
Shadow Love System

A boy walking on the road, looking left and right. He had a smile on his face, but if you look closely at his eyes, you will see various emotions, sadness, anger, and helplessness!

The boy has a handsome face, big sharp eyes, thin lips, 6fit height, black hair, and average thin body overall very attractive but no one is looking at him!

The boy looked, the chasing for a better life working hard people's, and looked at him! Sigh! Life is like a race, if you slow, your dreamy place snatch by other people's! Sky Meng thought to himself.

I'm working all of my life to make my dream come true, but one wrong step destroyed my dream!

My own gaming company snatched my best friend. Therefore one thing is funny, my adopted family telling me to get lost! Past, my friends were like true brothers but in my bad times, no one looked at me!

My biological parents... Don't know who they are. They just throw me in this cruel world alone.

In my mind, I have one question for my biological parents, "If you don't want to raise me, why given birth first place?

I'm waiting for them god know how many years. I'm hoping if one day they want to take me back, I would pretend to throw tantrum and unwillingly accept them but no one comes!

I had received numerous cold shoulders, beating, slander, unbelievable hardship, and finally open a game company. All the people look at me as an eyesore but one person's expectation. She always supports me, gives me a warm feeling in this cold world. But now...

Sky Meng squeezed his lips, and forced a smile!

"Anna!" She is my life but she's the one who stabbed me back! I'm carving for revenge, but her innocent smile forces me to stop! I don't know what to do!"

"Now I lost everything!"


Sky Meng screamed to the sky!

The crowd looked like an idiot boy, who was screaming in the sky. But no one stopped him and the people walked away!

Sky Meng feels that the world has nothing to do with him.

At that moment slowly, the weather changing. The sky darkened, leaves fell out in the tree and a unique sound echoed through the surrounding area.

At that moment, a sad voice sounded out...

"This night is cold in the kingdom"

"I can feel you fade away"

"From the kitchen to the bathroom and"

"Your steps keep me awake"

"Don't cut me down, throw me out, leave me here to waste"

"I once was a man with dignity and grace"

"Now I'm through the cracks of your cold embrace"

"So please, please"

"Could you find a way to let me down slowly?"

"A little sympathy, I hope you can show me"

"If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely"

"If you're leaving baby let me down slowly"

"Let me down, down"

"Let me down, down"

"Let me down, let me down"

"Let me down"

"If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely"

"If you're leaving baby let me down slowly"

"Cold skin, drag my feet on the tile..."


At the moment, a thunderbolt like an arrow through a bow blast near a tree.

"Rain poured down from the sky!"

Sky Meng standing in the middle of the road, rain fell on his head, shoulder, and flow through in the ground.

Sky Meng standing motionless like a blank paper, and looking at boundless Sky!

"But in the next second his face turned pale!"


A darkest thunderbolt, lighting speed cutting through the wind was falling to the Earth. At the moment Sky was darkest in world history, nearby people were running for life, like an apocalypse coming.

But only Sky Meng was standing, and looking at the thunderbolt, which looked like a very unique shadow, and near him. He was not feared but opposite, like a soul taking its own body. Laughing and cheering every body cell.

It's slowly and speedily falling, in Sky Meng's eyes, but other people were crying and praying.

In Sky Meng, big eyes reflect the thunderbolt that shows his dominance, the next second its size was shrinking, and increased speed.

The next moment, it shows his true face, a very dark round ball and it has four black wings. But it has numerous shadows!

The ball opened her wings, and lighting speed pierced through Sky Meng's eyes.

Sky Meng had unbelievable pain, slowly his conscience was darkened, and fainted on the spot.

But at the moment a genderless voice sounded his mind!



"System initiating!"

" Ding!"

"Congratulations to the Host, for activating the Shadow Love System!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Hello everyone,

I hope you like it and support me!

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