
Shadow and Steel

Shadows and Steel Synopsis: Fifteen-year-old Ethan's life changes forever when he's attacked by a shadowy monster and saved by Kael, a member of the secretive Nightwardens. Drawn into their world, Ethan undergoes intense training to harness his newfound powers and join the fight against the malevolent shadows threatening humanity. As he learns to wield his inner energy, Hikari (光) - Light and battles

Samuel_Agyapong_5098 · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Chapter 8 (Council of Wardens)

Ethan was jolted awake by a rough shake. Disoriented and bleary-eyed, he blinked up at the figure standing over him. It was a man he had never seen before, his expression hard and unfriendly.

"Get up," the man barked, his tone leaving no room for argument. "The Council of Wardens wants to see you. Now."

Ethan groaned, rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?"

"Two in the morning," the stranger replied curtly. "Now move it."

Ethan stumbled out of bed, confused and still half-asleep. "Why so early? Couldn't this wait until morning?"

"No," the man snapped. "Get ready."

Still grumbling, Ethan made his way to the bathroom. He splashed water on his face to wake himself up and brushed his teeth. When he returned to his room, he found a fresh set of clothes laid out for him: a simple yet elegant black tunic and trousers. He changed quickly, the fabric feeling strange but comfortable against his skin.

Once dressed, he was led to a grand waiting room. The room was adorned with intricate tapestries and illuminated by soft, ambient lighting. The air was thick with anticipation, and Ethan's nerves were starting to get the better of him.

Kael appeared, his face calm but his eyes intense. He placed a reassuring hand on Ethan's shoulder. "Relax," he said, though his own demeanor did little to ease Ethan's anxiety. "You need to stay composed. The Council can be...intimidating, but they're fair."

Ethan swallowed hard. "Do I really have to do this?"

Kael nodded. "Yes. I'm the one who brought you here, so I'll be with you. Just answer their questions honestly."

Before Ethan could respond, they were summoned. The doors opened ominously. The walk to the council chamber felt like an eternity. When they finally entered, Ethan's breath caught in his throat. The room was grand and beautiful, with high vaulted ceilings and walls lined with ancient artifacts. Eleven council members sat at an elevated table, their presence commanding and imposing.

Each council member was distinct. Some had stoic, unreadable faces, while others smiled warmly or glared with evident disdain. Their appearances were as varied as their expressions: one with long, flowing silver hair; another with a stern, chiseled jawline; and yet another with eyes that seemed to pierce through to Ethan's soul.

The council's leader, an older man with a regal bearing and a flowing white beard, spoke first. "Welcome," he said in a voice that resonated through the chamber. "I am High Warden Thalor. Please introduce yourself."

Ethan cleared his throat, his voice shaking slightly. "I... I'm Ethan. Ethan Carson."

Thalor nodded and gestured to the council members to introduce themselves. The woman with sharp features and piercing blue eyes spoke first. "I am Warden Lyra. I oversee strategy and tactics."

Next, the gruff-looking man with a scar across his cheek. "Warden Draven, head of combat training."

A kind-looking woman with warm brown eyes smiled at Ethan. "Warden Selene, in charge of recruitment and welfare."

A man with long silver hair and an air of wisdom leaned forward. "Warden Alaric, historian and keeper of our traditions."

One by one, the other council members introduced themselves, each with a unique role and responsibility within the Nightwardens. Ethan tried to remember their names and faces, feeling a mix of awe and intimidation.

After the introductions, Thalor addressed Ethan again. "So, Ethan, tell us why you wish to join the Nightwardens."

Before Ethan could answer, Warden Draven spoke up, his tone skeptical. "I don't see what makes him special," he said dismissively. "He's just a boy."

Kael bristled but kept his composure. "Ethan has shown potential. He could be a valuable asset."

Draven sneered. "Potential or not, he's untrained and unproven. We need warriors, not liabilities."

A tense silence fell over the room. Ethan felt his heart pounding in his chest. He took a deep breath and stepped forward. "I know I'm not much right now," he admitted, his voice stronger than he felt. "But I want to protect people. My father disappeared, and my mother... she was taken by shadows. I don't want anyone else to go through what I did."

Warden Lyra studied him closely. "You seek vengeance?"

Ethan shook his head. "No. I did at first, but now... I just want to make sure no one else suffers. I want to help. I want to fight for something greater than myself."

The room was silent for a moment, the council members exchanging glances. Thalor finally spoke. "Your resolve is admirable, Ethan. But resolve alone is not enough. You must prove yourself through rigorous training and unwavering dedication."

Draven opened his mouth to protest, but Warden Selene interrupted. "I believe in giving him a chance. Everyone starts somewhere."

Thalor nodded. "Very well. Ethan Carson, you are hereby accepted as a Nightwarden recruit. Your training will commence in two days."

Ethan felt a wave of relief wash over him. Kael placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a rare, small smile. "Congratulations, Ethan."

"However," Thalor continued, his voice turning stern, "there is one more thing. After your training, you will face a final test. You will have to fight an actual shadow monster. We will not intervene, and we will not care if you survive or not. Only those who can defeat a shadow are worthy of becoming Nightwardens."

Ethan's relief turned to dread. The weight of Thalor's words pressed heavily on his shoulders. He glanced at Kael, who gave him a reassuring nod.

As they left the chamber, Ethan couldn't help but voice his concern. "What about Warden Draven? What if he tries to sabotage me?"

Kael's expression hardened. "Don't worry about him. Focus on your training. Prove yourself through your actions, and even he will have to acknowledge your worth."

Ethan nodded, feeling a new sense of purpose. The road ahead would be difficult, but he was ready to face whatever challenges came his way. He would become a Nightwarden, not just for his own sake, but for everyone who needed protection from the darkness.