
Shadow slave: A Shadows Friend

Rin Lunar, once a girl trying to survive on the slums. Now, she was chosen by the Spell and as such, she has to fend off against terrible abomination... even fellow Awakened. Her salvation lies in her divine power... And most importantly, her truly trusted friend, Sunny. "What's the worst that could happen?" "I died the last time you said that!" "Don't be such a cry baby and you know, dying is too plebeian." ---- Author: Bazinga Proof-reader and editor: Karma-Sensei-Dono*

Dashkins74 · Derivados de obras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
59 Chs

(ch 54) Caged animal

In the heart of the city, amidst its ominous aura, rose a towering hill that seemed to defy the surrounding decay. At the foot of this hill, an arch crafted from the purest white marble emerged like a beacon of hope amid the ruins. Despite the chaos around it, the arch remained untouched, almost as if shielded by an otherworldly presence from the encroaching darkness. Beyond this remarkable structure, a broad pathway, adorned with gleaming white stones, ascended the hill, inviting curious souls to explore its mysteries.

During this journey, she found herself reticent, her expression betraying nothing while inside, a whirlwind of emotions raged. She despised this vulnerability, believing the harsh life in the slums had numbed her to such feelings. Yet, here they were, resurfacing like an old wound.

As they strolled, she deliberately engaged her sensory technique, closing her eyes to let its power unfurl. A surge of energy emanated from her core, granting her a heightened perception of the path ahead and the companions beside her. Her focus settled on Sunny, tuning into his emotional landscape.

His confusion resonated strongly, tinged with a subtle undercurrent of guilt.

'i'm still pissed at you asshole'

She turned the sensory ability off wanting to keep the small amount of essence she had

As Rin gazed upward while walking beneath the ancient arch, she couldn't help but envision the lively scenes of the past, picturing vibrant crowds donning festive attire, just like they might have done ages ago. Yet, the thought tugged at her heartstrings, knowing that the bustling city had once thrived before being shrouded in the shadows of an enigmatic catastrophe. Without glancing back, Effie's voice carried a sense of longing as she remarked:

"There are areas in the ruins that many Nightmare Creatures tend to avoid for some reason. The castle is one of these places. I was told that back when the original group of Sleepers came here hoping to carve a foothold in the city, there was only a single Spire Messenger nesting in the throne room, with no other monsters around. Those madmen actually managed to kill it."

Nephis gave her a glance.

"Spire Messenger?"

The huntress chuckled.

"Big ugly bastards with black feathers and pale bodies, you must have seen them hunting in the Labirynth. They come from the Spire."

Changing Star hesitated.

"What are their rank and class?"

Effie shivered a little.

"Fallen beasts. That's why I said that those guys were a little mad. But they were a powerful bunch."

She grew silent and then added in a quiet voice:

"It must have taken a lot to kill them, in the end."

The weight of those words hung heavy in the air, casting a somber tone over the group as they pressed on in silence. The stone pathway wound its way around the hill, gradually ascending its steep inclines. Occasionally interrupted by stretches of stairs and imposing yet strangely elegant fortifications, there was an eerie absence of any guards along the deserted road.

Sunny made a gesture to one of the stone barricades and asked:

"Why are there no watchmen?"

Effie shrugged.

"Gunlaug has barely enough people to man the castle walls. They will notice anything that approaches the hill, though. The whole city is in clear view from up there, and there are different protective measures put in place. They have already spotted us, too."

She felt uneasy, sensing the unseen gaze of countless eyes upon her.

After a lengthy ascent along the winding path of ivory stone, they finally arrived at the hill's apex, greeted by the awe-inspiring sight of the majestic castle.

Close up, its grandeur was even more breathtaking.

Fashioned from the same flawless marble as the arch at the hill's base, it soared skyward like a monumental peak crafted by human hands. The foremost tower commanded attention, its breadth and ornamentation signaling its importance, while a majestic staircase descended from its gate to a vast stone platform, marking the road's end.

Flanking the central tower were two others, slightly advanced, connected by graceful arched bridges and accompanied by smaller companion towers. Behind them, the main keep soared even higher, seemingly daring the distant, ominous presence of the Crimson Spire that loomed in the far horizon.

An array of smaller towers, spires, and wings adorned the landscape, forming a complex yet harmonious ensemble.

The entire structure exuded an unmatched blend of beauty and strength, as though it were crafted not for mortals but for deities.

