
Shadow And Fire

The Mark of Kane burns again, as the Princes of Grisha arrive to collect on a deal made long ago. Step into Grisha for a journey filled with adventure, discovery, love, friendship and betrayal. Follow as heroes on opposing sides come together to bring peace emits a broken Grisha.

EchoBlack · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Part 6 - Princess of Erised

Erised Castle seemed void of all life, as quiet as the royal tombs located at the High Palace. Prince Finnick had taken to training Echo in the ways of a warrior, being certain his midnight haired princess could handle almost anything thrown at her. Yet none the less he had found more motivation to train her after the incident weeks prior, as well as the unforeseen attack at the portal. At this moment The Prince of War, stood in the middle of one of the training fields, wooden targets with arrows protruding from them stood just out of his sight, bows and arrows had been neatly placed near the targets counterpart, all been forgotten in favor of the well crafted swords.

Finnick stood in the grassy field, a smirk upon his lips as he lent against his silver sword, patiently waiting for Echo to swing her own blade at him. The dark haired Prince of War, observing her carefully, as if to try and predict what her next move would be. Almost willing her to attack, yet she remained in her current position. Sat peacefully in the field a few feet from him, her eyes closed as she listened to the water rush over the rocks of the waterfall not far from their position, as she listened to the breeze rustling through the thick foliage of Arathorn Forest. Finnick knew she was taking advantage of the bound they shared, yet he didn't mind, knowing it would help with her future transition to a vampire.

Without warning or a second thought, the midnight haired princess, quickly got to her feet, picking up her blunt training sword and swinging it towards Finnick, a victorious grin appearing on her pale lips to see his apparent shock, finally she'd caught him by surprise. Echo quickly pulled away only to swing her sword again, although Finnick had quickly dodged and stepped back, holding his own silver polished blade up in response. His sea blue eyes alight with pride to see how far she had come with her training, she was a capable warrior now, even if she didn't realize it. Finnick gently dueled with his princess, his prideful smile remaining in place, even more so when she countered moves she'd previously been caught with. Yet soon enough he was able to disarm her, the dull blade she held falling the grassy land, as Echo shook her arms, in an attempt to fight away the trembles running through them. Yet none the less she reached down to retrieve the dull blade she'd been using.

"The sword belongs to the ground now" commented Finnick as he placed his booted foot on the training sword, his own silver sword finding it was to her chin, leading her to look to him rather than the ground. Echo only grinned with mischief, her silver eyes alight with determination, perhaps more than normal. "If this were a real battle, your enemy wouldn't hesitate to kill you if you dropped your weapon, thrust it would belong to the ground" voice the Prince of War, recalling the many battles he'd fought in over his centuries long life, although he was the youngest of the royal line, his father had ensured he was the greatest warrior Grisha had ever seen.

"But we're not battle and you aren't my enemy so..." spoke Echo as she got to her feet, her grin only getting wider as she looked directly at the Prince of War, curious if he could predict what she was going to do. Without another word the silver eyed princess, all but threw herself at the Prince she was destined to spend an eternity with, knocking him off his feet. "I can reclaim the sword as my own" added the youngest princess, reaching over to retrieve her sword again. Hearing chuckles from just ahead seeing Finnick's best friends stood there, both seemingly enjoying the show and Finnick finally be out smarted.

"Sorry to interrupt Finnick, Wyatt and the council members are here" calmly spoke AJ, his dark hair tied up in a way considered to be neat. Most knew the council were likely visiting to commence their investigation and likely speak their judgement on Finnick's recent actions. There was no doubt in anyone's mind the Prince of War would face some sort of punishment, after all he'd brutally killed Joaquin, the king's personal assistant's son. An act like that wouldn't go unpunished no matter the reasoning behind it. Finnick quickly stood to his feet, nodding in acknowledgement, although not speaking a word on the matter, instead his attention returned to Echo, to which he held a hand out to her, offering to escort her back to the main town of his little rustic kingdom.

