
Shadow And Fire

The Mark of Kane burns again, as the Princes of Grisha arrive to collect on a deal made long ago. Step into Grisha for a journey filled with adventure, discovery, love, friendship and betrayal. Follow as heroes on opposing sides come together to bring peace emits a broken Grisha.

EchoBlack · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Part 10 - Rumors and Spectulation

"The showing ceremony" repeated Mira, recalling the last one she'd taken part in, at Alexander's insistence, even now it still sent shivers down her spine. "Its not going to be anything like the last one at Heiress is it?" asked Mira, her judgmental eyes finding Montrix, whom seemed confused, it being clear she didn't understand Vampire customs, or at least not outdated traditions of Heiress. The bottle redhead princess soon recalled what had happened at the showing ceremony in the 1st Vampire Kingdom, Alexander had reassured it was normal and his younger brothers would do a similar thing with their own princess. All it was supposed to be was a simple announcement and subsequent party to celebrate her arrival, instead she had been humiliated by the women whom so often swooned over Alexander. The women whom wanted nothing more than to be in her place and be the woman whom would one day rule at his side. The party hadn't been much better, with others making her the butt of jokes, even when Alexander demanded they stop.

Only when she went to Erised, did Mira find out the other six women hadn't been put through the Showing Ceremony. The idea of such, hadn't even crossed the princes minds, Lucian even stating it was an outdated tradition from ancient Grisha, one their grandmother, Queen Morales had all but outlawed centuries prior. The fourth prince even explaining Alexander knew that, and likely used the ceremony as a way to test Mira's reaction to the many other women the often cruel first prince had marked since being sent to Heiress so long before.

"I doubt it" quietly responded Montrix. Every Morcarian knew about Prince Alexander's cruelty towards others, not even council members or his own siblings were exempt from it. Although most of his hatred was thrown at Morcarian and Shades, his siblings often found themselves on the receiving end of Alexander's personalized hatred and loathsome behavior. "All you will do is place your hand on the silver shimmering tree at Mordikai, if Rami accepts you, then you will receive the power and title of High Seeker and the druids will wake once more" explained Montrix, although leaving out some parts. Such as the Druids waking one by one, in the reverse order to how they fell into the sleep. Just as she failed to mention the question regarding the Earth Druid.

"How many druids are there?" asked Mira, admiring the golden dress she wore, although it was nowhere close to Montrix's extravagant fire like dress, it was close enough. Montrix simply held up her hand, which four long thin fingers held up, each finger decorated with a ring of some kind. It was clear to Mira, there was far more to Montrix than met the eye. No lowly Morcarian maiden would wear the things she did, or have the tribal markings she had scattered across her collar and arms. None the less Mira didn't bother herself with asking, instead she treated Montrix as she treated everyone else, as if she was beneath her and nothing more than a slave to be bossed around. "Who are they are?" asked the bottle redhead princess, her voice almost filled with boredom when asking, as if she asked out of obligation rather than curiosity.

"There's Reeves, the fire druid and my father, Sasha the water druid, Malakai the air druid and one of the longest serving druids, and finally Tara, the Earth Druid. Although I'll admit there is questions regarding Tara" spoke Montrix, offering a soft smile as she admitted she was the daughter of a druid. Yet she didn't speak of the other druids whom had at least one child, yet again Tara came into question. All Morcarians knew about her son, but most also questioned what happened to her second child, although there were rumors, nothing was certain. Mira soon turned to Montrix again, adjusting the tiara upon her head, the one Alexander had given her just after arriving in Heiress, curiosity was getting the better of her, not only did the druids have children but there was also questions regarding one of them. Of course Mira wanted to know more, she wanted to know if she could choose whom the druids were or if she could control what they did. She wanted to know if she was free to do whatever she wanted or if she was still bound by something.

