
Shadow slave: A Shadows Friend

Rin Lunar, once a girl trying to survive on the slums. Now, she was chosen by the Spell and as such, she has to fend off against terrible abomination... even fellow Awakened. Her salvation lies in her divine power... And most importantly, her truly trusted friend, Sunny. "What's the worst that could happen?" "I died the last time you said that!" "Don't be such a cry baby and you know, dying is too plebeian." ---- Author: Bazinga Proof-reader and editor: Karma-Sensei-Dono*

Dashkins74 · Derivados de obras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
61 Chs

(ch28) under the tree

Shortly after, Rin heard a noise from above. Glancing in that direction, she spotted Cassie standing on the wide branch, holding onto the golden rope.

*Sunny you should probably go help her*

He glanced at her, clearly exasperated.

*rock, paper, scissors whoever loses has to help her*

*Fine 3, 2 ,1, GO!*





Rin watched, chuckling to herself.

Reluctantly, he stood up, burdened by the heavy weight of exhaustion. As he gathered himself, the blind girl gracefully descended, navigating with careful steps that showcased both a keen sense of caution and unexpected agility, all the more remarkable given her inability to see.

He blinked.

*Is she crazy? That's dangerous!*

*She's visually impaired, Sunny, not a five-year-old.*

Cassie swiftly descended, releasing the rope and landing safely. Summoning her staff, she took a cautious step, attempting to recall the direction of his shout. Sunny then spoke up, making his presence known and guiding her with his words.

"I'm here!"

The visually impaired girl shifted her gaze towards him and gracefully advanced, tactfully navigating the uneven terrain with her staff. The irregular surface of the island extended her journey, making it a bit lengthier than her usual stride. As she approached the duo, Rin intercepted her passage, addressing her just before she passed by.

"Hey, Cas."

Cassie stopped and lowered her head with a surprised expression. Then, she asked:

"Why are you lying on the ground and why is Sunny walking weirdly?"

They smiled.

"Ah, it's very comfortable oh and Sunny lost a bet."

Out of nowhere, a furrow formed on the blind girl's forehead, and she expressed her concern with a touch of worry, saying:

"Are you guys hurt?"

"Nope nothing serious"

Seeing Cassie still wearing a frown, Sunny chimed in with a friendly remark, trying to brighten the mood.

"Neph is also fine. She's resting a bit further away."

Seeing Cassie's persistent frown, Sunny decided to join Rin and, with a smile, nestled down beside her.

"You guys really killed that demon?"

Rin shifted her gaze toward the massive lifeless form, closing her eyes as she sensed the comforting weight of Sunny's head gently resting on her thigh.

*You comfy?*


"Yeah. He's very dead."

After a peaceful pause, the trio lapsed into silence. Rin, at ease with her arms resting behind her head, teetered on the brink of slumber. Sunny, too, seemed on the verge of nodding off. It was in this tranquil moment that Cassie, with utmost care, broke the quietude with her inquisitive words.

"So you two … you're just going to continue lying here?"

As her eyes fluttered open, she blinked, attempting to grasp the details of her surroundings and piece together the puzzle of the moment.

*Oh, right. It's morning. There are things we have to do…Sunny get up*

The final day felt like an eternity, filled with weariness and meticulous preparations for their daring plan. Racing to the hill's summit, scrambling up the ancient tree, nestling into its branches—each step carrying the weight of risking their lives to ignite the demon in flames. And then, there was the aftermath, an amalgamation of events leading to a brief yet spine-chilling showdown with the creature.

Despite the fatigue, respite wasn't on the horizon. Basic precautions demanded attention. Pushing through her worn-out frame, Rin rose from her seat. Sunny hesitated to leave the comforting warmth but eventually stood up too, offering Cassie a supportive shoulder. As she rested her hand on it, they ventured towards the lifeless Carapace Demon's remains, pausing at the spot where Nephis lay sprawled in the sand.

She greeted them with a tired glance.

"Good morning."

Instinctively, Changing Star attempted to muster a courteous smile, but on this particular day, it failed to convey genuine warmth.

*Huh, I give it 3.6 out of ten. Not great, not terrible.*

*Hey, Sunny, give her some credit. She's putting in effort, maybe at least a 4.6?*

Before long, the four companions found themselves gathered in a cozy circle, casually sharing a chilled and invigorating glass bottle of water. Amidst the camaraderie, Sunny animatedly recounted the thrilling tale of their encounter with the formidable Carapace Demon.

"... so Rin distracted him for a few moments before she got her ass sent thats when i decided to harm the tree and make it focus on me. That's when Neph attacked. She used her Aspect Ability to ignite her sword and struck at the weakened patch of armor on the demon's chest, the one you told us about. It really was not as strong as the rest of his carapace, so the sword went through and pierced the bastard's heart."

Rin observed that Cassie didn't show any surprise upon hearing about Changing Star's latest trick. It crossed her mind that Cassie might have been aware either through Nephis informing her or having seen it in one of her visions. Despite the uncertainty, Rin opted not to delve deeper into the subject.

*Rin did you notice it too*

*What? The fact she didn't react at all*

*Yeah that*

"The demon was already severely wounded from his fight with the… the thing from the sea, so it was enough to finish him off. A few seconds later, he was dead."

Cassie shook her head in astonishment.

"That is… incredible. Three Sleepers killing an awakened demon! I thought that stuff like that only happens in webtoons."

Nephis corrected her:

"Four Sleepers. Without your vision and advice, we wouldn't have been able to do anything."

The girl who couldn't see felt a slight blush creeping up, modestly casting her gaze downward.

