
Shadow And Fire

The Mark of Kane burns again, as the Princes of Grisha arrive to collect on a deal made long ago. Step into Grisha for a journey filled with adventure, discovery, love, friendship and betrayal. Follow as heroes on opposing sides come together to bring peace emits a broken Grisha.

EchoBlack · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Part 9 - Midnight Star

"Where am I?" groggily questioned Mira, when she finally come too. Her head pounding, her memory blurry, which only made the question of what happened, all that more difficult to answer. At first Mira was under the belief she was back in Heiress, but soon realized otherwise upon noticing, the room she was in, had been carved into the cave walls, plus the wooden door had grimy wore metal bars where a window should have been. The scent of sandal wood was strong, almost like someone was attempting to give her the feeling of home, despite the thick chain shackled around her left ankle. Upon seeing the shackle, Mira knew she was in some sort of danger, or at least her captors didn't want her escaping so easily.

"Finally awake" came a soft voice from the direction of the door. Mira had been so focused on her surroundings, she hadn't heard the old door creak open, nor the locks groaning in protest when used again. Fear shone brightly in Mira's small hazel eyes, yet that didn't stop her from glancing over the Morcarian woman before her, bestowing unwanted and harsh judgement on her, all be it without uttering a single word. The lavender haired woman turned her gentle expression more stern, almost as if she could hear Mira's thoughts, or sense her changing attitude. "Its been a few days. Some were starting to worry" stated the pointed eared woman, her thin elegant frame clad in a golden dress, which looked alight with flames, when she made the slightest of movements.

"Where am I?, Who are you? Where are the other princesses? Where is Alexander?" rambled Mira, as she moved her bottle red hair to the side, worry flooding her voice, as the words left her dry lips. The lavender haired woman on the other, patiently waited for her to get all her questions out, even watched her as she began to pace the room. The sound of the chain, shackled around her ankle dragging across the stone floor, being the only thing besides Mira's mumbles to be heard.

"You're in Dralia, one of the Morcarian Cities" started the beautiful woman, her calming aura seeming out of place, yet still she continued on, ignoring the disgusted look Mira sent in her direction, ignoring as Mira all but scrunched up her face in disdain, at the idea of being anywhere near the lowly Morcarians, let alone in one of their pathetic cities.. "My name is Montrix, I'm here to assist and prepare you for the awakening. No the other princesses aren't here, they're in the safety of vampire kingdoms, under the protection of the princes. As for Alexander he's currently roaming the Shadow Lands and Arathorn Forest looking for you, as he's been doing for days" answered Montrix, formerly introducing herself, although she didn't offer a hand to shake or anything else outside of gentle words.

"The awakening?" questioned Mira, finding herself curious. Yet at the same time she hoped Alexander would find her soon, something about the awakening terrified her, although she couldn't put her finger on exactly what scared her. Montrix simply nodded in response, using her magic to retrieve a book that would be helpful to Mira, although also using her magic to temporarily erase certain things. Such as ancient prophecies and information on the powerful Shadow Creature. "Why am I the only on here?" asked Mira, although she was pleased she was somewhat special, for the first time, she was also fearful about being the center of attention. Everything she knew about Morcarians, she learnt from Alexander. They were her enemy, they seek to destroy the vampires kingdoms and restore the ancient Morcarian ways. They were meant to be nothing more than slaves meant to serve the vampires.

"You''re heritage" simply responded Montrix, as if it was the most obvious thing in Grisha. "Your father come from the royal Morcarian line, he knew it but never told anyone not even your mother. He never got the chance to tell you the truth. Whether you like it or not, you have Morcarian heritage. Just as you are our Midnight Star and High Seeker" added the beautiful Morcarian, it being clear she was one of many whom hoped one of the other princesses would have been the Midnight Star, yet none the less Montrix was determined to do the duty she had been trained to do for several decades. It was her duty to prepare Mira, so that was what she was going to do. Regardless of her opinion of the other woman and the judgement Mira had already cast upon her. At the same time Montrix didn't speak of the other princess, Orion had been charged with watching over. Nor did she speak on things to have changed since that particular princess had arrived in Grisha.