As Rin gazed up, her heart sank at the grim reality before her: dozens of human skulls dangled ominously from rusty chains above the gates. The sight twisted her expression into a grimace, abruptly pulling her back from any semblance of peace or comfort.

Her eyes trailed downward, revealing a scene of destitution and desperation. Crude shelters, fashioned from a mishmash of rubble, decaying wood, and monster hides, clustered haphazardly on the stone platform below. They seemed to cling to the stones as if fearing being whisked away by the slightest gust of wind.

A familiar, unpleasant odor wafted to her nostrils, causing her to wrinkle her nose in recognition. It was the pungent aroma of the slums, a scent both repulsive and oddly comforting in its familiarity. It was a stark contrast to the toxic miasma of the outskirts, yet somehow, eerily reminiscent.

Before Rin could tear her gaze away, she was startled by the intrusive presence of Sunny's Voice echoing in her mind.

*Gee. I'm home.*

She found herself unable to suppress the tiniest of smiles in response to his sarcasm. It seemed that Sunny noticed her reaction and turned his gaze towards her, just as she had casually glanced away in another direction.

Amidst the dilapidated hovels, weary faces peered out, their eyes hollow and forlorn. Each person, wrapped in a patchwork of grime-stained fabric and gleaming memories, moved with a sense of purpose amidst the desolation. Some adorned themselves in makeshift armor, a stark contrast to the poverty surrounding them, standing out like rare treasures in a sea of despair. Among them, youth prevailed, their age barely surpassing Rin's own. The air was thick with the tang of exhaustion and the palpable ache of desperation.

Rin hesitated to engage her sensory technique, fearing the overwhelming tide of negative emotions that would have threatened to engulf her. The mere thought of it sent shivers down her spine, knowing it could easily render her helpless, lost in a labyrinth of anguish.

Before she could dwell further on these thoughts, Changing Star's voice pierced through the heaviness of the moment, pulling her back to the present.

"Are you two okay?"

She blinked a couple of times, then slowly turned to face her and after hearing Sunny speak

"Yeah. I was just reminiscing."

She too spoke

"Same as Sunny, some old memories are kicking in"

Something in their voices must have sounded strange, because she gave them a long look before turning away with a short nod.

"Good. Don't relax just yet."

Then, she turned to Effie and asked:

"What do we do now?"

The huntress looked around and shrugged.

"It's going to get dark soon, so I would advise you to find a shelter before that. Look around for an empty hut. With how many people die each season, there's always plenty of those. Oh and red eyes?"

She was a bit shocked that Effie was specifically speaking to her


Rin observed with interest as Effie delved into her worn leather bag, pausing momentarily before delving back in and retrieving an essence stone.

Effie tossed the object over to Rin, who deftly caught it. Glancing at Effie, Rin's expression shifted to one of confusion, her brows furrowing as she tried to make sense of the situation.

"With the nightmares you get. It's better if you spend the time in a more safe place. The three of you can pay the tribute and go into the castle. But the fourth one will have to stay."

She glanced upward, a rare nod escaping Rin's typically stoic demeanour. Yet, in that simple gesture, there was a palpable sense of reverence.

"Thank you Effi I will remember this, but what about you?"

Effie grinned.

"What about me? That luxury one-bedroom cottage over there is mine. Mind you, it was built from the best kind of crap you can find here… although it's still crap. Anyway, I am going home, preparing myself a hearty supper and then going to sleep. I'm dead tired from these last couple of days. Sorry, I don't host guests."

The group stared at her, obviously wanting to say more, but then Nephis spoke.

"I see. Thank you for everything you have done for us. I won't forget it."

Effie smiled, patted Nephis on the shoulder and turned to Sunny and Cassie.

"Bye, doofus. Bue, doll. See you around."

She turned to Rin

"And you, red eyes, I have a feeling we'll see each other in the city more often, but for now… Goodbye"

As she started to whistle a bright, uplifting tune, she casually strolled off, leaving the four of them standing there, feeling adrift and uncertain. In this remote settlement, the locals barely spared them a glance, except for a few fleeting looks of disinterest. Yet, it was Cassie's striking beauty that drew a couple of lingering, almost mesmerised stares from a couple of onlookers.

'fair enough, im probably dirty as hell right now'

After a brief moment of disoriented silence, Changing Star tentatively retrieved the two soul shards they had gathered from the remnants of the Rolling Stone, gazing at the shimmering crystals cradled in Nephi's palm. Meanwhile, Rin produced her own essence stone, a gift from Effie.

