
Shadow Monarch : Beyond the Journey's End

After witnessing the death of his mother, his sister, his friends, and lastly his beloved wife Cha Hae in. Sung Jinwoo believed that his time on earth is also reaching the end. As the messenger of the ruler said, his existence on earth is going to danger the earth itself as his infinite amount of mana is going to attract dimensional beings into earth itself. The journey of a lonely and undying monarch, the god of death, the monarch of shadow as he trying to find a new place far away from Earth. And as he searching in loneliness through dimensional gap, he met a certain red dragon, and a powerful one at that. Can the Shadow Monarch find the new meaning in his immortality in the world of gods and dragons? Patreon : patreon.com/GrandCaster [ Solo Leveling x Highschool DxD ] Fanfiction

GrandCaster · Cómic
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7 Chs

0 : The Journey End's

Existence that possess a great strength is said to be able to attract horrible things from other worlds.

' I'm no different. ' 

Two people looking at the sun setting it way through the horizon as they're riding a wyvern made of shadows. The man, looking like he is in his forties staring at distant sky with indifferent look. 

Smile on his face as he looking at the woman beside him.

" This is our 16th anniversary, honey go home first. " 

" You won't take too long, right? "

" I'll be right behind you. " 

" I'll be waiting for you then. " The woman smiled, as warm as the spring breeze. They smiled at each other before the wyvern took her home, leaving the man alone as he floating in the sky.

Dark, purplish aura emitted from his body as his smile faded. 

" A hunter's journey end when its stop hunting. "

The air fluctuate as 6 small gates start to appear around him, showing 6 dagger that screaming death. 

' And i guess my journey isn't ending anytime soon, or is it ever? ' he thought, hand in his pocket as he looking at a big dimensional gate up the sky. 

" Arise "


97 years has passed since he turn back the time using the cup of reincarnation, and that includes the 27 years he spent slaughtering all the monarchs and their armies in the dimensional gap. 

And even though his age has been long over 100 years old, he doesn't look old at all. The concept of age is meaningless to the incarnation of the death itself. He standing on top of a skyscraper, looking at the horizon with empty eyes. Those eyes who had witnessed the death of his loved ones, his beloved mother, his father, his sister, his friends, and lastly the love of his life, his wife. 

They are living the happy life, even before their death. He sees it himself, they are smiling even in their death.

' But why is it hurt. ' He thought. He couldn't even cry today even though the only one he love in his life is gone.

' I knew this day would come eventually, and i thought i'm ready. But... ' He couldn't contain the tear dropping from his eyes. Cries in the silence. He knew that if his wife is here, she would scold him for crying even though she said not to. Even the god of death couldn't avoid the death of his loved one.

" God of the death, what a joke. " He muttered as he wiping the tear from his eyes. He noticed that someone is coming.

" What are you doing here? " He said.

" I feel sorry for your loss, Monarch of Shadow." It was a young man man with brilliant golden eyes.

" The concept of monarch doesn't exist anymore, i'm just a man cursed with immortality, but nothing more or less. You can just call me by my name. " He said, hand in his coat.

" Then should i call you, the protector of the world? "

" Stop, don't call me that. " Jinwoo retorted.

" The undying god of - " The man forced to silent as he feel a certain amount of pressure closed his mouth. 

" You making me cringe, now speak you true intention of meeting me. And don't even try to say something like you came here because you feel sorry that my wife just passed away. You, the messenger of those bum of all people. " Jinwoo said, he is not in the mood for a joke, especially it came from these people.

" I'm sorry if you are offended by my presence, Mr. Sung Jinwoo. I am a mere messenger is just here to relay the message from the Rulers. "

Jinwoo chuckled for a moment as he heard that. 

" Those bastards never change huh, could they just come here and say it to my face instead of relying on you as a messenger. "

" That's... They are afraid that if they are coming here by themselves then there are too much mana concentrated in one place and you know how dangerous is that for the state of your world right now. "

" Hmm... I get your point. " Jinwoo nodded, even right now he suppressing his mana to the maximum and even that the world is still engulfed with his energy. 

