
Shadow Of The Truth: Shu promised destiny

When a girl meets a mysterious end, her soul enters the body of another. But she refuses to accept the comfortable life granted to her, knowing that there is no rest coming Yet, who finds herself trapped between the darkness of her past and the light of her future. After being forced to make a tragic choice, she must make sense of a mysterious series of events and a forbidden love that seems to draw her further down into the shadows. Along her journey, she discovers the secret to her own identity, the meaning of forgiveness, and the true nature of the darkness that surrounds her. her search for the truth behind her death leads her on a journey through strange and unfamiliar lands, where she meets new faces who expose her to the meaning of love, life, sacrifice, hope, hate, and separation. As she crosses kingdoms and countries with her friend. she begins to unravel the secrets and mystique surrounding these mysterious lands, their inhabitants, and their deepest desires. With each step she takes, she takes us deeper into a mystical and captivating world, where mystery, magic, and passion mingle in perfect harmony. She faces challenges, trials, and heartbreak, yet her courage and determination never falter, as she is pulled along by an irresistible force that leads her to her destiny.

Tianmeng_ · Fantasía
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85 Chs

Tears Of Blood.

(Celebration hall)

"Even after I came back late, the world is still noisy."

My heart was beating hard, I was confused and hesitant... afraid I would make a mistake.

As I walked past the wall I bumped into Lu Yuxi, "Where the hell have you been?"

I looked at her and smiled. She looked surprised and tried to pretend to be upset, "What's wrong with you?"

"I looked into your eyes, and I knew I lost, so I got upset and felt jealous."

She looked at me confused, "What?"

I moved closer to her, while she backed away, looking at her with shining eyes, "Only when you arrive, can you tell me, how do you feel?"

Xiao Yan called out to me, so I looked towards her and smiled, Lu Yuxi stood, confused, uncomfortable. When I moved, she held my arm, her eyes might understand, "Don't be a failure." "Unfortunately, I think I have always been a failure, Yu Xi."

She whispered, "Don't talk nonsense and act like a loser now. It makes me feel angry."

Xiao Yan, "Was Yu Xi bothering you again?"

I laughed, "No, don't worry."

Xiao Yan ran towards Ta Jin, "Don't use magic here, you idiot!" "I was trying to show Xiao Yao and Xiao Yao how to make a cat!"

Tianyang spoke, "You mean you want to show them how you're going to throw us all into a volcano, right?"

I smiled while looking at them, "Yes, this is my husband, my sisters, and my friends.. I am.. not alone."

I suddenly clutched my heart, "Damn, this hurts."

I went out of the hall to go to a quiet place, "where did the child go?"

My heart began to beat faster, contrary to its normal nature, as if I was losing my mind.

I moved around, but I couldn't find him. Until I saw familiar gray hair, I sighed. And I went down the stairs.

I felt something standing far behind me. When I turned around, A Yin was standing top of the stairs and looking at me. I looked at her and smiled, then i left.

She looked like she wanted to catch me, but she didn't.

I arrived at a place, where I followed the scent and energy of the gray-haired woman. It was a very dark place, spacious and far from the palace.

Suddenly a light shone from the ceiling, I looked at it and then quickly in front of me, where I saw the girl with short gray hair, Minghao's brother, and Ha Xin's wife.

"I knew you were suspicious," I spoke.

"What is the benefit of your knowledge now that you have lost?"

"Shadow Clan... Do you want to kill me because I am the queen?"

"Queen? Do you even think you are a queen?"

My eyes widened when Minghao's brother brought the baby, my lips trembled, I looked at her and laughed, "What are you doing now?"

"I don't really care about the country, but I must really be a devil. I can't help but not forgive." she said

I asked her, "What do you want from me?"

"death, Shushin."

I don't quite understand why, but I know. She wanted to break my pride, to make me humiliated. When I heard about the past, for a moment I thought I was wise, or that I was miserable, or that I was soulless, or that I was silly, but now I don't understand who I was Really. Because she, the past me, seemed alone, she cursed herself and, in a way, everyone. Now i have to pay the price for the rest of my life.

"If you want me to die, you must compete with me, with pride and not with a lack of dignity, as you are doing now."

