
Shadow Of The Truth: Shu promised destiny

When a girl meets a mysterious end, her soul enters the body of another. But she refuses to accept the comfortable life granted to her, knowing that there is no rest coming Yet, who finds herself trapped between the darkness of her past and the light of her future. After being forced to make a tragic choice, she must make sense of a mysterious series of events and a forbidden love that seems to draw her further down into the shadows. Along her journey, she discovers the secret to her own identity, the meaning of forgiveness, and the true nature of the darkness that surrounds her. her search for the truth behind her death leads her on a journey through strange and unfamiliar lands, where she meets new faces who expose her to the meaning of love, life, sacrifice, hope, hate, and separation. As she crosses kingdoms and countries with her friend. she begins to unravel the secrets and mystique surrounding these mysterious lands, their inhabitants, and their deepest desires. With each step she takes, she takes us deeper into a mystical and captivating world, where mystery, magic, and passion mingle in perfect harmony. She faces challenges, trials, and heartbreak, yet her courage and determination never falter, as she is pulled along by an irresistible force that leads her to her destiny.

Tianmeng_ · Fantasía
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85 Chs

If only I can no longer be in tomorrow.

(Shushin residence)

I was lying on my bed, just as usual, something over time makes me feel disgusted with this world, even if my heart breaks, if I fail, get lost, die, even if everyone around me dies, even if I lose myself, even if the kingdom is destroyed, it will always be me. I will wake up here, and this means a new tomorrow, but this terrifies me so much, the fact that one day my world may be completely destroyed, but I will have to thank God for a new tomorrow, afraid that I will miss that opportunity or that I will hate it. God knows more than me, but I am very weak. So stupid.. so failure in front of this universe.. just like that, everything I touch is destroyed, no matter what it is. Was I giving them their salvation, or the end of their life?

And I feel stupid, as I constantly yearn for something I don't know the meaning of, but just as usual, fate shocks me. That sentence from her mouth made me hate her. I wished she had died like this, without making me realize that harsh truth, "Demons are not born again." Why Didn't I realize that beforehand? The fact that all these people only have one life, but they met me, and that means that I will destroy the life of every single one of them. They hate me without knowing that fact, and I hate them without knowing that fact, why...

I, the heavenly princess, who fell in forbidden love, a proud woman who did not listen to anyone's opinion, had to be punished by God by making me think that this woman was a silly, stupid woman, but why... why would I become like her? Why do I start to sympathize with her and understand her? Instead of hating her.. Instead of trying to do everything to destroy her loved ones.. Should I be her? Or be myself? Or what they want me to be? I didn't have an answer anymore. On that rainy night, I thought God had given me a new life, but I found out just like now. I was a toy in the hands of people who judged me. Then I was a toy in adult life, then a love story, then in the end I became like those people. I have a tragic destiny that connects the lives of many people.

I looked sideways at Tian Yang, who rested his head on my bed, "I feel sorry for him. He was a dragon once, and he will always be, but this city, this capital, this kingdom. One day, it will disappear with me. There is no tomorrow that brings us together. He doesn't know that I'm really stealing other people's lives."

I closed my eyes, "I'll just sleep. Tomorrow will eventually come. Even if I hate this, I haven't planned what I'll do, but I know one thing well: I, Shushen, will be responsible for my destiny as only, from now on, the cruel woman who will exterminate all evil, I will save what I can from this ruin that I have created. In the end, this world and its law and destiny have been destroyed because of me, so I will destroy everything, then I will repent to God, leave this life of mine that was never mine, and leave."

(Meeting hall)

All the princes, princesses, and officials were present. Shushin, who sat on the throne, spoke, "The reason I called you today is because I discovered that there are unwelcome individuals who have returned to our kingdom, and who will cause havoc. From now on, we will be fully prepared for war. Any spy or traitor, I will kill him By myself. Those demons... are back again."

The eyes of those present widened. Even Lu Yu Xi looked surprised and then looked at Yan An yin seemed calm as usual.

"Also, prepare for the coronation ceremony and announcement of the Crown princess of the Kingdom."

Although what was said before this was shocking, this is very shocking, because usually the crown princess is not announced except when the death of the queen or king approaches, or when some time passes, crises, or many plans to seek the throne. Being queen was already controversial in the royal court, but this, as a stronger prelude to her rejection as queen than many, seemed to be surrendering her life at that moment. In the end, the more impossible something is, the more one wants it.

Lu Yuxin spoke, "That's good, Your Majesty, I have something to announce tomorrow as well."

Shushin nodded, "Let's see...what you have tomorrow then."

In the outside world, the world seems slow and almost at a standstill, but within the walls of this palace, endless wars are taking place. Endless greed, countless desires, and blood that does not dry up even with the passage of time. Those devils, do they hide their devils? Or do their own devils hide from them? One thing is certain, their secrets will cause havoc. What will happen when the powerless people learn that those who rule them are not devils only in name, but in heart and soul?