
Spirit Eyes. A New Candidate.

Earlier in the next morning Gabriel told Sam to go and sell they're carriage and by one more appropriate for the Imperial Capital, after all the carriage that they used to come here was too big, and normally was used to travel big distances. But also Gabriel was worried that the carriage would attract unwanted attention.

After Sam went, Gabriel was back in his room, he was thinking about his situation.

"This level of power is out of the ordinary, and according to Sam this body wasn't all that powerful, so it must be because of God's Mantra." Gabriel was pondering something then said "But how do I better use this energy, I mean the mantra only guides me how to meditate and says to feel the energy, but I don't know any practical speels or how to best apply. I have this strange feeling like the way I am using it is way to wasteful like using a car with square tires.

After that Gabriel tried to see different ways to use the energy, and after half an hour he started laughing out loud. "HAHAHA this is just amazing I can actually manipulate the energy so that it vibrates at a certain frequency and everything in a radius of one thousand meters is reflected in my head, this is just amazing I shall call this spirit eyes" the thing that Gabriel "discovered now" was just a basic application of mana, if using a special detections spell the distance could be bigger, of course even if Gabriel used it would be extremely hard for others to detect him becouses of his high level and high mana purity, but of course Gabriel didn't knew about this yet.

"Oh Sam is back with the carriage, I guess is time to go to the Symians clan"

Gabriel went outside were Sam was.

"Good morning young Master"

"You did well Sam, go call Maria we will go to the Symians clan." said Gabriel as he looked at the simple carriage, it wasn't very big, it could fit four or five people, it was mede of some red wood, the inside was purple and red. As he was admiring the colers of the carriage Sam came with Maria.

"Good morning young master" said Maria.

"Good morning" responded Gabriel "This girl sure changed a lot after that incident, she no longer has the cold robotic voice, she sure is cute when she smiles" said Gabriel to himself.

After riding the carriage for about one hour and a half or two hours they were in front of a big castle, or instead it would be better to call it a mansion. There were guards at the entrance of the mansion.

The mansion was very big, with big long stairs in the middle, the mansion was shaped in U shape with beautiful lake and gardens around it.

"Who goes there, this is the Symians clan mansion." said one of the guards

"I am a representative of the Duke Standford family, I came here with the young master of my family, we wish to meet with your clan head, Michael Symians." said Sam.

"Hmph, who do you think you are, some unknown Duke son wishes to see our clan he can see him, just role back from were you came" said the same guard.

Gabriel was surprised that a mere guard dared to say something like that about a noble.

Maria noticed Gabriel reaction and said "There is nothing strange about his reaction young master, the ancient noble clans are very powerful and influential, they have power in the Imperial court and military.

"How do you know about all this Maria" asked Gabriel.

"Madame used to teach me, even before you lost your memories young master, you didn't like these histori lessons" said Maria.

She still thinks that I lost my memory's, thouth Gabriel to himself.

Outside the carriage, Sam expression changed, he released his aura and the guards expression changed "This... This... aura it can't be... a Magi Knight.. You what do you want to do, this is the Symians clan, you better behave" said the guard, but this time his voice was shivering.

"Tell clan head Michael that Duke Elliot Standford needs a favor from him, I am sure clan head Michael knows who he is. Move now!" said Sam.

At this point in time inside the mansion, inside a beautiful room with viw to a garden, there was a men seated there drinking and enjoying the viw. He was in his thirties slime build, green hair, and green eyes with and oval face.

Then someone knocked on the door.

"Come in said the man" said the man.

Then a youth no more then 16 or 17 year's old,

he also had a slime body and the same green hair and eyes and oval face.

"My son Daniel what is it?" asked the man.

Daniel bowed before saying "Father have you though about the thing that I asked of you?"

"Yes I have thought about it and..."

But before he could finish there was a knock on the door Daniel frowned.

"Come in" said the man.

Then a guard came in rushing. "Clan head there is a Migi Knights at the door, he claims to be a representative of Duke Elliot Standford." said the guard.

Michael had an astonished expression for a split of a second then it came back to normal.

"Lead them to the main hall, I will be there after a wile" said Michael "As for your request we will talk later, now go."

"Yes father"

"Yes clan head"

After they left Michael stood there for a while then he got up and went.

Outside Gabriel, Sam and Maria were led by a maid to a spacious hall with beautiful painting and status of beasts and warriors. The maid said "Please wait here the lord will come after a while, there is fresh fruits, tea, wine if you need anything just let me know."

Gabriel and the others nodded and sat down.

After a while Michael came in "Hahaha old Sam how is Elliot doing"

Sam stood up bowed and said "Greatins Marquis Michael Symians, the Lord sends his greetings" Then Sam took "The Lord is doing fine, he asked me to give you this" he gave the letter to Michael, who opened and read it.

After a while Michael looked at Gabriel then at Sam "It will be hard, but considering that is Elliot personal request I will do it." said Michael.

"Thank you very much for the trouble" Sam bowed again. "We will take our leave now"

"Nonsense you can stay here, and after a week Gabriel can go with the youths of our clan to the Imperial Capital" said Michael.

He turned to a maid and said "You take out gusts to the guests room, if they need anything do it"

"Yes Lord" the maid responded.

The made gave each a one of them a room, they were so big, that a room was as big as a hous.

Late at night inside his room he decided to use the spirit eyes technique to look around.

There was nothing out of ordinary, so Gabriel decided to expand the distance from 500 meters to one kilometer "Interesting" in one of the gardens there were four people beating a boy about 14 years old, after a while one of them said "You better know your place, you basterd, just becous one of the elders took pity on you and your sick mother doesn't mean you deserve the clans resources" then they took a smal bag from his chest" see you next month kiddo hahah"

"Very interesting, he could actually move faster then them and wasn't hurt at all, and his injurys are just superficial, but if he could defeat them why pretend"

Then Gabriel noticed the boy move he went to a small hous in a corner, he went in and there was a woman with a sick expression on her face, but even so she was extremely beautiful with a beautiful red hair and red orange eyes.

"How do you feel mother" asked the boy.

The women looked at the boy and saw his face, her expression changed "Did they bother you again?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry mother, this is nothing, as long as I let them have my resources and beat me a little you can have you medicine" said the boy with a smile.

The women started crying "I... Jacob... mother is so useless, and is making you suffer."

"Don't worry mother it doesn't rely hurt." said Jacob.

Gabriel withdraw his spirit eyes and had a pondering expression on his face. After a while he said to himself "I will observe him a little more, and if he passes I will recruited this Jacob, at least his character seems decent. Then Gabriel sat down cross-legged and started meditating but not at full speed for fear of making a disturbance.