

The night was pregnant with tension as Jack and his gang prepared for their decisive clash against the Nightstalkers. Every member of The Viper's crew was acutely aware of the stakes, their hearts pounding with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. The fate of the slums hung in the balance, and their unity would determine their triumph or downfall.

As the final moments before the confrontation approached, a newcomer arrived at the hideout. Her name was Evelyn, a mysterious woman with an air of elegance that belied her rugged exterior. She possessed an uncanny ability to blend seamlessly into the shadows, a skill that immediately caught Jack's attention.

The Viper regarded Evelyn with a mix of suspicion and curiosity. "Who are you, and what brings you to our doorstep on such a fateful night?"

Evelyn's gaze met The Viper's, unwavering and filled with a quiet determination. "I've come to offer you a proposition, Viper. The Nightstalkers aren't the only ones seeking to overthrow you. There's a traitor in your midst."

A ripple of unease swept through the room, and the gang members exchanged wary glances. The notion that someone within their own ranks could be plotting against them struck at the core of their trust.

Jack stepped forward, his voice tinged with a mix of anger and urgency. "Who is the traitor? How do we know you speak the truth?"

Evelyn's lips curled into a wry smile. "I bear a mark, a symbol known only to The Viper and those closest to him. It's a secret that should never have been revealed, but in this case, it will serve as proof of my allegiance."

She extended her hand, revealing a tattoo—a mirror image of The Viper's own symbol—etched into her skin. The room fell into a stunned silence, as The Viper's expression shifted from suspicion to astonishment.

"It can't be..." The Viper's voice was barely a whisper, his eyes fixated on the mark before him. "Only one other person knows of this symbol. How did you come to possess it?"

Evelyn's gaze met Jack's, her eyes shimmering with an unspoken connection. "Jack... He is my brother."

The revelation struck Jack like a lightning bolt, his mind reeling with the weight of the revelation. Evelyn, his long-lost sister, had resurfaced at the most pivotal moment in their lives. Questions flooded his thoughts, but there was little time for answers. The immediate danger demanded their attention.

With newfound resolve, Jack addressed the gang, his voice resonating with a mix of determination and caution. "We have a traitor in our midst, one who seeks to undermine our mission and destroy all we've built. We must remain vigilant and trust in those who have proven their loyalty. The Nightstalkers will be waiting for us, but they won't be prepared for what we bring."

As the gang gathered their weapons and prepared to face the Nightstalkers, Jack and Evelyn shared a moment of silent understanding. The revelation of their shared bloodline added an unexpected layer of complexity to the battle ahead. They had not only the Nightstalkers to overcome but also the shadow of betrayal lurking within their own ranks.

With their resolve fortified, Jack and Evelyn stood side by side, ready to confront their shared past and the imminent threat that loomed in the darkness. Little did they know that the night held more surprises, and the true identity of the traitor would shake the foundation of their trust, leading to a turn of events that would redefine the course of their struggle for power in the slums.