
Shadow And Fire

The Mark of Kane burns again, as the Princes of Grisha arrive to collect on a deal made long ago. Step into Grisha for a journey filled with adventure, discovery, love, friendship and betrayal. Follow as heroes on opposing sides come together to bring peace emits a broken Grisha.

EchoBlack · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Part 3 - Through The Looking Glass

The journey to the mysterious Tudor mansion in the countryside had been filled with deafening silence. Finnick and Lucian had chosen to sit close to each other in the hired limousine, but neither uttered a word to the other. Instead, both tried to think of a way to explain everything else to the two women accompanying them. Echo Rovia and Evie Devitt. The two women seemingly distracted. Echo focusing on keeping herself calm, she hated car rides, even more so when they traveled at high speeds. Evie on the other hand, thought over everything. Nothing she'd been told made any sense to her, yet something deep down inside told her there was truth to it. Her attention remained on the scenery all seeming to blend in a blur, as they left the city and entered the quiet countryside.

"How do we get to Grisha?" asked Evie, her voice just loud enough for the two Grishan Princes to hear her words. Even Echo had turned her attention to the smaller brunette, as if she too had wondered but not found the confidence to word the question out loud. Lucian and Finnick looked to each other, as if debating whom should be the one to tell the pair, or if they should even answer the question. Lucian being all to aware the remaining five women whom Valentine was currently watching over, were also unaware of how they would get to Grisha.

"We'll answer that when we get back to the mansion. Better to explain to all seven at once" casually replied Lucian, watching as Echo merely nodded in confirmation, whereas Evie seemed to realize, she and Echo were the last two to be retrieved. "We'll leave for Grisha once you two have changed" absent minded added the fourth prince. He suspected Brandon would have already retrieved several items from each of residence, if only so each had a reminder of home. Although it wouldn't be much, a few pictures, jewelry and maybe a few pieces of clothes.

The car ride didn't last too much longer. When the limousine come to a stop at their destination. Echo was the first to exit the polished black vehicle, a sigh of relief escaping her as she did so. Evie followed behind her, her attention fully on the large Tudor mansion before her, it was beautiful, full of history, or at least Evie imagined it to be so. As if by magic the front doors to mansion opened on their own when Lucian and Finnick got close enough. Inside the large foyer waited Valentine, a soft aura about him, as his attention diverted from his younger brothers to the final two women, they'd been sent to collect.

"Welcome Lady Devitt and Lady Rovia" politely voiced Valentine, speaking as if he was from another time. Yet none the less he welcomed both women with kindness, directing both towards the grand staircase, gently he gave them instructions to find the rooms prepared for them. All three princes watching the two women ascend the stairs and disappear down a hallway before their attention turned to the portal, all of them would soon be going through. Valentine soon shook his head and looked back to the stairs upon hearing the unmistakable voice of Mira Leaver. The oldest of the seven women, once again yelling about something and complaining she wasn't the only special one.

"Mira Leaver" commented Lucian, as if to clue Finnick in on whom they could hear. "She's from a wealthy family, doesn't seem to care about anything if she's the center of attention. Apparently, she's not a fan of sharing the spotlight" explained the fourth prince, watching as Finnick flinched when hearing her yell out again, almost as if her voice was equal to bones crunching together and nails going down a chalk board. Finnick soon returned to the living room, as if to inspect the mirror and ensure the portal was still safe to travel through.

"Ladies" spoke Valentine, upon each of the women appearing near the top of the grand staircase. The wood and golden iron blending well together. Mira at the head of the entourage of women, as if she was a queen and they her ladies in waiting. "I regret to inform you, its time for us to leave for Grisha" softly continued to third prince, as if they were the most fragile and would break at the slightest touch. Mira confidently walked down the stairs, swaying her hips as she went, when she reached the bottom she walked right past Valentine, as if he was somehow beneath her, instead she walked towards the front door as if expecting another limousine to be waiting for them. Ready to take them to a private jet of some sort.

The remaining six women carefully made their way down the stairs, each having suspected the remained of their journey, wouldn't be so mundane. Upon reaching the bottom Valentine silently directed them to the living room, where Finnick and Lucian waited with as much patients as they could muster. Upon ensuring the six were in the spacious room, Valentine followed after Mira, leading her back inside the mansion with ease.

