
Chapter three

In a vast painting room a tall man of 6'2 feet was standing near a canvas engrossed in his painting. His black shiny hair glistened as it was perfectly gelled back, his broad shoulders and thin waist gave him the back view of a Greek lord. "Ethan, your meeting with the de Luca industry is scheduled for 1pm today, and it's already 11am*, his assistant reported. *Don't worry am mindful of my time, and even if we run late or get the meeting cancelled I must complete this masterpiece" Ethan replied in a deep husky voice. "Come-on Ethan, All these 200 canvases have only one painting on them, you have amazing painting skills but you paint no other portrait or image apart from her", Daniel, Ethan's assistant stated. "When I can paint an angel, why bother painting humans and other ordinary objects, I only need the painting of my angel everywhere I look", Ethan said. Daniel shook his head in disbelief, it won't work, no matter what he said.

An hour later, Ethan stepped aside to reveal his masterpiece, it was a girl, 5 '9 feet. She has beautiful, straight and silky black hair that glistened, framing her face like a curtain of night. Her stunning, big blue Sapphire eyes that glint with sharp intelligence, her skin, creamy, radiant and flawless with subtle golden glow. Her face is oval shaped with high cheekbones, a small nose and a determined jaw. A yellow dressed hugged her sleek, athletic and we'll toned body with pair of captivating long legs and a tiny waist. Her smile was so captivating and radiant even the sun's glow will fall short with full pink lips and a confident aura. "Done" Ethan exclaimed. "Tell Amber to get ready. She is joining us in the meeting" Ethan added.

" Ok" Daniel nodded and walked away to talk to Amber Blackwood, Ethan's sister.

In less than 15 mins both Ethan and amber came down fully dressed, Ethan was dressed In all black, his black hair glistened, his gray eyes piercing and intense, chiseled face, high cheekbones, strong jawline and a small nose, you could see his perfect physique beneath his white shirt, strong, muscular athletic body with broad shoulders and commanding presence, girls fawn over him. Whereas Amber was dressed in a beautiful floral gown, her golden curly hair endearing and messy, big gray eyes that sparkle with innocence, sweetness and a hint of mystery, her beautiful oval face with high cheekbones, small nose and a charming smile. Her dress gave a faint glimpse of her petite, slender and delicate body with subtle curves and graceful demeanor. They both looked alike but different. He looked like a handsome demon and she looked like a delicate flower. "Let's go", Ethan said to Daniel.

"Sure" Daniel said and opened the door for Amber and Ethan. It was a 30min drive from the blackwood villa to the de Luca industries main headquarters. On the way there, Amber reviewed the meeting files as she was the representative and project head of the blackwood industries.

Soon they were inside the building, the receptionist received them and led them to the meeting room. Since they were 10 min early they were served some refreshments while they waited for valentina de Luca. Ethan was going through something on his mobile when the door creaked, as soon as he raised his head to look, his heart skipped a beat, there she was, his angel, looking beautiful and gracious as always, but that beautiful smile was not on her face, rather her face was cold, with no emotion, she looked graceful in her red fitted outfit, her black silky long hair on her back, no makeup and just a pair of diamond earrings were on her ears , her hand adored with a beautiful diamond watch and a ruby ring, her high heels clicking and the sound reverberating all around the room, he dramatically tapped at his heart as if to stop it from running out of his chest.

He stood up and everyone stood up along with him. He went close to valentina and took her hand before kissing her knuckles. "You look stunning", he remarked. "Thank you, but that's not an ethical part or decorum of a meeting," Valentina said her expression unchanging. "Who cares about ethics or decorum, Ethan blackwood sets his own rules and decorums" he replied with a sly smile. He looked beside her and for the first time realized that she wasn't alone but accompanied by two people. Her PA Alexa Rossi who looked nothing but displeased and beside her was a young boy of about 17, He was 5 '10 foot, with dark brown messy and meanderingly rumpled hair. His oval face was graced with big, bright blue eyes that spark with a hint of mischief, high cheekbones and a small nose. His skin, smooth, clear and radiant with a warm golden undertone. He looked so much like valentina and with no doubt he is her brother. "With no further Ado can we proceed with the meeting". All seriousness returned to the hall. Daniel and Alexa stood beside their respective leaders.

Both the de Luca industry and blackwood industry were the leading industries in the market, to remove possible rivalry between the two companies a collaborative project was decided and both Amber and Julian would be the ones leading the project as they both have a huge fetish for video games. Neither of the two companies had created a video game before and now they are going to do it as a collaborative project. Headquarters would be created as they are planning to major in computer and video games. And the leaders would be Julian and amber.

The two were asked to talk with each other and get acquainted as they are going to work together for a long time. In an hour the meeting was round up, Julian and Amber went out to talk leaving the 4 behind. Ethan turned his focus back to valentina and said, "Dinner at 10, waterfall restaurant". "Not interested", Valentina replied. "I wasn't asking, I was telling you, I would be waiting," Ethan said. "Am not coming so don't wait", valentina said. "You would come, I know it," Ethan said with a mischievous smile and walked out.

Valentina was left alone in the meeting room, with Alexa standing beside her. Ethan blackwood, Ethan blackwood, their history was deeper than this, she had known him for a long time and she even…, let the past stay in the past no point in dwelling in it. She can't even bring herself to remember what happened all those years back, but here he was in front of her a few minutes ago, as handsome as ever, as flirty and mischievous as ever, if only, valentina drew a long breath and exhaled.

"Am not going, that's all" valentina told herself determined.