a tall figure matching the height of the sliver haired girl, his physic was slender and curvy, looks a bit younger than the two. The figure has peal white hair that extends past his waist, and large purple eyes, that looks like diamonds with long eye lashes, his skin is white as snow. He was extremely beautiful as if an angel has descended from heaven, he was wearing a white T-shirt, black pant, boots and long black tech coat.
















Raizel (pov)

Raizel was standing in front of the massive, seemingly indestructible red gates of the Awakened Academy.

The Awakened Academy is a city within the city. It is built like a fortress, with a high wall made of hard alloy, a deep moat, and numerous large-caliber turrets which were placed in certain positions to create a deadly air-suppression dome. No nightmare creature, not even colossal titans, was supposed to be able to break through its defenses. It is the only government-funded educational facility on Earth for the Awakened.

'I wonder if it can even stop mother Dragon.'

Thought Raizel as he recall, the Dragon that his mother has tame, it the tallest dragon in our family and also the strongest one, he was thinking of bringing that Dragon to test the defense of this academy.

'Well another time, since now i have finally seen him.'

He glanced at his left and saw the black haired teenager, who was too glancing at his direction. The teenager quickly shifted his gaze to the front pretending like nothing happens.

'...Sunless' thought Raizel as he recall the information about him from the book he read.

Sunny the main character of the book Shadow Slave. It is a story about his life, he lives in the outskirts before he started showing symptoms of Nightmare. He had no family to speak of and spent most of his time scrounging for food instead of going to school. His mom named him Sunless due to the fact he was born during a solar eclipse, which everyone finds strange.

As Raizel was recalling the information about him when suddenly. 


The end of the metal bridge hit the special grooves in the ground and stopped moving after a set of loud clicks. 

Without wasting any time, Raizel stepped on the bridge first and started walking forward, soon Nephis followed along and the last one to enter was Sunny.

A tall man in a military uniform approaching infront of them, he told them to follow him.

Raizel, Sunny and Nephis, they were taken in the southern part of the Academy, surrounded on all sides by training fields and parks.

It was a low, modern building constructed with reinforced materials. Like the majority of buildings in the Academy, most of it was hidden below the ground, leaving only a couple of floors above it, as they reach inside a white building that was spacious and well lit. Walking into the large room, they saw hundreds of teenager of their age. Most of them were nervous, tense and excited.

Raizel looked ahead and already found the saw that all the sleeper present in the hall were divided in two group.

First group were of Legacy Clans, they had the less amount of people in it, they children of legacy clans who were trained from the moment they had taken their first step to wield weapons of war and destroy their enemies. 

They also has access to the knowledge to dream realm that some people couldn't imagine. The legacy's look cold, arrogant and full of over- confidence, they were dress in a luxurious clothing. And standing right next to them were also children of the same age as them, who were too dress in luxurious clothes were, they either from rich families and or either one of their parent were high ranking citizen.

The second group, which had the most amount of people in it were from middle-class families, although these children were not trained as much as the legacy children, they still went to school and has basic information about nightmare and dream realm. These children looks a little nervous unlike the legacies.

As Raizel group walked inside the room, suddenly all the voices in the hall went silent, all of the eyes were fixed on the three newcomers or particularly on one person.

'Why are they all looking at me ?' thought Raizel as he felt hundred gazes on it, after his first nightmare, his senses has enhances, he could feel the stare of the peoples without even looking at them.

Then it suddenly clicked on his mind as he looked ahead and saw that most of the gaze were from boys who were blushing mess.

'Right, i have become a beauty that could make a super modal quit her job.'

Indeed his appearance has change making him look like a pretty girl, the sleeper present here don't know the fact that Raizel actual gender is male not female.

Ignoring the stare of every sleeper, Raizel walked forward his posture elegant and graceful, with every steps he took it's looks like it was filled with a sense of purpose.

All the boys couldn't help but stare at his elligence, all of them was hypnotize by his cham even some legacy's who has a cold look on their face couldn't help but look in his direction for time to time. The girls seeing this throw Raizel looks filled with jealousy and envy.

Raizel didn't care about how many were staring at him, he was simply walking to the end corner of the room, where he saw a girl with light blond hair stood, with a crane on her hand.

'Sometimes it is so cursed to be this pretty'

His thought were filled with narcissistic, but nobody could hear his though, as Raizel reach the end of the room, he stand beside the girl, which everyone was ignoring.

The girl could feel someone presence, as she look at where Raizel was standing and a look of shock passed thought her beautiful face.