"The portal awaits" calmly spoke Lucian, his voice clear and confident as his attention returned to the large golden trimmed mirror. "Right …" stated the fourth prince as if just realizing, neither of them had explained Grisha wasn't actually apart of the mortal world but was a part of something else entirely. "Grisha is more commonly known to the mortal world as hell" quickly proceed Lucian, as if hoping by speaking quick enough, the innocent women before him, would miss the words he spoke and not ask further questions.

"Sorry did you just say Grisha is basically hell?" asked Jessica, her emerald eyes begging to be told this was a joke of some kind. Valentine looked to Lucian, as if questioning why he'd made things more difficult, where as Finnick merely rolled his eyes, as if already bored of the conversation and wanting to return home. The blonde soon looked between the other women, quickly identifying Mira believed this was all a joke of some kind, whereas the others seemed just as confused and concerned as she did.

"Mortals got a little creative with the description" voice Valentine, noticing quickly Finnick had gone quiet, as if he found amusement in the situation. "Grisha is nothing like the hell described in the many texts. You'll see when you get there" explained the third prince, unsure how to word what Grisha was truly like. He'd concluded the seven women had to see the world for themselves to believe anything he said. Finnick soon stepped up to the mirror, tapping the center of it, watching as the others did, when a ripple effect happened.

"It will feel like you've doused with cold water when you walk through" spoke Finnick, speaking up for the first time since entering the mansion. His words more of a warning of what was to come, even more so when the mortal women would feel it more than he or his brothers. Lucian was the first to enter through the portal, as if to prove there was no danger by doing so. One by one Valentine sent the women through, starting with Katherine. Jessica followed her, then Mercedes. Valentine walked through the portal with Maggie upon noticing how anxious she'd become. Echo and Evie followed, with Mira all but stomping through seconds later, almost screaming out when the cold watery feeling hit her. Finnick casually walked through last, as if he'd just stepped through a normal doorway.

The sight to greet the group of women, wasn't what they were expecting. The common notion of Grisha being hell, the women expected to walk into fire lit caves, filled with the tormented screams of the damned. Instead, they were met with something else entire. Clear open water as far as the eye could see. The little island the stood on filled with birds singing and lush trees. In the distance another bigger island, the outline of a palace with it. On the white sandy beach waited a wooden boat, large enough for all of them to fit comfortably. A canopy had been built to offer them shade from the two suns above.

"Finnick" yelled Lucian upon noticing something from the corner of his eye. A hoard of elf like warriors, all armed and prepared for a fight. Finnick quickly spun around, his black bladed sword drawn, ready to fight off the trained warriors. Valentine and Lucian quickly but carefully ushering the seven women into the boat, if only so they were safe from the attacking warriors. From his position near the boat, Lucian threw a knife, previously attached to his belt at one of the warriors. Preventing the elf like man from attack his younger brother from behind.

"Finnick, we have to go now" called Valentine, not wishing to put the women in danger any further. The eldest of the three princes ducked when a morgal arrow flew towards him. Quickly he killed the elf like warrior to fire it at him. In his adrenaline fueled state, he hadn't heard one of the mortal women scream out in pain. Each prince was only brought back to the present when a wolf could be howling in the distance. The howl seemingly scaring the elf like warriors away, back into the lush forest they had crept from.

"She's been hit" spoke Finnick, his attention solely on the silver eyed woman. A black feathered arrow protruding from the back of her left shoulder. Upon the three princes entering the boat, it began to move on its own, offering relief to those who feared the elf like warriors would return. Without a second thought Finnick grabbed hold of the poison arrow, pulling it out quickly. Each prince knowing the longer the arrow stayed embedded in Echo's shoulder the quicker the poison would work.

"What were they?" asked Evie, hold the hand of her best friend, running a hand through her midnight hair in an effort to sooth her. Although she had quickly realized Echo was burning up. "Is there anything to ease her pain" asked the petite brunette, not wishing to see Echo suffer, just as it was becoming obvious the princes didn't want to see it either. Valentine carefully moved over to the pair, pulling a vial of bright blue liquid from a pouch on his belt, carefully he allowed a few drops to fall onto Echo's wound.

