
What happened yesterday

Nero was at receptionist hall south wall staring at legend rank boards quests and missions. Quests varied from ingredient/material gathering to pest control. Missions varied from body guarding to clearing of dungeons. There was also couple wanted posters of criminals who were at legend rank.

''What should i choose, i'm interested to know what are these dungeons, but i probably should start with ingredient gathering as i'm not that familiar with the local area, it could be a good chance to learn more about this place.'' Nero thought to himself and grabbed 2 ingredient gathering quest poster.

He handed the quest posters along with his legend rank plate to receptionist lady ''I would like to take these 2 quests, also if it's not too much asked, could i have a look at map as i have no idea where the location is at.''. Lady inspected the quests and confirmed his plate, then she grabbed a map from cabinet behind her ''Usually we don't allow adventurers to take more than 1 quest or mission, but as these happens to be in the same location, so i don't see any problem with that. Here is the map you requested.''.

Nero started to inspect the map of Yowald and something caught his eye immediately. He recognized a lone mountain directly north of Yowald, somehow it was different on map as it was depicted as snowy area. The lone mountain he knew never had snow around it. There was also other parts of the map that he recognized, but everything was different. The spot where should be the kingdom of Nabarel was split into four different kingdom and these kingdoms were: Kingdom of Yowald, Kingdom of Sinad, Kingdom of Laylea and Kingdom of Bojua. After seeing this he asked the receptionist lady ''Excuse me, what is the meaning of this? Why there are four kingdoms depicted on this map instead of Nabarel?'' while pointing at the map.

The lady looked at the map ''I don't understand what you are trying to say, this is how it has always been for thousands of years.''. Nero looked shocked after hearing her. ''That's not possible, i'm from Nabarel. See this lone mountain here on the map, it's where Nabarel fought off all of it's battles. Nabarel should be located right here where the four kingdoms are depicted.'' Nero said while pointing to the locations on the map.

''Look, i'm not a historian, but i'm quite sure that there has never been a kingdom called Nabarel. Also there has never been any battles at lone mountain, that's because lone mountain is so cold that you get frozen instantly if you were to set foot in there. The lone mountain has always been ultimate barrier between our kingdom and the badlands, protecting us from the horrible monsters that badlands harbor'' Receptionist lady said. ''I wish you good luck on your quest, now if you excuse me, i have lot of work to do.'' She added.

Nero stared at the map while slowly walking outside of the guild. Once outside a familiar voice called out to him ''Nero, i'm glad that i bumped into you. Could you help me with something?'' Rico asked who seemed troubled.

''What is it?'' Nero asked kindly. ''You know how we were at the Inn yesterday... Could you explain me what exactly happened? Did i leave the Inn with someone?'' Rico asked bit embarrassed.

''Why you ask?'' Nero asked. ''Well... I never been good with alcohol... But this morning, i woke up next to a guy in a bed... B-b-butt naked. I like women, how could i do it with a man? I can't remember anything from yesterday.'' Rico explained with grave shame on his face.

''I-i'm sorry, i can't remember anything from yesterday either. I guess that makes two of us.''Nero answered knowing very well that it was him who carried Rico and apparently had put him into a wrong room.

''If i face the group now, i will never hear the end of it... I know, i leave the country, change my name and become a farmer in a far far away land far away from them. Who am i kidding, they would find me instantly.'' Rico said while laying on ground all depressed.

''Everyone was pretty drunk, it would be a miracle if anyone remembered anything from yesterday.'' Nero said while trying to cheer Rico. ''You don't know them... They could compete against an elephant in a drinking contest and still win with their memories intact'' Rico explained.

''I think i remembered something... Yes! You definitely went home alone yesterday, there is no way anyone would know about you.'' Nero said. ''Know about what?'' Leroy asked while yawning from behind them with the whole group with him.

''Rico, how it felt to have a piggyback ride back home? I was kinda jealous you know, to get a piggyback ride from such a handsome man.'' Sofia said in a sulking manner. At this moment Rico died inside thinking ''They know... I gotta come clean now, or they keep harassing me forever!''.

''I did it! I don't know why i did it... But i slept with a man. Are you happy now?'' Rico blurted out so everyone heard. This time Nero died inside.

''You did what? You slept with Nero!?'' Sofia asked from Rico while shaking this violently from side to side. ''What? No... What is she talking about Nero?'' Rico asked from Nero who was trying to sneak away.

''Ah now that you think about it... It was me who carried you back home, i must have accidentally placed you on a wrong room. I'm sorry.'' Nero explained while being embarrassed.

''So i did not sleep with a man after all'' Rico said while being relieved. ''Why was i naked though?'' Rico asked from Nero.

''That... I don't know. I just dropped you on a bed and went to my quarters.'' Nero answered with blank expression. This time the group could see Rico's soul leaving his body.