
Shades of Fantasy

Ghasi_Pearl · Fantasía
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8 Chs

I still don't like you, though

"I wouldn't mind stealing the second..." he held my gaze and smirked "...the first was a dare anyway."

On an afternoon self study session, the teacher had left the classroom and there was a game being played at the back of the class, which caused the noise that was currently being heard.

"They're playing Truth or Dare, do you want to join? Drake is even playing with them." Lily asked as she sat beside Elana who had her nose buried in her novel. She turned in her seat to look at them, seeing a small group already gathering.

"I think I'll pass." Elana said, leaning back on her desk, with her book.

"Your loss." Lily said as she excitedly went to join them.

The noise went on for sometime, before Drake was dared to kiss a girl in the classroom. He turned to the only girl he had in mind at the moment. She was currently reading a novel and nudged her glasses up her nose in an effortlessly cute way.

He had a crush on her from the first day Lily brought her to introduce to him at their table in the cafeteria. She had complimented his braces and he had just gotten them over the weekend, Unlike Lily that got into fits of laughter when she saw them, she was the first to give him a compliment although through gritted teeth as Lily had to pinch her arm to force her to say something. She was a girl of few words, but only said more when necessary.

Ever since that day, he admired everything she did, even though he wouldn't say it to her face, instead he found every opportunity possible to annoy her.

Looking over at her seat beside the open window, he summoned courage and went to her desk. The others grew quiet as they watched him eagerly, she was the only one who didn't notice what was going on, as she focused on her novel.

He stood in front of her desk and she looked up at him briefly, before returning her attention to her book. He tossed her pencil that was on her desk to the floor, and she looked up again with a raised side of her adjoined brow in questioning. He needed a reaction from her, so he slapped the novel in her hand 'a little too hard', and it landed on the floor with a thud. He winced at how hard he had done it because he didn't mean to hit it that hard, but at least it got her to act up.

Elana stared at her half read novel on the classroom floor as her blood boiled and her anger rose drastically. She stood with a start and was ever ready to hit him to avenge her poor novel. She never knew why he always had to annoy her no matter how much she avoided him and had to keep up with him cause he was Lily's Friend.

Drake saw her stand angrily and raised her hand to hit him, but he caught it and pressed his lips to her's instead. It seemed time slowed down after he had done that, and she froze in shock with eyes as wide as a sauce pan. Drake pulled back cautiously as he watched her, waiting for a surprise hit. Her lips were as soft as he'd imagined, and he smiled satisfied.

Elana had not expected what just happened, and she was frozen in shock. Drake just stole her first kiss? Her hatred for Drake only tripled. Drake's smile wiped off his face, as he shivered from the cold gaze she threw at him and hurried to his seat. The teacher walked in almost immediately and started her lessons.

Lily didn't stop talking about the kiss, as she narrated it like those in the movies, totally ignoring Elana's murderous gaze whenever she brought up the topic. In a matter of Days, she gave up after she had urged Drake to repeat the kiss again and he refused, saying Elana may kill him the next time.

"Would it still be called stealing if you have the owner's consent?" I ask, downing the rest of my glass in one go.

He stood staring at me for sometime, He looked edible under the lights in the room, with a hand in his pocket, and the other holding his wine glass as he furrowed his brows in thought.

I slowly uncrossed and crossed my knees, to promote blood flow and my dress wasn't helping as it went further up. My fair thighs were on full display showing how long my legs were, it didn't miss his eyes as they flickered downwards and back up to my face. 'Oh.. you're also a leg person.' I made the self note.

"I want to kiss you, Elana." he finally said in a low voice that I would have missed if I wasn't waiting for his response.

"Really?" The corners of my lips lift up and I drop my wine glass as he takes a step forward. I had my back to the table, leaning on it with my elbows and he had come close enough. "would you want that?"

He came closer, leaning forward to keep his glass on the table behind me, but he remained there afterwards. I could see specks of gold in his hazel eyes darkened with lust from up close as they bore into mine. His cologne was intoxicating, making me feel the need to go closer. The room got hotter in a matter of seconds and I could feel his heat radiating off him as he towered over me and I felt vulnerable.

"It's been on my mind for sometime now." He replied shifting his eyes to my lips and he licked his. I could feel his warm breath on my lips, from how close we were. 'I think I am loosing my sanity at this point'.

"I bet it has" I whispered, tilting my head backwards to look up at him and bit my lips softly. He leaned in to take my lips and on instinct, I raised my hand to his chest to stop him "I still don't like you though." I stated, to make it clear that all this was probably just sexual tension, but I got distracted on what I felt, it was firm and rock hard. My hand grew a mind of it's own as it roamed around to feel for more, till I heard him chuckle.

"Baby, if you want this, don't stop me." he said in a low and husky voice, clouding my senses.

I uncross my legs, and my hands grab his collar, pulling him down to crash his lips on mine, engulfing me with the sweetness of his mouth. I could still taste the wine on his lips, making me dizzy, I held unto him for support by wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands move to the small of my back, pressing me further into him as he tries to match my speed. I wrap my legs around him, making my dress move up to my waist and his hand moves to my laps. he glides his hands over them, feeling their softness and a low groan sounded at the back of his throat, I shivered from the contact on my delicate skin. He unzips my dress from behind as he pressed his groin down on my exposed undies earning a moan from me. 'I may likely climax if he does that once more' as I already had problems concentrating on undressing. 'I don't mind if he takes me here and now', I thought as I helped myself out of my sleeves, not breaking the heated kiss and my plump breasts come into view.

"Drake, fuck me." I whisper in his ear when we pull apart to catch our breaths, and he swears taking my lips again.

He struggled to unbotton his shirt as it seemed I was a distraction. I helped him out of it and threw it at the far end. I didn't have time to take in the view, as I reached for his pants to unbutton them. He had shifted to leaving hot kisses down my neck, and his palm that hardly covered my breast, cupped them as he caressed it hearing my moan. I undid the zipper to reveal his briefs, I was about to take It off, then I heard my name from a distance.