"They were Morcarian Warriors" stated Lucian as Finnick moved to take Valentine's place at Evie and Echo's side. The youngest prince, being somewhat of an expert in Morgal poison. He knew the healers of the High Palace could save her life, if they got there fast enough. The other option was one he feared, as it would mean putting her through worse pain than the poison. "Morcarians are one of three main species to live here in Grisha. Normally they stay to their own territories, they normally avoid confrontations with vampires" explained the fourth prince, quickly noticing how out of place the attack was. Morcarians never travel that far out of their own lands, nor had they attack a vampire in centuries.

"They're looking for their Midnight Star" spoke Valentine, recalling hearing the whispers. All Morcarians knew about the prophecy of the Midnight Star, the return of the king or queen and their magic. "They seek to restore their connection to magic" half-heatedly spoke the third prince, an ire of sadness to his voice, as he recalled what would happen if the magic faded from Grisha. He knew Morcarians would cease to exist as would half the Shade population. If they cease to exist then it would mean he would lose his younger sister Morgana and, the council will lose its most valued member in Wyatt.

"So, there's magic here?" questioned Mira, as if ignoring what was going on towards the back of the boat. Her hazel eyes sparkling with curiosity, yet she looked around the boat, as if just noticing no one was rowing. Instead, it effortlessly moved towards the large island on its own. The closer they got to the island, the more each realized the castle was surrounded by a magically dome, a large silver leaved tree also grew on the grounds, seemingly shimmering in the sunlight. "Who lives in there?" asked Mira, feeling small compared the daunting medieval castle looming over the boat. Mira looked to the large castle with wonder, her imagination running wild, and she thought about one day, living within its walls.

"Our father King Kane and his three council members" responded Lucian, not bothering to look up to the castle, instead his focus on the approaching docks. He knew if he looked to the castle, he'd called home centuries prior, the feelings of abandonment he'd tried so hard to bury would once again return. "Our father rules over the vampire kingdoms from here, although he rarely leaves the island" added the fourth prince, moving some of his thick brunette hair back over his shoulder, as if to prevent it tickling his neck again. "Finnick take her to the healers, waste no time. Me and Valentine will get the others settled" declared Lucian, his voice filled with authority. Finnick simply nodded with silence, taking his role seriously.

Upon the boat coming to a halt at the old white wooden docks, Finnick noticed his snowy white dire wolf waiting there. Finnick was the first to leave the boat, the wounded Echo in his arms, the fever quickly taking hold. The moment both of his feet hit the white wooden dock, his dire wolf ran for the castle, as Finnick used his vampire speed to get there quicker. The remaining princes offered a helping hand to the six women, opting for a slow walk across the grounds, allowing them to take in the surroundings and sense of peace.

"She was hit with a morgal arrow" spoke Finnick upon arriving in the castle, his voice booming down the normally deathly silent stone halls. Wyatt had appeared within seconds, a healer to his side, as if he anticipated something. The beautiful Morcarian healer wasted little time in following the prince to guest chambers, directing him even on where to go. Upon Finnick placing Echo gently on the queen size bed, he stood back and allowed the healer to use her magic, he wished not to distract the neon haired woman, so stayed silent.

"The poison has spread" whispered the neon pink haired woman, her large eyes shining with concern. Even more so when she and the prince behind her, knew there was little she could do to prevent the poison reaching Echo's heart. "I can slow it, but it will only be a matter of time before the poison reaches her heart" gently spoke the unnamed woman, moving some of her neon hair behind her pointed ear. Prince Finnick nodded, his attention on the injured woman, his only thoughts being how to save her, he didn't want any of the innocent women to die in such a painful way. His snowy white dire wolf jumped up on the end of the bed, as if to protect Echo from an unseen enemy or further pain.

