
(ch55) all is forgiven

Harper guided them through the sprawling castle, sharing intricate insights into the castle's protocols and traditions. With his easygoing and sociable demeanor, Rin quickly absorbed the essentials.

In essence, the guidelines were straightforward: freedom reigned unless it encroached upon the fundamental principles of communal living, with a few minor exceptions. The fortress boasted areas accessible to all, alongside restricted sections exclusively reserved for Gunlaug's inner circle, shown by the emblem of a serpent entwined around a tall tower.

As they strolled, Rin couldn't help but notice several rugged tapestries adorned with this emblem. Woven from black fabric, they showcased a stylized white tower intertwined with a golden serpent, likely symbolizing the enigmatic Dark City, the majestic Bright Castle, and its enigmatic ruler, respectively.

Beyond that, little else warranted attention aside from basic directions on locating food, hydration, and other essentials. Harper concluded with a gentle reminder on etiquette when interacting with fellow denizens of the fortress.

"People here are very nice, but you still must remember to have manners. Especially when you are interacting with the guards and the hunters. These guys protect us and risk their lives to provide for us, so they deserve our respect. If one of them… uh… if there's a misunderstanding, be mindful of their burdens. Yes."

*Essentially: don't mess with Gunlaug's people, and if they are messing with you, just swallow it.*

*We should keep a close watch on Cassie. I don't want to take any chances of her running into a corrupt guard while she's alone.*

*Agreed I'll keep a shadow on her only, both of us can just push past it silently…. Or deal with any obstacles silently*

As she wandered through the castle corridors, she caught fleeting glimpses of daily life within its walls. Rin found herself surprised to see that the people weren't as downtrodden as she had imagined. Instead, they carried themselves with a sense of normalcy, going about their routines with a casual ease that defied her expectations.

Sure, there were traces of concern and strain etched on their faces, much like what one might see outside the castle walls. Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle, there was an unmistakable air of ordinariness about the inhabitants.

*I guess humans can adapt to anything.*

As long as there was some semblance of stability, humans would find a way. And it seemed as though the tyrannical master of the ancient fortress, hateful as he was, was providing the Sleepers trapped on the Forgotten Shore with that stability. Effie's words about how the bastard was the only thing holding this place together echoed in Rin's mind.

*Perhaps he's a... necessary evil?*

*Right now we just need to gather info Sunny, nothing else*

Humans are pretty resilient creatures, aren't they? Even in the face of adversity, they manage to adapt and persevere. It's like that old saying goes, where there's a will, there's a way. Take, for example, the folks stuck on the Forgotten Shore. Despite being under the thumb of that despicable ruler holed up in the ancient fortress, they somehow manage to keep things together. Effie's words about how this tyrant is the glue holding their community intact keep replaying in Rin's thoughts.

At long last, they arrived at the western tower of the castle, greeted by an eerie silence that enveloped the mostly vacant space. It seemed few dared to linger here, unsettled by the ominous silhouette of the Crimson Spire looming in the distance.

Yet, for Cassie, Sunny, and Rin, this solitude was a welcome reprieve. Cassie, blind to the world around her, found solace in the stillness, while Sunny, with his acute sensitivity to shadows didn't mind it, as for Rin, hardened by exposure, she was unfazed by the Spire's presence. Moreover, the drawn curtains shielded them from its haunting sight.

As they ventured further, Harper, overcome with a hint of embarrassment, halted suddenly and spoke hesitantly:

"Uh… I forgot to ask. Would you guys be needing three separate rooms or two?"

Without thinking too much, all three answered at the same time:




As tension thickened in the room, their movements halted, and their gazes converged, each face betraying a different shade of apprehension. Cassie's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, Rin's eyes met Sunny's, a faint blush tinting her features alongside a blend of bewilderment, while Sunny's complexion drained of colour, a stark contrast to the others' reactions.

*Sunny, you wanna… explain yourself orrr*

She could hear the desperation in his voice to explain himself

*Wait hold on I didn't mean anything by it, it's just I can have the shadow on Cassie and we could watch each others back being in the same room. I really don't trust anyone here*

After a moment of reflection, she came to an unfortunate realization—it just made sense. Spending months camping together had certainly eased her mind about the situation. However, finding themselves in this new, more urban setting, and with only three people present, the request for two rooms hinted at something entirely different.


