
Shadow of Wraith(GOT/ASOIAF)

An avid GOT watcher was killed and reincarnated into Westeros. Has some For Honor characters as well.

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3 Chs

The North

[Woods near Winterfell]

William Holt or The Warden had just been given a run down by his lord about this place. He was currently eating a rabbit he killed and digesting the information.

<Warden Image>

[North [House Holt]: Warden

(Height-6'3) (Eyes-Green) (Hair-Black) (Age-23)]

'The only Wraiths close to me are Valkyrie or Jiang Jun although the didn't give any information to me expect that they are in the north but what can I expect from my former enemies. I guess I should follow my lords command and try to get a foothold with a powerful family.' Warden sighed and looked into the bright sky.

"The starks are around here right guess I should head in that direction." He finished the rabbit and chugged some water before kicking snow over the fire to put it out and started walking in what he thought was north.

A scream sounded and Warden instantly became alert. Looking around he heard it again and ran in the direction it was coming from.

After a minute of running he found a little boy in a skinny tree with a large bear clawing at the base. It roared and tried climbing up but the tree started to crack under the weight.

"HEEEEY!" Warden yelled unsheathing his sword getting the bears attention.

The bear roared and charged him but he stood his ground only when the bear stood up and raised its paw did he move.

Rolling under the bears paw strike he got behind it and quickly sliced the bears hind leg. He was about to move but his foot got caught in the snow and the bear hit him sending him to the floor.

Using his sword to quickly push himself up he dropped his shoulder and charged the limping bear. Hitting it directly in its chest knocking it back into a tree when he pinned it in with his sword piercing it's heart and going out the tree.

The bear quickly died and he ripped his sword out of it letting it's body hit the ground with a thud. He then looked over to the boy in the tree and walked over to him.

"Come on kid." Warden held his hands out and the boy fell into his arms.

"I'm sorry." The kid was still shocked over the life or death situation and a man killing a bear.

"It's alright but don't cry your a man and men don't cry at least not infront of others haha." Warden chuckled and let the boy onto the wiping his tears.

"I'm not a man I sat in the tree crying while you killed the bear."

"Aye but how many boys your age can say they survived a bear attack." Warden patted his head and walked over to the bear.

"What's your name kid, do you have a home." Warden asked.

"It's Brandon Stark Ser." He stood looking at the knight in awe

"Stark well shit my luck it's bad after all." He smirked.

"BRAN! BRAN WHERE ARE YOU!" A loud shout was echoing in the white forest.

"That's my Father. FATHER OVER HERE!" Bran shouted.

It only took a minute until horses were circling around the two and a man had his sword pointed at Warden.

"Who are you and why are you with my son." The man said with a no nonsense tone.

"I-." Warden began to speak but was cut off by Bran.

"Dad he saved me I was getting attacked by a bear and he kill it by himself."

'This man killed a bear alone.' Ned thought to himself getting suspicious.

"You have saved my son's life and he is obviously fond of you come back to Winterfell and I'll properly rewarded you." He said commandingly.

-1 hour later-

The party reached Winterfell and the Warden nodded at the seen. It was a great castle but he had seen better.

Going through the gates he felt many stares it seems his armor is too flamboyant but it was his honor. He stood by as the Stark family reunited.Bran's mother was crying and his siblings looked like they were stressed out about his disappearance.

During this time Ned was watching the unknown warrior but he couldn't read his emotion because of the armor.

"Come now back to your studies the day is still young and there are things to be done." Ned said the they quickly left.

-Ned's Solar-

"I'll keep this simple who are you?" Ned asked.

"William Holt nephew to Lord Holt." Warden said.

"A Holt I didn't know the Holt's had a warrior that could kill a bear by himself or that could afford such extravagant armor. I will ask you again a final time who are you."

"William Holt my lord I left home 5 name days ago (years). I have designed my armor and work for a blacksmith for 2 name days to afford it. As for my skill it isn't that great but I am much smarter than a beast that can only think of food and sex it's why I beat most men." Warden chuckled.

Ned chuckled at the last part but still kept a serious face and the discussion began.

[2 weeks later]

Warden found himself throwing the stark heir over his shoulder into the ground and spinning smacking a blunt sword on Ned's bastard.

"Robb you are still to aggressive your opponent will just sit back and watch you exhausted yourself." Warden said.

"Ha here that Robb not as good as you thought." The Ironborn hostage laughed.

"Theon your are even worse your attacks a sluggish and predictable combined with your confident attitude you will probably die first if there was a battle." Theon had a red face but didn't say anything as the other two boys giggled.

"Finally Jon you are too reserved you sit there are let me wail on you but when you get into the battle you do very well until your frustration leads you to do something careless. Practice patience but don't be afraid to exploit a opening." He said before a little girl came in yelling.