They had to make a decision.


Nephis cradled the glimmering crystals in her palms, her gaze heavy with contemplation. Rin mirrored her, fixated on the fractured remnants.

Soft glows emanated from the shards, casting a gentle luminescence in the twilight's dim embrace.

Amidst the encroaching darkness, the denizens of the outer settlement scurried towards the shelter of their modest abodes, seeking refuge before nightfall descended completely. The setting sun had already slipped beyond the colossal outline of the Crimson Spire, enveloping the landscape in a foreboding shadow. An atmosphere thick with apprehension and concern permeated the air.

She twisted her features in a grimace. And Sunny spoke

"What are you thinking about?"

Changing Star let out a sigh, her gaze lifting to meet the eyes of the pair before her. Her expression, etched with contemplation, softened the ivory of her face. Moments passed in silence, as if time itself paused to await her next words. Finally, in her customary serene manner, she spoke:

"We need to split up."

Sunny let out a laugh.

"You do know what usually happens when people split up in these kinds of situations, right?"

She stared at him with no humor in her cold, grey eyes.

"This is not a drama, Sunny. We have the means to provide 3 of us with food and shelter for a week. There's no reason to pass on this opportunity."

Cassie turned to her, a confused expression on her face.

"But… but what about the Fourth?"

A heavy silence filled the air, disturbed only by the eerie howl of the wind. Rin's gaze shifted between the blind girl, Sunny, Nephis, and then herself. The question lingered, unspoken yet palpable: who among them would brave the biting cold on an empty stomach while the rest sought refuge and nourishment within the castle's walls?

Barely ten minutes had passed since they stumbled upon what passed for civilization in this desolate realm. The fragile bond forged in the depths of the Labyrinth now threatened to unravel before their eyes.

As anticipated, their dynamic was bound to shift now that they were no longer the sole survivors in a barren wasteland, reliant solely on one another for survival. Could their connection withstand this new reality, devoid of the desperate urgency that had initially bound them together? Rin couldn't be certain.

Throughout her life, Rin had never quite found her place within any group.

'Sunny doesn't count alsob primary school doesn't count, I'm pretty sure all the kids liked me because i was the heir to the Lunar clan'

Would this time prove to be any different? The uncertainty gnawed at her, casting doubt on the strength of their newfound companionship.

Nephis sighed and handed Sunny two of the soul shards Rin still had hers in her hand.

"Here Sunny. you twoTake Cassie inside."

Sunny's gaze fixated on her hand for a moment before he snapped his head up abruptly, his expression turning sour as he frowned and inquired:

"Why me?"

Changing Star's expression shifted slightly as she raised an eyebrow in response. Sunny, shaking his head, met her gaze with a crooked smile and chimed in:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not refusing. I'm just curious why are you so kind all of a sudden. Is it out of some misguided sense of nobility?"

Nephis looked at him for a while, and then said with indifference:

"I have never been noble. I have never been kind."

'wow saves a blind girl but isn't noble'

Meanwhile, Changing Star shrugged and looked away.

"It's really the best option at the moment. We're in dire need of information, and with the shadow's assistance, you two make a great team. Together, you'll uncover a lot more about what's happening in the castle than I ever could. While you're gathering intel inside, I'll be doing the same here. Let's reconvene in a week, compare notes, and figure out our next steps.."

The two of them simply stared at her. Had Neph just... revealed herself to be as cynically pragmatic as they were? Once again, she felt a strange mix of emotions—elated yet hurt by her lack of sentiment.

*She's as bad as we are*

But what struck them even more was her assumption that they would continue working together, as if it were a given. This small detail not only caught Rin's attention but also warmed Sunny's heart.

Nephis looked at Sunny specifically and added:

"Besides, the terms of our trade have come to an end. Your promise was to give up on your share of spoils on the way to the castle. Well, here we are. That stone creature was your kill, so these shards are yours by right. Rin, Effie gave you that crystal so its fair for you to have it"

Oh, yeah… the trade Sunny had made with her to get her to teach him swordsmanship

'i mean i kinda joined in too'

Sunny sighed as he took the soul shards from her hand, gripping them tightly.

"Alright. Then… I'll meet you in a week, I guess."

Sunny opened his mouth, wishing to say something else, but then just turned away. Stepping aside, he gave the girls some privacy to say their goodbyes. Soon, Cassie's delicate hand found his shoulder.