*Yeah yeah i believe you*

Clearing her throat, Rin looked at Harper and said:

"Two rooms if they're next to each other. If that is not possible, then three in separate locations."

She glanced over at Sunny, who wore a pleasantly surprised expression upon hearing her words.

*I'm still pissed at you by the way*

*I know*

The nervous young guy scratched the back of his head, looking a bit taken aback before responding with a hint of surprise in his voice:

"Uh… alright. I think I can find two adjacent rooms for you. Follow me."

And so, they took their first steps forward. Rin stole a glance at Sunny, who subtly nodded towards Cassy before shaking his head and falling into step behind Harper.

*She won't misunderstand. Right?*

*Probably will*

Before them stood a pair of robust wooden doors. Harper passed Sunny a set of iron keys with a warm smile.

"Here we are. The rooms are not very big, but they're really… uh… cozy. Enjoy your first night of safety, guys! You must have not felt safe in a long time. I know I never did before entering the castle. Thank heavens that time is behind me! Anyway, food will be served one hour after sunrise tomorrow, in the main hall of the Keep. See you there!"

As he gave them one final glance, a sheepish smile played on his lips before he turned and walked away, leaving the trio in an uncomfortable silence. Sunny, still seemingly a bit embarrassed, let out a sigh before finally finding the courage to break the silence with his words:

"I hope you didn't think that we were…"

Cassie suddenly giggled.

"I know. I just didn't expect it. Let me guess, you two distrust every single person in this castle, and therefore are going to watch me like a hawk to scare them all away. Like overprotective, mean, violent big siblings. Right?"

With a smile, Cassie turned her head this way and another, and then added:

"To be honest, I don't feel safe here either. So, thank you! Although I must say, this place seems almost like a hotel. My parents took me on a mountain vacation once, and we stayed at a really old hotel. Uh, what was it called… Overgaze? Overlook? Anyway, this place is exactly like that."

Sunny spoke first followed by Rin, they both spoke with a pleasant tone

"Right? I've never been to a hotel, but that was my first thought as well."

"I've only been to one hotel when i was young, yeah this was pretty much exactly the same"

*Of course, that was if the hotel in question was populated by hundreds of Nightmare Spell carriers, with a murderous tyrant for an owner, and not a single police officer around to call for help if something happened.*

She used to loathe police officers, seeing them as nothing but trouble, always drawing unwanted attention that could spell danger for her. Avoiding them became a priority to stay safe. Yet surprisingly, she finds herself longing for their presence now.

*What i would do to be back home*



Behind the solid door, lay a cramped chamber adorned with rugged stone walls, its only portal to the outside world a slender window ensconced behind wooden shutters and heavy drapery. Harper's stern admonition lingered in their minds, a caution against disturbing the nocturnal tranquility outside the Tower of Dusk.

In this realm, even the faintest glimmer of light escaping the fortress under cover of night was deemed a grave transgression, a fact Harper had underscored with unwavering fervor. Unbeknownst to the trio, adept as they were in navigating the shadows, the prohibition against opening the window remained steadfast.

Yet, within the confines of the chamber, comfort was sparse. A simple bed, its mattress stuffed with straw, occupied one corner, accompanied by a frail chest and diminutive desk. On the desk rested a basin brimming with water, alongside strips of pristine cloth and an oil lamp casting a soft glow. A modest circular mirror, its surface gleaming with polished bronze, completed the humble ensemble.

Rin saw herself In the reflection and flinched, as though seeing a stranger.

Two months was all it took But

She had changed a lot.

Now, after navigating through the challenges of the Labyrinth, her features had taken on a sharper, more defined look, shedding the remnants of youthful softness. While Rin had always possessed a certain angularity, her transformation had further accentuated her femininity, sculpting her into a true hourglass figure. A flush of rosiness now graced her skin, adding a vibrant glow to her complexion. Her eyes, as dark as her raven-black locks, held a depth that would draw anyone in, while her hair cascaded to her hips, a tangled veil framing her face in an alluringly messy manner.