"Hey everyone Dorin's came back." Arya yelled before running back with the 3 boys quickly following.

'Dorin? My lord didn't mention a Dorin.' Warden wondered before going to see this person for himself.

"Haha yeah I got lost and had to camp out a shadow cat for a couple days but it still waited for me I fear if not for my savior I would have died." A boy with black hair and purple eyes laughed talking with Ned.

"Savior." Ned looked curiosly.

"Yes a female warrior slayed the beast and protected me here. I think she should be rewarded lord stark if it's alright with you." Dorin said.

"And where is the woman." Ned asked

"Yeah where is she." Arya was excited about a strong female fighter.

"Right here may I introduce Vera Greyjoy." Dorin said and a women came up beside him standing taller than everyone there besides Ned and Warden.

<Valkyrie Image>

[North [House Greyjoy]: Valkyrie

(Height-6'1) (Eyes-Blue) (Hair-Orange) (Age-22)]

"A Greyjoy." Everyone present was shocked.

Valkyrie stood there mask covering her face with her shield and spear and red braided hair covered in snow. Muscles clearly showing showing her strong prowess.

"A Greyjoy saving a Stark." Ned narrowed his eyes

"Snow actually is what I was told." Valkyrie countered.

"Very well prepare dinner I'll house you for a night and give you food but you will not stay after noon tomorrow."

"Fa-Lord Stark why the hostility."

"I don't need to explain myself to a boy. I'm lord of Winterfell my decision is final." Ned walked back to the shaking his head.

'Another warrior saving my sons. Is this luck or is something deeper at work.' He sighed.

-With the Boys-

"Did you see the legs on her." Theon said lustfully.

"Here we go." Jon rolled his eyes.

"She's your cousin and my savior for once Theon keep your cock in check." Dorian said threateningly.

"I've never had a muscular girl before I-." Theon was interrupted when Dorian grabbed his throat and slammed him into the wall.

"I said no Theon." Dorin growled.

"Get off me." Theon yelled Jon and Robb pulled him off.

"Your just a bastard who do you think you are ordering me around." Theon roared in anger.

"And what are you huh just a glorified hostage. A squid on land is as easy to kill as stepping on an ant. No wonder your family loss the rebellion."

"I'll kill you!" Theon rushed him but Robb held him back.

"Enough both of you or I'm telling father."Robb raised his voice.

Theon huffed and left by himself while Jon and Robb looked at Dorin smirking and sighed.

Valkyrie was sitting on a tree stump and was sharpening her spear. Warden came up to her even with a helmet on anyone could feel his anger.

"What do you want knight." Valkyrie said.

"You know what." He said.

'The boy he is the twin of Jon snow that means he is a Targaryen and another obstacle in our lords path. Except our lord didn't say a word without him meaning he could be an anomaly.' Warden said in a mental connection to Valkyrie.

'I know.' Valkyrie thought back.

'Then why didn't you tell me or our lord about it.' Warden got angry.

'I didn't know he didn't tell me much on the way here and I was trying to get correct information. If I had known you were playing over here with your steel dress I wouldn't have come.' Valkyrie shot back standing up in Wardens face.

'I told you I was here in my message to the Northern Wraiths. Grow up it's time to stop this petty rivalry we aren't in our world anymore our lord gave us another chance but we can't even follow one simple task because you and the Chinese General want to act like children.' Warden shouted.

'It's Bullshit you've got 4 more knights in kingslanding and the samurai have 3 in Essos but me and Jiang are alone completely.' Valkyrie said.

'They are in kingslanding and I'm in the north if I was going to work with anyone it would be the other two people in the north. You need to forget about our differences in the old world because we aren't there and until you do that you can't serve our lord well.' Warden said before leaving Valkyrie to think.

Soon the Stark family had dinner and everyone went off to bed. Warden was still up and discussing the information he learn with Valkyrie and Angmar.

'It seems there is another here to take what is mine. Unfortunately we can't kill him or many problems would arise. Valkyrie I want you to stick to by him unless he goes to the wall.'

'I can't my lord, Ned Stark wants me out of Winterfell by noon tomorrow for being a Greyjoy.' She confessed.

'Hmm try to find a way to stay or have him leave with you. If you can't I'll assign you to another mission.' Angmar said.

'Yes my lord.' Valkyrie said before closing out of the mind spell.

'My lord what about you. Your not near the trio in Braavos and without guards it's to dangerous without you we have no purpose.'

'Clam down Warden I understand your worry but I won't be dying anytime soon.' Angmar said before leaving the spell.

Warden took off his armor showing a well built strong male body covered in scars. His face was sharp and handsome with ruff black hair on his head and emerald eyes. He slipped into his bed and quickly fell into slumber.