"High Seeker?" questioned Mira, catching on to it likely being a royal title of some kinda. After all she had taken notice when Montrix had spoke of her father being from the royal Morcarian line. Yet at the same time it worried her. If she was Morcarian, how would her darling Prince Alexander react? Would he still be head over heels for her? Or would that love and affection turn into hatred and resentment? Yet despite the plaguing and intruding thoughts, Mira wanted to know more, did she have magic too? Or was she more like a shade, since the Morcarian blood had been mixed with that of a normal person. "is that some kind of royal title or something?" bluntly asked the bottle redhead, as she attempted to hide her wicked amusement, even more so when she thought of all the power she would have, as she thought about what she could do.

"Yes. Depending on the gender, High Seeker can mean king or queen" commented Montrix, as she moved her waist length lavender hair, behind her shoulders. Revealing tribal markings decorating her collar, almost as if they were telling an ancient story. "You are to go to Mordikai for the Awakening. If Rami accepts you as the High Seeker, then you're Morcarian side will be awoken and the druids will wake from their long sleep" explained the lavender haired beauty, her golden eyes focused on Mira, assessing her reaction. It being clear Montrix's magic was powerful. Just as it was equally clear, there was things she wasn't saying. Although what, was the question for Mira.

"Kane knew didn't he" spoke Mira, curious if the second Vampire King, knew she was from the royal Morcarian line, or if it had been an unbelievable coincidence. Deep down the bottle redhead wanted to say he didn't know, but she doubted that was true. After all Kane had been following the information, his late wife in Queen Crystal had left for him. Montrix merely nodded to the question, confirming Kane did know and was now leaving fate to run its charted cause. He had done his part for the time being, just as the Princes could do nothing more, other than protecting their princesses. With the exception of Alexander who's path still hung in the balance. Whatever Mira decided to do in the coming weeks, would decide the ending to Alexander's journey, even if neither of them realized it.

With a gentle wave of her hand, the chain around Mira's ankle released itself. Mira grinned wickedly, like she had been handed the keys to her freedom. Yet Montrix knew, even if Mira did escape from the room, the odds of her finding her way to the Shadow Lands were next to nothing. Dralia was located deep in the cave system of Grisha, it was hard to navigate for those whom hadn't grown up there. If Mira did get out of the caves, she'd have to get past the cities of Wraith and Wisteria without being detected and get through Arathorn Forest. Something that was near impossible to do. Neither Montrix or Mira spoke another word to each other. Instead Mira wondered around the room, quickly finding a makeshift closet, filled with beautiful and elegant Morcarian styled dresses. Where as Montrix left the room, wishing to find Orion, at least hoping he had a better time with his job with the other princess and the youngest vampire prince. Plus she wanted to confirm if the recent rumors of the White Tigers had any truth to them.

Elsewhere in Grisha, each of the vampire princes had returned to their own individual kingdoms, with the exception of Credence and Lucian. Both of which had remained behind in Erised along with Mercedes and Evie, with Finnick's permission. Finnick had spent countless hours with Echo, since Mira had gone missing.. He appreciated her interesting in Grishan histories, but also found himself intrigued by Orion, the Morcarian warrior whom had gone out of his way to protect Echo. The Morcarian warrior had spoken to Finnick as if they'd known each other, like friends. Yet Finnick couldn't help but ask why, at the same time the Prince of Wrath found himself sensing something was off, it had been since Mira had been taken. The air seemed different, almost like war was blowing in the wind. Even Avi had sensed the sudden change, becoming more observant and protective.