"Questions, what questions?" asked the bottle redhead princess, although she was still getting used to people calling her Midnight Star, she didn't like the burden to come with the title. Or how several wished one of the other princesses had been their future savior and queen. "Whom are the other children of the druids?" demanded Mira, although she did attempt to word it more like a curious question, even when it was clear Montrix had noticed. "I'm going to be the Morcarian Queen after all, its only right I know whom the other important people are" spoke the prophesied Midnight Star, showing Montrix just how little Mira truly knew. It had almost been two and half centuries since the last High Seeker had reigned, times had changed, the Morcarians had been forced to change their ways, to rely on what was around them rather than their failing magic.

"Mella, the daughter of Sasha the water druid. And Orion, the son of Tara the earth druid. Malakai doesn't have any heirs" responded Montrix as she pushed her braided hair over her shoulder again, she knew there were many rumors surrounding two other druid heirs, both of which had never been proven. "They say Princess Morgana is Sasha's second daughter. As for Tara, rumor has it she was with child during the final battle of the Grishan Wars, some say she died on the battlefield, other says she was the last to fall into the long sleep" explained Montrix, showing no one really knew what happened to Tara so long ago, nor what happened to the child she was expecting. Most suspected Tara was alive though, as a new Earth Druid would have been chosen to replace her by now.

"And her child?" asked Mira, taking a seat at one of the two comfortable, silk like arm chairs near the roaring fire. Mira would admit she found the rumors rather juicy. Although the thought of Morgana being the daughter of a Vampire King and Morcarian Druid, truly did scare her. The power she could process alone, was something Mira didn't even want to think about. Even more so when she could recall reading, the title of druid was like a family heirloom. Most of the time the new druid was related to the previous one. Yet at the same time Mira found herself curious about Orion, she'd met Mella, the dimwitted girl whom often seemed so lost in her own bubble. But Orion had yet to make an appearance, surely nothing was more important than herself, the arrival of the Midnight Star and Morcarian Queen.

"Nobody knows what happened to the child, although like always there are rumors and speculation" honestly spoke Montrix, recalling the times she had caught Orion in wonder, about that very question. Out there somewhere, her best friend had a younger sibling, Orion had confirmed his mother had indeed been with child that day, expecting another son. "Some say Kane sent him to the mundane world to live an normal life away from the mayhem. Others say rogue vampire warriors killed him in revenge, a few say King Kane took the boy and raised him as a prince of the vampire kingdoms" revealed the elegant woman, suspecting the second option was nothing more than a made up rumor, invented to scare young children into behaving. No vampire would have gotten away with killing a defenseless child, King Kane would have done a public execution for committing such a crime. Most believed it to be one of the other options, although few shared what they thought with any other. Instead almost everyone hoped one day the truth would be revealed, not only about the boy, but also about Tara fate as well.

"Alexander!" spoke Mira, her voice full of love and surprise to see her prince there. A smile crept upon her lips, even more so when she remembered all the times she had drawn his symbol on the cave wall, hoping he'd feel her calling and find her. Just as the bottle redhead remembered the demands she had made, wanting nothing more than her vampire prince to be there with her. She didn't want to him to find out the truth on what she was from someone else, no she wanted him to be there to see it for himself. To see she wasn't a threat, but the same Mira he had grown fond of, over the months she'd spent in Heiress.

To the surprise of the Morcarians present, and Montrix. Alexander all but ran to Mira, pulling her into his arms, as if a love spell had been placed upon him. He showed no distrust of her, despite knowing she was the Midnight Star. Instead he held her as a loving husband would hold his precious wife after being parted. Mira too acted as if she was a love sick child, pulling Alexander closer to her, as if he would disappear the moment she let go of him. Another Morcarian man soon appeared at Montrix's side, whispering the Pegasuses were ready for the trip to the very top of the Blue Mountains highest peak.