"The other princesses have also come to visit, with your brothers. Although I think Evie got here before Credence" informed Balor, his icy eyes seemed brighter than normal, yet none the less he offered a bow of respect to both Echo and Finnick, much like AJ had done moments before hand. Finnick on the other hand seemed intrigued by the appearance of the other women with the title of Princess, especially over Mira. She'd had refused to visit all the other kingdoms before, simply stating she was happier in Heiress and didn't want to bond with the other women. Although Mira hadn't stated it, it was clear she seen the other Princesses as below her, maybe she seen some of the princes in the same light.

"I'm starting to think Evie enjoys being here more than Daro" responded Finnick, although he also acknowledged Evie's reasoning for visiting so often wasn't for the scenery or the peacefulness, but to see Echo. Through the constant visits, Finnick himself had built up quite the friendship with the petite brunette, to the point she had become comfortable responding back to his comments with her own sarcastic ones, or ribbing him on the odd occasion. "Balor if you'd escort our Princess Echo to the other princesses, I would be grateful" spoke Finnick, kindness and respect running through his smooth voice, as the group of four parted ways, AJ and Finnick following the cobbled road heading to the castle, where as Balor and Echo going the opposite way heading to the small town. Finnick placing a gentle kiss on Echo's cheek before leaving her in the care of the trusted Balor.

"What will happen, if the council find Finn guilty for the murderous crime?" asked Echo, turning to Balor. Although the warrior seemed taken a back by the question, he understood the concern. Even more so when the princess was well aware Finnick had only killed Joaquin to protect her, although by doing so he'd set an example for others, whom dared to try the same thing. "I still don't understand what offense Finn committed" commented the silver eyed princess, stating she understood what Finnick had done was wrong, however she failed to see how, although she had since suspected it was likely something to do with the blood status of the other vampire.

"Its unlikely he'd be found guilty of the premeditated crime Princess. The council are aware Finn killed Joaquin for attacking you. They will take that, his sin and his bond to you into consideration before making a judgement. As for punishment, its likely to be something King Kane thinks of. Likely princely duties since Finn hates them so much" explained Balor, carefully moving one of her braids from her face, as if to ensure her true beauty would shine. "Not to worry Princess, I'm certain all will sort itself out. For now I believe some of the other princesses require your attention" added the great warrior, motioning to some of the other princesses around the waterfall. Quickly he noticed the first Princess Mira, wasn't there. Likely hiding away in an attempt to avoid the others as best she could. Balor soon taking his duty as Echo's protector seriously, as he did every time the young princess went anywhere outside the palace without Finnick.

Elsewhere, upon arrival at Erised Castle, Finnick and AJ were quick to notice Mira in the throne room, all but staring at the tree to grown between the two thrones. Her hazel eyes locked on the sparkling crystal embedded in the trunk of the tree, almost as if she feared it more than anything else she had thrust far seen. Above the bottle redhead princess, stood each of the remaining princes, Alexander with smugness as always, likely wishing to see each of his brothers fall, as was normal for the first prince. Next to Alexander stood the three council members, Brandon's attention on Mira below him, as if he'd sensed her fear of the Black Heart Crystal embedded and growing in the tree. Where as Wyatt's attention appeared to be on the small town a short walk from the castle. Marcus on the other hand, simply motioned to Finnick, clearly displaying he had the lead in the impending investigation.

Without a single word being spoken each council member and the Princes filed into one of the vacant rooms, although it was large, it seemed small with all of them taking up residence there. Bray simply waved his hand to turn the seemingly abandoned and forgotten room, into something more fitting. The dusty old round table became almost diamond like, with enough chairs around it to accommodate all those present. Each of the chairs meant for the princes, having their crest carved into the back.