Sunny glanced at the blind girl, remained silent for a bit, and then asked:

"Are you ready?"

She hesitated before answering. When she did, there was a hint of sadness in her voice:


With that, they were about to walk away and leave Nephis behind but Rin heard her name being called out

"Rin before you go I need to speak with you."

Nephis sounded serious this time, i mean when was she not serious, its just this time she heard the tiniest bit of emotion in Nephis's voice

"Yeah sure, guys wait for me"

The pair acknowledged her with a nod, and Rin approached Nephis. She then pivoted and led the way to a secluded spot where they could converse without fear of being overheard.

They stopped

"So what's this about?"

"Now's the time we talk"


"you asked about my revenge and i know you have a similar goal….Rin lunar, heiress to the Lunar clan"


She knew?…how?..when did she know?…did she always know?… What gave it away?

"H..h-ow do yo-u?"

"The Immortal Flame clan and Lunar clan were always in a close relationship …"

"I…wait.. hold on"

"Rin i will help you eliminate Valor if you help me"

Rin fell into an unexpected silence, feeling as if her entire world had been upended in that moment. The person standing before her seemed to hold a depth of knowledge about her that even Sunny, her closest friend, hadn't touched upon

She couldn't show her nervousness right now so she spoke in a clear unemotional tone

"What do you want in return, Nephis?"

"I want all the legacy clans gone"

'why is she telling me all this?'

Nephis was a calculated person she would make risks, this was a risk… a huge one

"Why do you trust me?"

"I was told to trust any Lunar clan members that survived"

Rin went silent and Nephi's spoke again

""They took my parents, just like they took your clan, Rin. I share your rage, but survival comes first. I'm not just asking as a friend, but as representatives of two allied clans. Can I trust you here?"

The Immortal Flame clan was close with the Lunar clan from what she remembered, they were the ones who helped man the Lunars citadel, they were trusted, my partner trusted them


"I'll see you later then Rin"

She was about to leave but heard one last thing

"I'm sorry about what happened to aunty Mei, i liked her… good luck Rin"

"Goodbye Neph"

Rin left and joined the two waiting for her.

Nephis was standing alone in the surging darkness of the descending night.


As they escorted the blind girl, Sunny took the lead, gently guiding her forward while Rin stayed close behind, ensuring her safety every step of the way. As they neared the grand staircase leading to the majestic marble castle gates, the only sounds echoing around them were the haunting howls of the wind, and the darkness seemed to press in from all sides. It was as if the sprawling expanse of stone separating the marble steps from the outer settlement was a boundary, preventing the slum dwellers from encroaching further into this realm of grandeur.

"Be careful, there are steps ahead."

As they climbed the steps, their ascent seemed to stretch on endlessly. Finally, they reached the peak, only to be greeted by the stern faces of two guards, their demeanor anything but welcoming.

The two young men stood firm in their armor, their Memories gleaming in the sunlight. With weapons at the ready, they made it clear that challenging them would not be wise. Their gazes fell upon Sunny, filled with unmistakable disdain, making it evident that they were not to be trifled with.

"What do you want, rat?"

Sunny hesitated, he then held out the soul shards.

'i gave him mine so that this would be easier'

One of the guards glanced at them and grinned.

"Well, would you look at that. The rat has brought us a present."

Chuckling, he took the glimmering crystals and waved a hand.

"Come on in. Someone will meet you inside."

Rin fought the urge to shoot daggers with her eyes at the Sleepers, their weapons gleaming with menace. With a forced, pale smile, she navigated past them, sensing Sunny was doing the same.

*Don't… It will lead to more trouble than it's worth*

*I know*

As they proceeded, Rin's gaze lifted to the macabre sight of human skulls suspended on rusted chains, swinging eerily above them. A deep sigh escaped her lips, heavy with the weight of the grim atmosphere, as they guided Cassie through the ominous gates of the castle.


As they stepped through the grand gates, Rin found herself in awe of the expansive hall that stretched out before them. High above, sunlight filtered through towering stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns across the marble floor. It was a scene straight out of a fairytale.

Her attention was drawn upwards by a peculiar rustling noise, and she craned her neck to see what it was. To her surprise, she spotted a group of young women gracefully moving from window to window, carefully draping them with thick fabric. The rhythmic creaking of the makeshift ladders they used lent an almost musical quality to the air.

It became evident that every window was being covered in a manner that left no crack for even the tiniest glimmer of light to escape. Rin couldn't help but wonder at the reason behind such thorough preparation.