'....Interesting~' thought Raizel, he already know why she was shocked, but for now he decided to ignore her, he leaned against the wall while closing his eyes.

The girl tried to say something but couldn't bring herself too say anything as she just decided to stay silent. 

Some Sleepers tried to approach Raizel, but quickly give up as they couldn't muster up the confidence and also because of the girl that standing beside him.

After some time, Raizel eyes suddenly shot opened because of the little commotion coming from the sleeper, he looked around and saw more than half of the sleeper were looking in one direction with a hateful gaze, mostly girls.

Curiously he also turned his head only to see Sunny standing in the other conner of the room grinning like a madman. His face was swollen up as if he got punched hard enough to broke his nose and little drops of blood were also coming out of his mouth.

'Right this scene form the book.'

Raizel recalled this scene from the book, when Sunny tries to talk to people, only to fail miserably and even getting beat up because of his flaw that let him tell the truth. This was also the movement Sunny also learned how to control his flaw.

As he was thinking about this Raizel saw Sunny approaching a group of sleeper and started talking to the one of them. The conversation between sunny and the young man who had brown hair and green eyes, a handsome face, charming the heart of many girls present here. His has a aura of a gentle and kind person with a hint of friendly humor.

Raizel looked at the young man.

'What was his name again ?.... Caster right ?. Caster from the Ha Li clan, sent by the heir Anvil clan to kill Nephis' thought Raizel as he tried to recall the identity of the young man.

Suddenly a tall man in dark Blue uniform appeared on the stage taking the attention of all the sleeper present, the tall man had a wide shoulder, an athletic build and gorgeous beard, his eyes were cold and serious. After reaching the stage he gave sleepers a long look.

Raizel looked at the tall man.

'Sunny was right he does looks like a bear'

As these thought were going inside his head, the tall man looked at every sleeper present from front row to the desert conner after he returned his gaze to the front rows of the crowd. He spoke in a deep and reverberating voice.

"I am Awakened Rock. Sleepers, welcome to the Academy."

Their was a pin drop silence in the hall, everyone listened without making a sound.

"In less than a month, you will be summoned to the Dream Realm. Some of you might think that you are well prepared. You're wrong. The Spell is merciless and cunning. The moment Awakened begin to think too much of themselves, they die. I've seen countless Sleepers like you lose their lives. I've also seen experienced Masters lose theirs. Even Saints are not assured to survive."

'What a way to encourage someone' thought Raizel, as he shook his head, he know that only half survived from this branch of sleeper.

"In the following four weeks, we will do everything in our power to increase your chances of survival. You will receive training from the best instructors in the world. However, don't be misled by their fame: in the end, whether you return from the Dream Realm--" 

Raizel wasn't paying attention to the speech of Awakened Rock unlike the other sleeper, since he has read the book he already know the what the speech is about. He was thinking about something else.

'Since one of my attribute is fateless, so i don't really know if i will ended up Forgotten Shore. In the book the last branch of sleeper that enter the Forgotten shore were Sunny, Cassie, Nephis, Caster and three unknown sleeper. Only the Sunny, Cassie and Nephis survived the in Labyrinth while Caster was directly transported to the Castle, Three unknown sleeper whose name wasn't mentation had died Labyrinth.' 

Raizel was recalling the information he knew about the spell cycle theory of Forgotten Shore.

'And Because of that, the inhabitants of Bright Castle came up with a theory that the number of people sent to this region of the Dream Realm by the Spell followed a certain cycle. If they had been right, then at least fourteen Sleepers would have appeared somewhere in the Labyrinth on the day of the winter solstice. But, the Spell did not send anyone. and this leads to the another theory that Sunny and his gang was never been meant to start a new cycle. It was also said that spell has given last chance to the to the people of the Forgotten Shore.'

As Raizel was thinking about the this, Awakened Rock has come to an end of his speech.

"That is all for today. Next, follow the instructions sent to your communicators to find your assigned dormitory. Once settled, you may proceed to the cafeteria for some late supper. There will be a round of interviews after that, to prepare your suggested curriculums. Get a good night's rest. Your training starts tomorrow." 

Raizel thought process come to an halt as he looked and saw Awakened Rock leaving the stage after giving sleepers a short nod.

After Awakened Rock speech, every sleeper were given a communicator, Raizel was about to followed the instruction send to his communicator when a voice sounded.

"Excuse me but is your name Raizel?"

Hearing his name, Raizel turned his head looked at the person, who wore a white tracksuit with an Academy emblem on it chest pocket, it was the staff member of the Academy.


"Please follow me to the administration office" said the person didn't minding the the emotionless voice of Raizel.