" But, if you please, i could get through your message to the Rules so that you can meet them in the Dimensional gap. "

But Jinwoo swinging his hand. 

" Don't bother, i don't even want to meet them. Now, what is the message. "

The messenger nodded, and for a moment his face is glitched before suddenly Jinwoo felt the change in his presence. 

" This message is for the protector of the earth, the undying, the one who rule over the darkness itself. The Monarch of Shadow. Your existence has been truly amazing, you saved this world from perished, you slaughtered the darkness, you protect it for almost a century, and now there is no one in this world, no... Dimension that could hold a candle to your feat and prowess. But as a result, your existence has been invinting the outer dimensional beings to this world and even though your existence itself is protecting it from the darkness, but it start to destroy the balance of this dimension. I felt sorry for you loss, and it maybe displeased you that i relay this message at this very moment, but there is no time left. "

" What do you mean? " Jinwoo said.

" Your enormous beyond limit power is started to devouring this world, and i'm afraid that something you don't want is going to happen if you still exist in this world, since its not a world that is designed to be able to endure this much amount of magic. Instead of the protector, you could turn into the calamity, the destroyer of the world. "

Hearing that fact, Jinwoo doesn't look like surprised at all. In fact, he already knew this would happen. 

" So my time in this world has come to an end, huh... " 

" This not an order, it is a humble request from us. Please leave this world... Well, even if we said that, you are going to do that aren't you. "

Jinwoo sighed as he looking back at the view of Seoul, the city where he grew up, both in his previous and this life. There is a nostalgic feeling as witness the city he grew up in has changed so drastically throughout the time. He maybe has lost his sense of time as it is irrelevant to him. But the feeling is never going away, not today, not ever.

" One question, am i allowed to visit my family in the future. " Jinwoo said, looking at the messenger with indifferent eyes.

" That's a peculiar question, even if we said no, we wouldn't able to stop you anyway. But as a suggestion, at least 10 years, let this world heal for at least 50 years and you could visit this place again, even though i'm not sure if its gonna be the same world as you thought it would be, considering 50 years is a long time for everything to change. " They said.

" I know that very well, i guess its a good bye then."

" It is. "

"But before that, could you promise me one thing. " Jinwoo said as he looked at the photo of his whole family on his smartphone. There are his father, his mother, his sister Jinah and her husband, his bestfriend Jinho. His son, Suho, and his wife, Haein. 

" Could you look after my family graves everyday. Make sure that everything is good and clean. " Jinwoo said, a faint smile appeared in his face.

" You could have my word, i will do as you say. "

" I trust you, if you break your promise... remember that you should be prepared to move to the world of the death, i mean all of you. " Jinwoo said nonchalantly. 

" I would certainly remember that. " 

" Good. " Jinwoo said. " I would be leaving this world after i pay visit for my family or the last time. "

" Thank you, Monarch of the Shadow... No, hunter Sung Jinwoo. "

Hearing that nickname, Jinwoo smiled.

" It's been a long time since someone called me that. " His smile reminiscing the hunter days of his life, it was precious memory. One who he would never forget.

" Anyway, before i go you said that my power is too big to be contained by a single dimension even in the surpressed mode. Is there even a world where i could live in this Universe? " Jinwoo asked, since he know very well in his full power he could destroy almost any world he touch.

" In this Universe? No. " 

" Then- "

" But i'm not saying that there is none, there is a world in the distant universe. It is the world that would give you a nostalgic feeling since it is similar to you world in a sense, but it was a world where the age of gods isn't faded, in fact it is the world gods and dragons, there are countless of supreme beings reside in that world, from the devil of hell, angle of heavens to the apocalyptic beasts. " The messenger said.

" Sounds like a mess of a place, haha. " Jinwoo laughing dryly. 

" Then, what is that world called? "

" The DxD "

Just something that came out of my mind after rereading the Solo Leveling manhwa. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, i might be uploading this daily, so stay tune.

If you want to support and early acess. ( But early acess will be available after chapter 5 ) Here is the pat : patreon.com/GrandCaster

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