Before she could voice her thoughts, a deafening noise echoed through the hall, causing them to whirl around in alarm. The ornate gates were being shut tight, the guards straining as they slid a massive iron bolt into place. The castle was now completely sealed off, shielded from whatever darkness lay beyond its walls.

*I feel like a caged animal*


As she tried to divert her thoughts, her gaze wandered around the grand hall, landing on an opulent wooden desk that seemed oddly out of sync with its surroundings. It appeared as though it had been plucked from another corner of the marble citadel and plopped down here. Behind it sat a gaunt young man, his eyes betraying a sense of unease as he scribbled away on a piece of parchment.

The scene bore a striking resemblance to the reception desk of a high-end hotel, albeit with a touch of the surreal.

Sunny made his way over to the desk and caught the attention of the young man.

"Hey. Uh… we've been told that someone will meet us inside."

The receptionist at the castle startled, glancing up from his paperwork with a flicker of apprehension etching across his features. As he registered Sunny's presence, his initial fear melted away, morphing into a hesitant smile.

The young man before him possessed a gaunt countenance, his complexion pallid and lacking vitality. He appeared famished and frail, bearing more resemblance to the downtrodden inhabitants of the outer settlement than to one accustomed to the comforts of castle life. Yet, his attire remained immaculate, untouched by the rigors of life beyond the castle walls.

"Ah, guests! Sorry, you gave me a fright there. Welcome, welcome to the Bright Castle. Whoah, you were just in time. A couple of minutes later, and the gates would have been closed."

"Anyway, my name is Harper. I'm responsible for guest accommodations today. Let's get you… oh! I don't seem to recognize you guys. Is this your first time paying the tribute?"

The pair stared at him for a couple of seconds,Rim felt Cassie squeeze her hand that she was holding a little tighter, Sunny spoke again:


Harper smiled.

"Congratulations! You might not even suspect it, but I was once in your shoes myself. In fact, it was just a few months ago. But ever since Lord Gunlaug graced me with his kindness, I've been living in the safety of the castle. You'll love it here too, I'm sure."


*there is no war in ba sing se*

Rin couldn't discern if the young man's gratitude towards the local tyrant was genuine or merely a facade for the guards' benefit, but honestly, she couldn't bring herself to care.

What really caught her attention, however, was Harper's lack of surprise at their arrival timing in the Dark City, unlike Effie's reaction. It dawned on her that those within the castle might not be privy to who enters the outer settlements and when.

It was likely they would assume the trio had ventured into the Dream Realm near the ruins and spent the past two months gathering soul shards to gain entry into the castle. This detail proved invaluable, as Rin and her companions weren't keen on revealing the true extent of their abilities just yet.

Considering how impressed Effie was by their journey through the Labyrinth, drawing too much attention seemed unnecessary.

"So, what do we need to do now?"

Harper picked up his quill and opened a large ledger.

"That's very simple, really. I'll just need your names to mark when the three of you paid the tribute, and that's pretty much it. We have enough spare rooms here to fit you all in, especially in the Tower of Dusk. It is very quiet, so how about I settle you there?"

*Tower of Dusk… probably means that it's in the western part of the castle, facing the Crimson Spire. No wonder people don't want to live there.*

*fewer people meant less danger.*

And with that he gave the gaunt young man a nod.

"Sure. No problem."

Harper smiled.

"Great! That's great! Uh, so your names…"

Sunny interrupted him which was strange

"I'm Sunless, and this is Cassia."

"Hello I'm red"

The young man carefully penned down their names and noted the date of their arrival. Rin gazed at his meticulous handwriting, her eyes fixated on the concise strings of numbers.

It dawned on her then, seventy-seven days exactly since that fateful night when they first set foot on the Forgotten Shore.

Initially, all four of them diligently tracked each passing moment, but after the traumatic encounter with the Soul Devourer...

Meanwhile, in the outside world, spring had already sprung, an entire season slipping by unnoticed.

To Rin, it felt like eons had passed in the span of those seventy-seven days.

With a gentle smile, Harper closed the ledger and extended a courteous gesture.

"All done. Now, leave your worries behind and follow me. Between these walls, you are completely safe. Nothing is going to hurt you!"

Rin noticed a hint of cheer in his voice, though it didn't escape her notice how Harper shot a swift glance towards the imposing guards stationed by the locked gate.

Nephis knew all along

dun dun dunnmm

wonder who else knows

Dashkins74creators' thoughts