
Shades of Fantasy

Ghasi_Pearl · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Marriage Contract

"Dad?" Elana calls as she walks into the building. She had taken a cab straight to his place, as she had previously gone to the party in Lily's car.

The building was as she had always remembered it while growing up, standing tall and large with a huge water fountain in front and a big garden behind it. Flower beds decorated here and there, while the normal 'J' that was carved out with some stunted tress by the gardner stood a little closer to the house and behind the Fountain. It was nothing too big, but it still stood out. There weren't many servants, just a cook, three cleaners that took shifts, a gateman, a gardener and a driver. They were usually changed, so she didn't really know anyone very well.

"In here, cupcake!" His aged voice was heard from the direction of his bedroom, and Elana headed there.

"Little Miss, welcome." Greg the butler greeted. He was a partially stubby, with white greying hair and a little mustache. Greg had been with them from when she was little, he had watched her grow and had to babysit her sometimes, he was proud of the woman she had become.

"Hello Greg," she smiled as she saw him walk towards her from the kitchen. He was like a second Dad to her, as he always ran the house perfectly and never complained about taking care of her. She enjoyed the days she snuck out of the house without her Dad knowing and Greg would always cover up for her. That doesn't mean, he doesn't occasionally scold her when she steps out of line, He was the closest Father figure she had whenever her Dad was out on one business or the other.

"What happened to calling me Elana?" she teased as she knew he refused to, but would only use her name when scolding her. other times, he prefers calling her little Miss.

"Your Dad is in room, Do come have dinner before leaving." He informed, ignoring her occasional question, as he walked in the other direction.

"I missed you too, Greg!" she called after him laughing. Showing his love for her, was not something he was comfortable with and she knew it, but his actions spoke louder than words.

She opened her father's door and as expected, she met him on the couch with two half naked young ladies, probably around her age. When they saw her, they slightly bowed and left the room with bowed heads.

"Dad?" she asked accusingly with narrow eyes at him.

Mr Jones, A brutal man in the business industry, but a loving man at home, sat leisurely on the couch of his bedroom. He was in his black robe, which showed his white haired covered chest with a black short underneath. His hair was usually dyed black to cover up the greying and he had a cigarette stick on his finger. He had black eyes, as Elana had inherited her mother's light brown eyes, His face showed the effect of the tough years he had overcome, but overall he still looked younger and undoubtedly good looking for his age.

"What? I'm not getting any younger but older, I might as well have some fun while at it." He said wiggling his eyebrows at her. "You look pretty, come to Daddy, Princess." He added with open arms.

"But you refused to remarry." Elana stated pushing herself off the wall and walking towards him.

"Nahhh..I don't need no commitment, I'm too old for that." He said making a disgusted face. Elana embraced him and sat beside him, the familiar scent she'd grown comfortable in, filled her nose.

"A partnership, why?" she asked with a raised brow, going straight to business.

"Oh, you've heard." he said taking a drag of his cigarette and puffing out the smoke before continuing. "Yes, I'm Partnering, it was a request from an old friend of mine, and it's with the first gaming company internationally. That reminds me, prepare to attend the meeting we'd be having with them tomorrow."

"Why do I have to attend?, I never meet any of your business clients." Elana complained with furrowed eyebrows.

"This is an exception, and I heard the CEO is a handsome young man like myself, you two could fall in love, who knows." he said with a laugh when she threw him a look.

"What about the new CEO I heard about, are you retiring?" Elana asks, ignoring his statement.

"I've come of age, haven't I? and you wouldn't take full responsibility of your company besides, it comes with the partnership as he'd be the acting CEO. You have been given Westline affairs to handle, and I believe by the time you are done working with him, you would have gotten to know more on how to run a company, and probably get a husband while at it." He said with amusement dancing in his eyes, he knew she hated talking about love and marriage with him, At some point, he swore he thought she was gay.

"Dad!" Elana complained slumping on the couch and folded her arms over her chest in an annoyed manner. "I don't want to handle Westline affairs. I'm perfectly fine staying at the tech department."

"Your saying 'No' has to come to an end eventually, you have to take responsibility of that company one day, and I gave you a stepping stone. You just have to easily learn from him on how to manage a company, before it's handed officially to you, I'm not getting any younger." He reprimanded.

"I will make sure I don't learn anything." Elana murmured annoyingly.

"I may be forced to sign a marriage contract." Mr Jones thought out loud to spite her.

"Fine, I'd do it." she said giving up. "anything but a marriage contract".