'i should cut my hair'

As she gazed into her own eyes once more, something profound shifted within her. The transformation was most evident in her eyes, where a subtle yet significant change had taken place. Within the depths of their darkness, there now flickered a sense of tranquility mingled with a weighty, somber chill that hadn't existed previously.

In a moment of sudden clarity, Rin grasped the truth: she now bore the gaze of someone who had endured the trials of battle, each experience etched into the depths of her being.

She was a seasoned fighter

No scratch that she was a survivor

The type of calculating coldness hiding in the eyes of such men and women was known as the "murder math" in the outskirts.

In the depths of her gaze, hidden from all but her own perception, shimmered faint crimson strands, imbued with her divine aspect ability, weaving a mysterious aura within the darkness of her eyes. Though her ability lay dormant, its presence lingered, leaving subtle traces for her alone to discern.

in a strange, hoarse voice she heard Sunny speak to himself:

"...Looking good, Sunless."

She deadpanned



They both stared at the single bed for a second Rin breaks the silence first:

"im Sleeping on the floor"

He cut in

"You don't have to, You can use the bed."

"I saw the way you looked at the bed"

"Ladies first"

"Sunny when have you ever cared about manners?"




He stretched out on the soft bed, while Rin settled onto the unforgiving floor below.

The room fell into a tranquil hush, as they both found themselves lost in contemplation, their gazes drifting up towards the ceiling. Despite her lack of trust in anyone around her, she couldn't deny that this makeshift community offered a semblance of safety, a comforting bubble amidst the chaos outside.

The wooden ceiling above them bore the marks of time, its ancient panels resembling elongated floor tiles, a testament to the history of the place they found themselves in. As she stared at the intricate patterns etched into the wood, she found solace in the rhythmic repetition, a soothing balm for her restless mind. Who could resist the allure of symmetry, she mused, finding comfort in the order amidst the uncertainty of her future and her past.

Her past

"I'm sorry for not dropping the topic Rin"

In the quiet of the room, her ears caught Sunny's voice, clear and distinct, breaking through the stillness.

She lay there quietly, eager to listen to more of Sunny's words without feeling the need to interject.

"I shouldn't have pushed, this person obviously meant alot to you, and it looks like you obviously regret killing him"

A single tear trickled down her cheek while she lay there, utterly still, soaking in every word he uttered.

She finally decided to speak

"It was my brother"

There was a long pause before he spoke again

"Oh… can I ask what happened?"

Images of the monstrous creature continued to invade her thoughts, prompting her to shake her head in an attempt to dispel them. With a heavy sigh, she finally found her voice.

"He fell asleep and…and.."

Sunny understood exactly what that meant, anybody that fell asleep during the first nightmare and died was turned into a monster

"How old were you?"

"I was ten"


"My father, before he left, told me that if my brother started to move in any way that wasn't normal… i needed to press a button"

"I'm guessing you were too young to understand what the button did"

"I was told what the button did… when I pressed it"

"Did he love you?"

She stopped for a moment, reflecting on her brother's gentle nature. He wouldn't have even dreamed of causing her the slightest harm; he was the epitome of kindness and the embodiment of friendliness as a brother.

"He was the best brother"

"I don't wanna be insensitive, but from the sound of it, he would have wanted you too press any button that made you safer… even if it meant he had to…go"

She let out a sigh, the notion of her brother willingly putting himself in harm's way for her safety struck a chord within her. It was a gesture she knew he would make without hesitation. Though she often entertained such thoughts privately, she tended to suppress them with a barrage of negativity. Yet, as Sunny listened to her and vocalized the very sentiments she had kept buried, a sense of warmth bloomed within her chest.

Her mind wandering to memories of her and her brother, then the memory of her pushing Sunny into a wall made her stand up and look at him

"I'm sorry for my whole outburst and the Pushing against the wall"

"Its fine i kinda deserved it"

After a brief silence, she began to notice the chill seeping into her back, glancing over at Sunny who was still in bed. At first, she stubbornly insisted on sleeping on the floor out of frustration with him, but now, as that feeling faded, the bed seemed irresistibly inviting. Finally, she broke the silence, expressing her thoughts aloud.