"Come Midnight Star, its time for the journey to begin" calmly spoke Mella, the green eyes elegant woman dressed similar to Montrix, the crystals on the bottom of Mella's dress, appeared like shimmering water in sunlight. Her pink hair braided, with several small water lilies woven through it. Mira looked to Alexander, allowing him to take her hand before the pair followed Mella. Alexander only throwing a look of hatred and resentment over to Montrix, as if he was angered his precious Mira wasn't the best dressed woman, or even the most important woman in the room. None the less Montrix followed the group to where the Pegasuses waited, a smile on her lips to finally see Orion, already mounted on one of the beautiful saddless winged horses, he appeared excited, as if looking forward to visiting Mordikai again, hopeful even to finally get answers to his questions. Although all those answers depended on Rami accepting Mira as High Seeker.

Upon getting on to the winged horses, another Morcarian lead the three Pegasuses from the maze of underground caves, to the emerald green fields in the heart of the Morcarian Territories. A comment about King Kane waiting for them at Mordikai escaping the unnamed warrior's lips, before he gave the command for the white winged horses to fly. With the command the three white winged horses began to run, turning to the cliffs before picking up the pace. Mira squeezed her eyes shut upon noticing the direction, screaming as the Pegasus she and Alexander rode launched off the cliff edge, but instead of falling, the Pegasus elegantly floated through the air, flying towards the fluffy white clouds above. Orion grinned widely from his own Pegasus, his arms outstretched to the side, as he felt the air blow through his hair. Montrix doing a similar thing, as the feeling of freedom washed over her. She blocked out Mira's terrified screams as she yelled about controlling the winged creature she rode on the back of. Alexander doing his best not to look down, unusually quiet as he gripped on to Mira for more support.

Soon enough the tall tops of the Blue Mountains come into view, poking through the clouds. The closer they got, the more both Mira and Alexander noticed a city atop of the mountains, Morcarians wondering around, the shimmering silver tree seeming so out of place so far from the valley ground below. Without warning the three Pegasus began to lower at a fast rate, effortless landing where a group of armor clad warriors awaited, along side King Kane. The vampire king greeting Orion and Montrix, as if they were royalty, he simply nodded over to Mira and Alexander, paying no mind to either for the time being.

"Welcome to Mordikai, Midnight Star" commented Orion, speaking to Mira for the first time, although not introducing himself. Before Mira got the chance to ask his name, the powder blue haired Morcarian disappeared into the crowd, taking Montrix with him. It being clear the two had other things to attend to. After all if the awakening went to plan, then the pair would be reunited with their respective parent again. Mira soon became lost in the beauty of Mordikai, the steps up the side of the mountain, the city over several levels, the caves lit by eternal flames, some of the Morcarian's adorned in sparkling jewels few knew existed. Bridges had been caved over the river buds, as homes and business buildings had been carved from the stone in the side of the mountain. Kane soon walked calmly towards one of the empty buildings, one to have been prepared for Mira's arrival before hand, he admired the work of art the city truly was as he went. Alexander and Mira followed behind quietly, Alexander thinking of all the things he could do with the city, how he could use it as a vacation destination for his own people in Heiress. Upon the three entering the stone cottage, Mira was pleasantly surprised by how light it was, the natural light flooding in from somewhere, although she couldn't pin point where.

"Wait" called Mira, turning her attention to Kane, Alexander stood behind her with a grin only described as wicked and cunning upon his lips. It being clear Mira was up to something and the first prince would do whatever he could to help her achieve her goal or get what she demanded. "If I'm gonna wake the druids and restore magic to the Morcarians then I want something out of it as well. I want reassurances" spoke the bottle redhead, showing her greed and hunger for power. Kane on the other hand didn't move, nor make any attempt to. "I want to make a deal Kane, one where both of us get what we want" added Mira, attempt to barter with the Vampire King, suspecting it would be no easy feat, although she had unbearably confidence, after all her mother had done it years prior. If her mother could do it, then so could she. Plus she was doing something that would benefit Kane and the Morcarians greatly.