"Bite her" came the voice of Wyatt, his golden eyes with the normal far away look to them, although with hints of concern now. "It will heal her" continued the council member. A shadow of a smile on his lips as he spoke. Finnick on the other hand looked to him with uncertainty. He knew what Wyatt was suggesting, yet also knew the trials she would face could be far worse than the poison. "Worry not my prince, you'll both emerge stronger than before" softly added the ancient council member, already he knew what the future would hold. Just as the Shade knew what the seventh prince feared, he'd never marked anyone before, never marked anyone as his mate.

"I don't want to turn her" whispered Finnick with concern, fearing by marking her, she'd become a vampire long before she was meant to be. While also showing just how little he knew about the bounding process. Wyatt simply chuckled while placed a hand on the taller prince's shoulder, as if to offer comfort.

"You won't turn her my prince. Marking her will merely bound the two of you. Allowing you to share your abilities with her. She will remain human" reassured Wyatt, nodding slightly when Finnick turned to him, as if to find reassurance. With a little more encouragement, Finnick carefully climbed onto the plush bed, finding a comfortable position, before pulling the weak and pale Echo into himself. Once she lay against his chest, he gently moved her midnight hair from her neck, moving her head to expose her neck. As his eyes shone electric blue, he sunk his fangs into the side of her neck. Feeling a spark of electricity as he did so.

Elsewhere in the large medieval castle, the six remaining princesses wondered the halls and grounds. Brandon had appeared alongside Marcus, as if to help them. Brandon had calmly walked Evie to the large library, answering her questions on the way. With kindness he'd found some books to settle her growing curiosity. Marcus on the other hand had walked with Katherine and Jessica, like Brandon answering questions the pair may have. Being gentle when speaking of the royal family. To the surprise of many King Kane had also welcomed the six remaining woman, greeting them as if they royalty coming from a far away kingdom.

Mira had simply scoffed and walked off on her own to explore, quickly finding the art gallery. Almost instantly she found herself wanting to be up on the wall with other respected and historical figures. An almost soft grin come to her lips upon seeing the portraits of the seven princes as children, each of them depicted with a mischievous or playful grin. Behind each prince was a symbol, as if it was their crest. Next to the princes as children was another portrait of a child, this one of a young girl. Her pointed ears poked through her black long-braided hair, her large eyes lavender colored.

Mira wondered whom the girl was, noticing she too had a symbol painted in the background of her portrait. Only after a closer look did the bottle redhead notice a gold plaque with black calligraphy. The plaque under the portrait of the girl reading Princess Morgana aged 10.

Kane on the other hand had walked with Maggie and Mercedes through the castle gardens, speaking to them with respect, as if they were the children of old friends. Upon reaching the shimmering silver leaved tree, he spoke to them about their future in Grisha. Giving them his word, upon the night of their wedding, the parent in the magical coma would be return to them. Just as he explained other things in more detail, such as their future as not only vampires but also royalty. Even the prospect one of them would one day be queen.

"When Echo has healed, each of you will be sent to one of the seven kingdoms. My sons will personally escort you there" announced Kane, knowing it had already been decided which of the women would be going where. Something he knew his late wife had decided centuries ago upon creating the seven-princesses prophecy.

"Can you tell us please?" asked Maggie, wishing only to know which of the princes, she was destined to spend an eternity with. Kane simply nodded to her request, an ire of kindness about him, almost as if he had expected the question to come up sooner or later.

"Mira will be going to Heiress with Alexander, Katherine with Daryl to Lilidine. Jessica is to go to Black Wall with Valentine. You Mercedes will be with Lucian in Dale, Maggie, you are to go to Thorn with Alden. Evie will be with Credence in Daro, where as Echo will be going to Erised with Finnick" calmly responded the king. "All of you will hold the title of Princess from now on. Be aware my sons each embody one of the deadly sins, my gentle daughter embodies the most powerful form of magic" divulged Kane, informing the two women of a truth few knew of.

"Love" spoke Maggie, a smile on her lips to know what the born princess would represent. Kane simply nodded. Already gathering the two women would spend their time working out which sin, each of his sons embodied and which their own prince was supposed to represent. Kane soon stood, offering a bow to the two women before taking his leave, in the hopes of finding Mira and giving her the same information. The king already sure, Wyatt would give Echo the necessary information when she woke.