Mira was about to climb the wooden staircase to the side of the thrones, in the hopes of entering the room. Wishing for nothing more than to feel important and cast her judgement on the Prince of Wrath. Although her plans were soon halted by AJ, whom simply reached for her, shaking his head, wordlessly telling her she had no place in the council chamber, nor would she be granted her desire to be there. Something the other princesses had already accepted with little hesitation.

"The other princesses are in the town a short walk away. Perhaps you'd like to join them" spoke the warrior and close friend of Prince Finnick, attempting to stir the younger woman in the direction of the other women. Reluctantly Mira nodded, all but stomping off in the direction AJ pointed too, moving her loose bottle red locks out of her face with frustration, sparing the council chamber one last look before turning her attention to the rustic town. Upon reaching the town, Mira grinned with victorious pride, instantly comparing herself to the other women there, counting seven and a young boy. Instantly Mira believed she was the only one worthy of the title princess and thrust became even more confident in her hopes of becoming the next queen of the vampire kingdoms.

"You must be Mira. Alexander doesn't stop talking about you" spoke the purple eyed woman, Mira looked at the thin elegant woman with disgust quickly recognizing her as a Shade. Her purple eyes, thin frame and point ears giving it away. Alexander had taught her about Shades and Morcarians, how Morcarians were the enemy of vampires and seek to destroy them with magic, where as Shades were nothing more than an abomination, worth nothing more than to be slaves. "I'm Morgana, King Kane's daughter" spoke the elegant Shade, introducing herself to the other princess, seeing how she seemed surprised by the admission. As if the bottle redhead had expected the true born princess to be more vampire like or just like her brothers.

"Unfortunately, Mira here has been under Alexander's influence. She hasn't quite twigged Heiress is the only place where Shades and Morcarians are slaves and enemies" spoke AJ, knowing every other kingdom was far different from Heiress. The other six kingdoms had no slavery, Morcarians and Shades were free and had as much rights as vampires, in some cases more rights. Morgana didn't say another word on the subject, merely offering a nod in response, becoming more protective of her young teen apprentice Odie, suspecting Mira would offering the young shade, the same judgement she bestowed on everyone else around her.

"Erised isn't what I expected it to be" started Mira, once again brushing her bottle red hair to the side, as if to grant the other women and quiet warriors the gift of seeing her judgmental hazel eyes. Yet as she spoke an ire of entitlement appeared in her voice, as she believed she was above everyone else, regardless of their status as royalty. "I was told this place was unique compared to the other kingdoms. I expected it to be grander, tall towers of diamonds and gold, the finest things wherever the eyes can look. Riches only a few can afford. But instead I find a boring set of villages sitting on the river side boarding on an old, forgotten forest no one cares for" quickly added the bottle redhead, while she had the attention of the others.

"Sorry to disappoint you Lady Mira, but the uniqueness this boring kingdom has, is it peacefulness despite being so close to the Shadow Lands and Morcarian Territories" spoke Balor from his spot behind Echo and Evie. Almost instantly he could tell he offended her by not calling her by the title of Princess, it being clear Mira hadn't read about the differences and culture in each kingdom and thrust fooled herself into thinking she would be called Princess wherever she went.

"That's Princess Mira to you" harshly corrected Mira, quickly noticing the way the other princesses including Morgana looked to each other, the same shared expression. Balor on the other hand, merely shook his head, suggesting to Mira, she was in the wrong, despite the clear delusion she was under in believing she was always in the right. "I'm one of the seven princesses, my title is Princess in EVERY kingdom" added the bottle redhead, adding emphasis to every. Ensure the warrior knew of her belief she was in the right.