"Quite the princess you have" spoke Lucian, joining Finnick on the stone balcony overlooking the fields near the waterfalls. The balcony offering views of the three princesses wondering through the fields together. Despite everything the three were peaceful, almost oblivious to what was happening around them. Finnick on the other hand, quickly turned in the direction of Lucian voice, noticing Credence also there, from his stance, it being clear the Prince of Pride had been there for sometime but refused to break Finnick's trail of thoughts. "I can see why mother chose her for you" commented the fourth prince. He'd realized Finnick had thrust far shown the most change, he was far more calmer now, not as quick tempered or hot headed as before. Although he was still brash it wasn't as prevalent now. Instead he acted more in a more princely manner.

"Envious, Lucian?" playfully commented Credence, a friendly grin upon his lips, as he turned his attention to Evie dancing through the fields of long grass, her laughter like music to his ears. Lucian merely chuckled before joining his brothers at the stone carved railing. Joining them in observing the three woman, even now it amazed him how different each was, yet also bound by same things. It was clear to anyone, the relationship most of the princesses shared had grown over the weeks and months. No longer were most of them strangers, but now held friendships and even sisterhoods with others.

"Not at all. We all get the joy of going through this experience together" responded Lucian, knowing the only brother whom hadn't seen the whole thing for the precious gift it was, was Alexander. He only seemed to see Mira as a ticket to being king. Even when she was meant to be his wife and partner for life. Still Alexander remained the only one to be stuck in his ways, the only one not to have changed, or if he had, it had been for the worst. "Do Evie and Echo want to be Queen?" curiously asked the Prince of Envy, he knew Mercedes had shown interest in the idea of being queen, as had Mira, Katherine, Jessica, Maggie and Mercedes, yet Evie and Echo's stance remained a mystery to him for them time being.

"Evie is open to the idea, although she's admitted it scares her" revealed Credence. Although he had no interest in being king, he knew if Evie was chosen as Queen, he would have no choice but to accept the role of King. Something each prince had been prepared for. Kane and the council had spent years training them individually, so they had an idea of what sort of king they would be if the odds favored them. "She said if the impossible happens, then she wants to rule from Daro" commented the Prince of Pride, admiring how Evie seemed prepared for the scenario of being Queen, even if she didn't believe it would happen. Credence soon turned his attention to Finnick, as did Lucian, both waiting patiently for their younger brother to answer. Finnick merely grinned, chuckling to himself, recalling the conversations he had with Echo about that.

"She's made it clear, she has no interest" confessed Finnick, once again noticing how different Echo seemed to be compared to the others. The remaining six women had expressed delight at the idea of being queen some day, where as Echo had expressed horror at the idea of ruling. "She prefers to defend Grisha rather than rule it" commented the Prince of Wrath, noticing Morgana had joined the three women, her apprentice in Odie limping along with them, the young Shade had been pulled from a burning wreckage by Daryl, after he had attempted to save priceless processions of an elderly couple.

"Alexander's back" commented Lucian, his voice turning stern and frustrated, like he expected the worst from his eldest brother's arrival. The Prince of Greed went out every day looking for Mira, each time he returned to Erised more hate filled than the last. Always with resentment for the princesses to have been found, and jealous of his brothers. They had their princesses, knew where they were, where as he was without his. Alexander made his way over to the princesses, while his exhausted soldiers trampled through the field with the intention of finding the nearest tavern to unwind in. The three princes on the balcony quickly left their position, quickly realizing again Alexander had come back empty handed, thrust likely intended to take his anger out on the three innocent women.

Mercedes, Evie and Echo on the other hand, watched as the soldiers walked through the fields. Being careful for the nature they walked through, almost as if they didn't wish the disturb the magic running through the often peaceful rustic kingdom. Neither of the women took notice of Alexander, even when he stamped towards them, all but throwing his spotless armor as far as he could, with little care for his surroundings or the people in the area. Morgana on the other hand kept her focus on her cruel brother, the man whom so often called her an abomination. The three princes soon appeared with the group of women, just like Morgana, they're focus on Alexander, expecting him to do or say something. Never before had the Prince of Greed passed up the chance to torment or hurt someone.