"Still. Three or four , it doesn't really change a lot, does it?"

Sunny's gaze shifted between the two girls before ultimately settling on Cassie.

"You're right, it's not something one would expect to happen. But, anyway… I promised to cook demon meat for you after this is over, didn't I? Are you ready to witness my incredible culinary talent?"

Her smile widened as she envisioned the succulent, tender meat tantalizing his taste buds. Yet, a sudden change in Cassie's expression revealed a hint of hesitation, casting a shadow across her face.

"I… I don't know about that."

Rin looked hurt

'how can you refuse food?'


"Sorry Rin i don't know"

Sunny raised his eyebrows.

"What? Why?"

She lingered before answering.

"Well, it just seems weird to eat the meat of an intelligent creature. Even if it was evil. I didn't think about it before, but now… uh. It just doesn't seem right, I guess."

Well, it didn't cross her mind at that moment. Looking back, the notion of turning a creature with intelligence akin to theirs into steaks did strike her as a bit off. Even if said creature happened to be a bloodthirsty demon capable of gobbling them up without a second thought.

In the realm of dreams, it operated on a different set of rules. Monsters feasted on humans, and humans in turn feasted on monsters. It was the cycle of life, or perhaps more fittingly, the cycle of death.

Yet, the Carapace Demon stood out for more than just its intelligence. It possessed its own thoughts and personality. Despite the universal insanity and murderous tendencies of Nightmare Creatures, much like hers, the ironclad giant exhibited other qualities.

Proud and fearless, even valiant, she stood her ground when facing the terrifying monsters of the dark sea, refusing to yield. Cooking the meat of someone with such qualities could be deemed... unconventional.

*How come Teacher Julius did not educate us on the ethics of eating your enemies? What an oversight!*

*Sunny food is food a girls got to eat, if you don't want it I'll gladly eat your share*

He gave her a death glare:

*you wouldn't dare*

Blushing in response to their silence, Cassie misunderstood and shyly uttered:

"Sorry. I know it seems ridiculous, but that's just how I feel. You three don't have to do the same."

Sunny shook his head.

"No, you might be right. I understand… sort of. It's just that we didn't bring any supplies with us, so we won't be able to eat anything unless we go hunting."

"Agreed with Sunny, also Cassie we cannot be picky in this situation"

The blind girl sighed. Then, her face brightened and she said:

"What about the great tree's fruits? I bet they're delicious!"

Sunny's eyes widened in astonishment, mirroring the surprised expression on Rin's face as they both gazed at her in awe.

"Are you serious?"

Cassie appeared genuinely puzzled in response to his question, her confusion accentuated by Rin's unexpected reaction. The perplexed expression on her face conveyed a mix of surprise and uncertainty.

"Uh… yes? Why?"

He blinked a couple of times before answering.

"That tree is magnificent and pretty, but it's also very strange and suspicious. Why is it able to grow here when nothing else can? I'm pretty sure that it's the reason why all the coral around the Ashen Barrow is dead. Have you seen anything else capable of damaging the labyrinth itself?"

Sunny looked at Cassie, then at Nephis, trying to show how serious he was about this.

"In any case, it's too creepy. I don't think that we should eat these fruits. Who knows what they'll do to us?"

The blind girl smiled.

"You're being a little paranoid, don't you think? A tree is a tree. Actually, I think it's a wonderful example of how life can prevail against all odds, even in this terrible place. I'm willing to bet that its fruits are perfectly fine."

She gazed at Cassie, utterly unsure of how to respond. The disbelief lingered—how could Cassie casually brush off Sunny's genuinely valid concern? It seemed out of character for her. With a mix of surprise and disappointment, Sunny and Rin shifted their attention to Neph, anticipating some support.

After a thoughtful pause, Changing Star carefully considered her words. Finally, she spoke with a composed tone:

"They are right. There are too many strange things about that tree. Eating its fruits would be too risky."

*Finally, a voice of reason!*

*HEY i Voiced my opinion too*

Rin let out a sigh of relief, the tension in her chest dissipating.

Yet, an unexplainable worry still clutched at her heart.

Disappointment etched across Cassie's face as Changing Star turned towards Sunny, posing a question:

"The Echo was destroyed?"

Sunny's expression clouded over with a shadow of sorrow, suggesting that he might still be grappling with the emotional sting from losing his faithful scavenger companion.

"Yeah. The demon acted faster than I had expected. He killed it before I could do anything."

*Rip steven, he will be remembered*


*Steven, oh Steven, the crab that nobody asked for, but was always indispensable, soar high my crustacean nation friend*

Nephis frowned.

"Too bad. Our speed will be severely reduced."

*Have you no heart, woman?! At least pretend to be sad! My poor Echo is gone!*

*Shes probably hiding her grief*

The shadow, in disbelief, gently swayed its head, marvelling at the charming innocence displayed by its master and the endearing nature of the master's friend.

"Yeah. It's a… uh… pity."

Changing Star gave Sunny a nod and then asked:

"You also lost your sword?"

Sunny sighed

"Yes. It shattered when I blocked the demon's scythe."

*Which hurt even more than the death of steven. Azure Blade was my first sword. I fought and trained with it for a long time. It was already like a part of me*

*We will help you discover a better sword—something so impressive it might just drive you insane*

*Thanks Rin*

Nephis raised a hand.

"Well, you're in luck. I received a Memory after killing the Carapace Demon. It's a weapon…"

Apologies for the brief chapter; I'm juggling important exams at the moment, so my focus is a bit divided.

Exciting news: I've heard a fan of the book is working on some fan art—can't wait to see it!

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