"You're a princess when at the High Palace and in Heiress" started Balor, his Irish ascent thick as he stepped from behind the youngest two princesses. Being sure to break the illusion he was hiding behind them, rather than being Echo's loyal protector. "You're in Erised now, only Echo and Morgana have the title of Princess here, the rest have to make do with respected Lady" finished the great warrior, making it clear even the other five women from the mundane world, had the title of Lady while in Erised, something neither of them had any issue with. Instead each of them had done their own bit of reading to find out about the other kingdoms, in the hopes of understanding the cultures of the Vampire Kingdoms. Something that was becoming evidently clear Mira hadn't done, instead assuming she could easily impose her will on everyone around her, ignoring the unique culture each kingdom had, even treating others poorly if it suited her.

"I assure you, when MY prince Alexander, becomes king. I will be the only queen" retorted Mira, as if she had been fooled into believing the way the kings were selected was just like home. The first born child of a ruling monarch, once again proving she hadn't bothered with learning about the world she would be calling home for the rest of her life. Balor merely looked to AJ, before returning his attention to Echo. Quickly the warrior realized it was pointless to argue with someone so naive to the truth, so blind to anything outside of her own fantasies and wants.

"Lady Mira, the next king isn't chosen. By King Kane's ruling. The next king will be the partner of the princess chosen to be queen" explained AJ, thrust revealing what the other princes had likely already informed their respected princess of. The next ruling monarchs would be decided by the council, and the seemingly ordinary women would be the ones in the line up, rather than the king's sons. Mira on the other hand, snapped her head around quickly to look at AJ. Almost as if to confirm she'd heard him right. Alexander wouldn't be judged on whether he would be fit to rule, she would be. As would the other women whom had been brought to Grisha under the Seven Princesses prophecy. In the seconds to follow, Mira seemed to have realized her previous actions wouldn't been seen as queenly, but rather displayed the spoilt brat she so often tried to claim she wasn't.

It only took Mira seconds to return her line of sight to the other women, she'd come to Grisha with. Looking each one up and down, judging them and making a note of everything she seen as a flaw. Judging them on their choice of clothing and fashion sense, on the jewels they wore. Instantly she felt like she could pick faults with Katherine and Jessica's dresses, they were too simple in design and resembled something common women would wear in Heiress. Mercedes choice in jewelry didn't emphasize she was a princess, instead they were just simple peaces Brandon had packed in her bag of mementos from home. Maggie didn't seem to realize she was a princess, only the hand made tiara woven thrown her mid length sandy hair, gave any inclination to her status. Evie on the other hand, Mira could make an entire list of her faults and flaws, all Mira deemed as needed to be corrected before she'd been considered worthy of the title Queen.

Echo was a different story, she wore no tiara to symbolize her status as Princess, nor did she dress as one. Instead she worse black leather trousers, knee high flat boots, and a loose fitting tunic. The only jewelry she wore was a simple pentagram necklace and black and silver cuff bracelet. Around her waist was a sword sheath, although void of all weapons. It was obvious the youngest princess, hadn't been doing the assigned princess training, as Mira had, but instead something else entirely.

"I see you've not being doing the Princess training assigned to each of us" commented Mira, making a point to stare at Echo, whom didn't seem fazed by the comment. The youngest princess however seemed a little confused by mention of princess training, clearly showing she hadn't heard of it, or received any instructions under the title. The other princesses on the other hand, seemed to realize the younger woman had been given something else to do, clearly displaying Kane had heeded the advice given by Wyatt and Brandon, and catered any training to the princess in question.

"I don't have princess training. At the request Wyatt, I was assigned warrior training instead. More my style" responded Echo, with calmness. Admitting the so called princess training was never ever suggested for her, instead Wyatt had stepped in and ensured the training she received was more fitting for whom she wanted to be, and the kingdom in which the silver eyed woman resided in. "I don't want to be queen Mira, it took convincing from Finn, AJ and Balor here, to accept the princess title. I'd rather defend Grisha than rule it" admitted the younger woman, revealing a truth, the small kingdom of Erised already knew. Mira on the other hand look taken a back at first, but soon smugly smiled, as if she'd just received the greatest news. The one she considered her biggest rival, didn't want to be queen, thrust likely wasn't even in the running.