"They should have finished the job" muttered Alexander, pulling a hand through his short dark hair, his dark eyes focused on Evie, suggesting she was the one the comment had been fired at. The comment hadn't been lost on the young princess, however she didn't speak a word, instead she just stared at Alexander, as if daring him to say something else. "Mira should be here, instead of the wretched Morcarians giving her back to me. They gave the knock off version of her back instead. The version I'm now forced to look at every time I come back empty handed" cruelly commented the Prince of Greed, gesturing towards Echo, the one he often believed was a laughable copy of his precious Mira. As Alexander opened his mouth to continue, he felt what could only be described as burning claws swipe across his cheek, with his head quickly snapping to the side.

"I wasn't the one they wanted. If you don't wan to look at me, fine. But don't call me a knock of version of Mira, and don't you dare stand there like you have the right to decide to what happens to anyone outside of yourself" spoke Echo, her voice almost alight with fire, as were her silver eyes. The anger she felt clearly on display, just as Alexander seemed taken aback by one of the princesses standing up to him, and neither of his brothers doing anything about it, let alone coming to his defense. "You're a friggin prince, start acting like one, rather than the overgrown spoilt brat you display now" finished the midnight haired princess, quickly noticing how Alexander looked down upon her, although he didn't say anything in response, instead he just held his cheek, as he attempted to forget the words she'd just thrown at him., the words that cut into his fragile ego.

"Come on Echo. I think its time for your trip home" calmly spoke Finnick, although trying to hide his amusement. He knew Echo could be feisty at times, Wyatt had warned of it, plus she had displayed it on several occasions. Valentine had fallen victim to it before, although he had admitted he had likely deserved it. Echo on the other hand looked confused. She hadn't been back home, since leaving for Grisha months before hand, although she had expressed she wanted to visit her father, maybe even visit a few places she had once loved to go, before life had thrown the ultimate supernatural curve ball her way.

"Still think she would be easy to hand?" asked Lucian with a grin appearing on his lips, Alexander looked around, his focus once again landing on Morgana, whom didn't pay him any attention, although he did witness her trading something with Credence, it being evidently clear the two had some kind of wager going. Morgana grinned in thanks to Credence, where as the Prince of Pride seemed almost stunned he'd lost to the Shade Princess. "Like it or not Mira is the Morcarian's Midnight Star. She's one of them, regardless of your views and opinion of them" commented the Prince of Envy, finding it almost ironic, the gods really were messing with Alexander. The Prince of Greed hated Shades and Morcarians alike, he tooted he had the perfect princess in Mira. Now that same princess was revealed to have Morcarian heritage, she was destined to bring Alexander's fear of the Druids returning true.

"I'll be honest. I'd pay good money to see Alexander attempt to handle either Echo or Evie" commented Morgan, already she could imagine Alexander struggling to convince them of his ways, or even attempt to control them as he had with Mira. "Or any of the remaining princesses for that matter" added the Shade Princess, knowing well, each of them were strong minded and had little trouble with voicing their thoughts. Although some were a little gentler with delivery than others. For sure Morgana knew, Alexander wouldn't have been able to force the bonding on either of them, as he had with Mira.

"Didn't you bond with Mira?" asked Credence, recalling only Echo and Mira had the bond with their prince, before the attack on Erised. He himself had bonded with Evie following the attack and her being healed. Daryl had also bonded with Katherine after the attack, as had Alden, at Maggie's own request. It hadn't gone unnoticed just how weak Alexander's bond with Mira truly was, especially compared to others. Credence could sense Evie, he could find her with little hassle, as some of the others could. Finnick could literally see through Echo's eyes if needed, several times had the Prince of Wrath mentioned feeling like something pulled him towards Echo.

Yet Alexander's bond seemed far weaker, despite his searches he hadn't been able to find her, nor even sense her. Instead it appeared as if his cruel habit of marking all mundane women to enter his kingdom, was coming back to bite him. Not that Alexander would ever admit that, instead he blamed it on his hatred for Morcarians and Shades alike. That and he was questioning if he truly knew Mira, and if what he was felt was real, or just a spell she had somehow managed to cast upon him.