She laughed, "Since when do demons like us fight with dignity? Do you think we need it? I can make you suffer without those petty terms."

The gray-haired girl spoke, "This child was my sister's from the beginning. We are taking back what is ours."

" your sister?." I looked at her

She nodded, "Yes, my sister who died at your hand."

The other one spoke again, "Throw down your magic sword, hand over your soul energy, and I will spare this boy. There is no need to kill you when I can insult you and take away your position."

"I can't hand you my spiritual energy, if you really want to insult me instead of killing me."

"What do you mean? Stop lying if you want to live."

"I switched my body with heaven magic, so my soul and my spiritual energy are connected. I will die if you take them. You can take them by force if you want. But my soul will enter any body if you do that."

She laughed, "Oh... the magic of the sky..."

I looked at the boy who started fighting me. I quickly took out my sword, but he was fast. My body was recovering, so my energy was noticeably weaker.

Suddenly, he stopped, and when I looked, I saw her killing the boy, horribly. He fell in front of me, and his neck was bleeding. My sword fell from my hand. I don't know why I became weak in the face of this situation. I shouldn't have been affected. I was the one who was insensitive. What's wrong with me now?

I looked at her with hatred and anger, "I swear I will not have mercy on you."

Suddenly the gray-haired girl used the forbidden light. It is a light that paralyzes the spiritual energy and sometimes completely blinds the eyes. It is deadly in any case.

I knew that if I closed my eyes with my hands, I would lose, but I lost despite knowing that. This made me realize that I could be aware of its reality, but I chose to ignore it, or my body refused to know it. Then, I only felt the sword crossing my body. It made me remember. Every moment I lost.

All I knew was tears of blood running down my cheeks, blood coming out of my mouth, and my waist, which was almost completely torn out of its place, and I could only smile, I could never help but smile, trying not to go crazy, trying not to take out my sword and rip out the heads and hearts of others. Whenever I could, I tried to smile and laugh, so that i would not go crazy, because if I had not smiled, I would have cried, and I would have made them regret every tear that fell from my eyes.

How ridiculous I was. I had no idea if I would even live to do that. I did not feel like myself until I was on the ground, trying to hold on to my waist so that my body would not become two halves. I was trying to fight this powerful fate.

and I wondered if that man who cursed me felt bad for what he had put me through? I wonder what I would have done if fate had made us meet? I feel like crying and accepting death after stabbing him in every part of his body, stabbing all their loved ones in front of him to death, and destroying the things he loves most. I will destroy him and his homeland. I will make them cry blood and make him rip out his heart himself. I will make the fire burn him, the water drown him, the lions rip out his skin, and his blood dictates His body, oh... I'm afraid I've already become a demon, yes I'm not different from them anymore.. Yes, the thought of the suffering of those I judged as evil makes me very happy now that I'm dying, maybe even before.

I used to be an innocent girl with a pure soul despite the pain. Look at the woman I have matured to be, a hand stained with blood, and a path full of worries and misfortunes. Adulthood in women's lives is a choice of two paths. The first possibility is that she must mature into a beautiful, respectable woman, sacrificing for everything except herself. Or she must mature into a strong woman in her own right. Anyone who dares to touch her becomes dust. A woman appears in nightmares and ends up alone

In the end, it does not matter which woman she becomes, because the feeling of loneliness, injustice, and the desire to die will never leave her. If we women were born in a place that was kinder to us, we would rule a better world.

if I had not become The Queen, would my fate have been different? Would Yuxi have been the queen instead of me? The answer must be no, fate wrote it perfectly for me, "You will die like a monster." I must die, I hope I will get die soon, because if this does not happen, I swear I will not make all those filthy people live happily, I will hunt them down forever, torture them, and show them destruction.

My eyes finally closed, I couldn't see or hear anything anymore, I turned my face a little, looked at the dead boy next to me, and my heart was torn apart just as my body was torn apart.

(in the palace)

Lu Yuxi: "Guys, have you seen Shuxin? She has been gone for a while and has not returned." "I don't think she'll be coming anytime soon," A Yin said

Tian Yang and Xiao Yan went out to look for her