"Can I get in? The floor is hella cold"


Sunny says quietly as he makes space for her in the bed

She slides in and the two of them wrapped themselves in the single blanket

"You left a shadow guarding her room right"

She received a link and saw the view of the empty corridor outdoor and the view of Cassie's door

*Got it*

Nestled within the sturdy walls of the grand castle, amidst the bustling crowd and the comfort of a proper bed, it felt surreal to recall the recent ordeal of navigating the treacherous waters of the deadly sea aboard a creaky vessel, battling monstrous creatures within the eerie coral maze, and feeling her sanity slip away under the insatiable hunger of an ancient, soul-devouring tree. It all appeared as though a hazy dream in comparison to the safety and tranquility she now experienced.

*This… isn't bad.*

*Yeah doesn't seem so bad*

As that notion settled in their minds, they drifted off into slumber. When dawn broke, they awoke feeling rejuvenated and cleansed. She managed to unearth a makeshift brush, and after months of grappling with her unruly locks, she finally managed to tame her bushy hair, and straighten it pulling it back into a ponytail using a scrap of fabric from the room. Just as she finished, Sunny entered the room and caught sight of her, pausing briefly before clearing his throat and addressing her.

"Lets go"

They stood in anticipation in the hallway, eager for Cassie's arrival. It didn't take long for the blind girl to join them. As she emerged from her room, there was a radiant aura about her, exuding beauty and vitality. It was evident that Cassie had undergone a similar transformation as the others. After enduring months of trudging through the harsh wilderness, they had finally shed the grime and brutality, reclaiming their humanity.

"Good morning!"

Cassie beamed with happiness not suited for this place

Rin was nearly entranced by Cassie's beauty, almost as if she had forgotten just how stunning Cassie truly was. With her delicate features, piercing blue eyes, and cascading pale blond hair, she resembled a mesmerizing porcelain doll come to life. Despite her blindness, she exuded a captivating aura, especially now that she had shed the enchanted cloak, revealing herself in a simple yet elegant light tunic and leather sandals. In that moment, she was nothing less than absolutely breathtaking..

The two of them sighed.

*This… smells like trouble.*

*Yep, something tell me, someone's not gonna be able to keep their hand to themselves*

"Good morning, Cassie."

"Morning Cas"

She turned her head to them and wrinkled her nose. They frowned but sunn asked first:

"Uh… what?"

The blind girl knitted her brow.

"I don't know. You two smell different."

She chuckled same as sunny

"If this is your way of saying that we used to reek, then thank you, I guess."

"You smelt horrible too don't you forgot"

Giggling, Cassie came closer

"That's not what I meant! Anyway, let's go eat!"

The trio found themselves surprisingly cheerful as they made their way through the castle grounds. With guidance from the duo, Cassie was led toward the main keep, following the route meticulously explained by Harper the previous evening. Along the journey, they were cautious to steer clear of any doors or corridors marked with the emblem of a golden serpent entwined around a white tower.

Sunny already made plans for his shadow to explore the forbidden areas of the fortress later, but for now, discretion was paramount to avoid trouble. Despite the allure of forbidden exploration, they understood the importance of maintaining a low profile.

Locating the Keep proved relatively easy, as a stream of other Sleepers was also converging there for breakfast. Meals were a rarity in the castle, served only twice a day: once in the morning and once just before sunset. Missing either meal meant enduring hunger for the remainder of the day, a consequence they were keen to avoid.

Rin observed as Sunny occasionally whispered descriptions to Cassie in a hushed tone. The contrast between the castle's residents and the struggling inhabitants of the outer settlement was stark. Here, people appeared robust, perhaps even well-nourished. The prevalence of armor-like Memories further distinguished them, though many still wore regular fabrics. Most were youthful and strikingly attractive, with only a rare few seeming to have surpassed their early twenties. Yet, despite the general allure, none quite matched Cassie's charisma. As they finally stepped into the main hall of the Keep, long wooden tables awaited the morning influx of hungry Sleepers.

All of a sudden, the attention of the room shifted, and it seemed like every pair of eyes in the vicinity fixated on the trio who just walked in. A shiver of unease crept down her spine, causing her to swallow hard, the weight of all those stares feeling almost tangible.


*Yeah not good*

sorry for the delay

Dashkins74creators' thoughts