"You'd be the High Seeker, the queen of the Morcarians and you'd be able to call upon Rami and the druids. Is that not enough?" asked Kane, recalling when Decidit had reigned as High Seeker. The destruction and misery he'd caused, even now it still pained Kane to remember when Decidit has ordered Crystal's assassination, back then the High Seeker had believed he was untouchable, at least until Kane had gotten a hold of him. He'd tortured Decidit for eight long months, one month for each of his children. During that time, not one rescue attempt was made, almost as the Druids had accepted their fate of the long sleep, and thrust called back any attack or rescue missions. The last battle was at the hands of Reeves and Sasha whom had fallen for one of Decidit's last attempts to manipulate others into one final battle of chaos and destruction.

"I want to be free from the deal my mother made with you. When the druids are awoken, I want her soul back. When all of this is over, I want to be Queen of the Vampire Kingdoms, Alexander as my king. I want absolute power over the other princes and princesses" demanded Mira, making it known she didn't just want to be the Morcarian queen, but also the chosen queen of the vampire kingdoms as well. She wanted power and would stop at nothing to get it. Kane simply looked to his eldest son and the princess chosen for him, pity in his eyes for the Morcarians whom had so much hope for what could be. Especially is Wyatt's visions were anything to go by. All the second Vampire King could do was wonder when his eldest son had turn so cold and heartless, even now he could still remember the loving and excitable boy he'd once been. The boy whom fed the rabbits to roam the grounds of the High Palace, whom read poetry and loved being an elder brother.

"I'll free you from the original deal Mimi made" replied Kane, being more than happy to rip the contract up before the duo. He knew that Mimi would wake in the hospital with no memory of what happened or how she got there. No doubt surrounded by her other children and family members. "I do not have the power to give you control of my remaining children or the princesses, no one is powerful enough to change what the gods have decided. Nor do I have the power to grant your wish of being the first Queen of Grisha" admitted Kane, he knew the path most of them walked now, had been written by the gods thousands of years ago. They were all puppets following a path chosen for them. "The people of Grisha will decide when the time is right to be united again. Only when they decide will it happen, not on the whim of a remorseless child" added the ancient king, shaking away the shiver that threatened to run down his spine. Only now did he seen the similarities between his own father King Lucifer and Mira. It scared him to think there could be another ruler like his father, one so cruel and antagonistic, a true tyrant, far worse than any other given the label before him.

"Then we'll find Letha's Mirror, and free the Creature of Smoke and Fire" announced Alexander, as if the idea was the greatest ever. The fear to shine in Kane's eyes, wasn't to be taken lightly, the king wasn't easily scared. Everyone in Grisha knew of the Shadow Creature, little could match what it had done or its lasting mark on Grishan history. Nobody in the right mind would release it, not after what happened the last time. "We'll willingly bound with it, become unstoppable and rule over all of Grisha that way" added the first Prince, showing he would rather see the Vampire Kingdoms and Morcarian Territories burn than see anyone else besides himself and Mira rule either one. Mira on the other hand said nothing, only looked on in confusion, she'd never heard of this creature before, or of the mirror Alexander mentioned.

"No one in the right mind would release that creature again" commented Kane, at least relieved Alexander didn't have the things needed to release the creature. No one knew where the Mermaid had hidden Arathorn's Sword after his untimely death, just as the Letha's Mirror had been lost to time. Nobody living had seen the mirror, the last recorded sighting of it had been a century before Wyatt had been born. The vampire king soon grinned, the Mermaid would never give over the sword of the man she once loved dearly, nor would the White Tiger allow anyone looking to free the creature roam Arathorn's Forest freely. "I hope Rami sees the truth and rejects your claim. No Savior would wish that creature's plague on anyone friend or foe. The Morcarians deserve better than my father reincarnated" threw the vampire king before making a swift exit. For the sake of Grisha he hope Rami seen the truth and began a new line of High Seekers, started with someone more worthy of the royal title.